Humanity Stories

A Historic Day for Assyifa and Tzu Chi Hospital
18 July 2024Assyifa Salsabila Balqis (11), a Beta Thalassemia Major patient, has now received a blood stem cell transplant from her brother, Sultan Muhammad Alfatih (6). After undergoing a complex process, this blood stem cell transplantation was finally performed at Tzu Chi Hospital and was deemed successful.

Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing Anniversary: Thank You, Thank You Tzu Chi
21 June 2024Bliss and gratefulness were surrounding the big family of Tzu Chi Indonesia as Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Cengkareng Housing or better known as Rusun Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi commemorated its 20th anniversary on Monday, 23 August 2023.

During the Inauguration of Tzu Chi Hospital, President Jokowi Stated: "If You're Sick, Just Go to Tzu Chi Hospital"
13 June 2024Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Tzu Chi Hospital located in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, on June 14, 2023. This hospital is under the auspices of the Indonesian Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation.

Relieving Suffering with Compassion and Wisdom
07 June 2024Sukmawati (51), a Tzu Chi volunteer who handled this case from the beginning, was deeply touched by the family's situation when conducting a survey at their home. Despite Maladia's initial reluctance, the volunteer, with love and compassion, slowly opened the door to her heart.

In Memorial of Shuang Ing Shi Jie
12 October 2021When I opened my phone in the morning, in the group there was a message sent by Shu-Juan which read, “A Shijie in Indonesia died of Covid-19. I know this Shijie, I feel really sad.” I was surprised and asked, “Who?” Shu-Juan replied, “Hiu Suang Ing.”

Helping Children Cope with Post-Disaster Trauma
05 October 2021
Tropical Cyclone Seroja Tests Indonesia
04 October 2021A series of disasters, ranging from flash floods, landslides, to tropical cyclone Seroja hit the province of East Nusa Tenggara. Residents affected by the disaster fled and were limping but they persisted in rebuilding their homes. In addition to providing assistance, Tzu Chi stepped in to give motivation in the midst of the difficult situation. No less, the children also got consolation to treat trauma.

Welcoming the Tzu Chi Hospital
10 September 2021Slowly but surely, the magnificent building beside the Jing Si Hall began to take shape. It soars high up to the sky, 23 floors. The walls are applied with brushed stones complete with a roof in the shape of the letter 人 (ren) and surrounded by glass which allows sunlight to freely enter every corner of the room. The outward appearance resembles Jing Si Hall.
Commitment to Master
06 August 2021Like a sailing ship that needs a captain to lead the way towards its goal, Tzu Chi Indonesia also has the leadership figures who guide this social foundation to realize its mission. With Liu Su Mei as chairman, as well as Franky Oesman Widjaja and Sugianto Kusuma as vice chairmen, Tzu Chi Indonesia is moving steadily as it ages. They are entrepreneurs, leaders, and volunteers who actively contribute to spreading the spirit of the teacher, Master Cheng Yen.
Tenacity in a Hope
05 August 2021Where there is a will, there is a way. Anggit's tenacity in studying led her to become a scholar even though economic difficulties often confronted her.
Various benefits of Eco Enzyme
04 August 2021Some of the benefits of this product include floor cleaner liquid, plant fertilizers, dishwashing liquid and many more. The process of the fermentation of the product can be executed at home by using organic waste where most people need to stay home during the pandemic.

A Miracle From Cochlear Implant
03 August 2021How Happy Maya is to be Free of Cataracts
30 July 2021Maya Fauziah’s sadness due to cataracts finally turned into joy after being operated on by a team of doctors from Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Indonesia. Now Maya is able to see well and is no longer ridiculed by her friends. She becomes one of the students who excel at school.
One Year Post The COVID-19 Pandemic
27 July 2021Eversince the pandemic hit globally, all Tzu Chi activities have been adjusted to the Covid-19 health protocol. Definitely it was not easy at the beginning,as Tzu Chi activities always involved a lot of volunteers altogether at once.

A Gift for Engellie
16 June 2017To Engellie, an 11-year-old girl in Jakarta, Indonesia, it is a blessing to go to school and meet friends, not something to be taken for granted.