Loving Nature with Recycling

Preserving the environment and protecting the universe is not only the responsibility of adults, but also children. Since childhood, children have always been taught to dispose the garbage in its place, but rarely given an understanding of environmental preservation, such as what items can be recycled and how to reduce the use of disposable items.

Armed with that spirit, Tzu Ching Tangerang invited 40 students and 26 Sunday School assistants to the Gereja Santa Perawan Maria Tak Bernoda, Daan Mogot, Tangerang, Banten to do recycling together at the Tzu Chi Environmental Conservation Depo Tangerang on Sunday, June 23, 2019.

A smart person places great emphasis on gain and loss, whereas a wise person is courageous to let go.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -