A Historic Day for Assyifa and Tzu Chi Hospital

Assyifa Salsabila Balqis (11), a Beta Thalassemia Major patient, has now received a blood stem cell transplant from her brother, Sultan Muhammad Alfatih (6). After undergoing a complex process, this blood stem cell transplantation was finally performed at Tzu Chi Hospital and was deemed successful. This was a historic day for both Assyifa and Tzu Chi Hospital, as it paved the way for treating other pediatric patients in the future.


Assyifa Salsabila Balqis, or commonly known as Assyifa, looked cheerful and radianton the Zoom screen with her mother during the press conference announcing her successful stem cell transplantation. At that time, Assyifa was wearing a flower headband, and her bald head did not diminish even an ounce of the beauty of the first child of Dr. Gerry Juliansyah and Kiki Kurnia Dewi.

“Wow, how beautiful! Hello Assyifa,” remarked several press crews while waving their hands at the screen when Assyifa appeared. Assyifa responded with a wide smile.

Everyone was moved when they were able to Assyifa again, considering her long journey to reach this point.

“Actually, for the past two years, I’ve notice that these children, especially Assyifa has been looking increasingly pale. In the terms of her growth and development, it’s quite similar but she is not keeping up with children her age. It’s not very slow, but just a little bit slower. At that time, we hadn’t checked in because we were afraid that the results would turn out to be bad,” explained Gerry.

Despite their worries, Dr. Gerry and his wife brought Assyifa to Bunda Hospital. Then, she was referred to Hermina Hospital Palembang for further examination. “The doctor was already curious since Assyifa’s hemoglobin level from the initial examination was 6 point something. After that, a complete examination was conducted to confirm whether it was indeed Thalassemia. Our whole family was also screened since Thalassemia is an inherited disorder. It was found that her younger sister, Khanza Zahira Zarqa also has Beta Thalassemia Major, while the third child Sultan Muhammad Alfatih has Beta Thalassemia Minor,” Gerry elaborated.

The results devastated Gerry and his wife. He couldn’t bear to accept the reality but tried to appear strong in front of his family. “I tried to support my wife because she was very devastated.”

“I was very shocked when I found out. I truly did not expect this since they have been healthy all this time. They have never fallen ill severe enough to require hospitalization,” said Kiki.

With Gerry’s job to practice medicine in the plantation, Kiki was the one who had to go back and forth to the hospital with Assyifa and Khanza for blood transfusion once every fortnight. In the beginning, it was very difficult. But, as the time goes by, she was able to come to terms with the situation.

Not staying still, Gerry also sought treatment information for his two children. However, considering the high costs involved, he discussed with the volunteers from Tzu Chi Sinar Mas where he worked.

“I also conveyed that I know Tzu Chi prioritizes those who were underprivileged. I also know that I am considered as one. However, the treatment cost for thalassemia is so expensive, it is really beyond my means,” he said, holding back tears.

Fully Understanding How Tzu Chi Works
Since 2018, Dr. Gerry Juliansyah joined Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food. He was placed at PT. Mitrakarya Agroindo, Katayang Estate located in Sahabu Village, Batu Ampar Distric, Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan until October 2023. Subsequently, he was transferred toi PT SMART Tbk, Sungai Cantung Estate in Bangkalan Melayu Village, Kelumpang Hulu District, Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan until now.

Doctor Gerry Juliansyah (center) with Tzu Chi Sinar Mas volunteers welcoming Muhammad Ibrahim and Muhammad Abdullah after their surgery. Gerry was actively involved in various TIMA activities organized by Tzu Chi Sinar Mas.

As a medical professional at the plantation, Dr. Gerry was responsible for ensuring the health of all employees. Additionally, he also provided healthcare service to the communities around the plantation operations. He with other volunteers, often conducted health education for students and assisted in treatments for residents who suffered from cataract or other illnesses.

One of the assistance Dr. Gerry provided was for Muhammad Ibrahim and Muhammad Abdullah. They were conjoined twin who had been connected from the chest to the abdomen since birth.

From the initial survey until the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Public Hospital stated their readiness to perform the separation of the twins, the volunteers welcomed the news with joy and provided comprehensive support. Dr. Gerry also welcomed and escorted Ibrahim and Abdullah back to their hometown after all the physiotherapy processes were declared done by the hospital.

Receiving Extraordinary Blessings
He understood deeply how Tzu Chi supports patients in need. So, when he tried to discuss with other volunteers, he felt uncertain. “Is it okay for me to request for help?” / “Can my child be treated as well?” / “What can I, as a doctor, do for my sick child?”

Amidst his uncertainty, Tzu Chi Sinar Mas asked Gerry to Tzu Chi Hospital. It wasn’t an easy decision, but for the sake of a child’s better future, Tzu Chi Sinar Mas extended assistance to Gerry’s family.

“At that time, Dr. Gerry had a discussion with me about his child’s condition. We had never had experience helping thalassemia patients. However, since Tzu Chi Hospital already has blood stem cell transplant services for thalassemia patients, so we consulted with them. The response was positive. I feel like it was such an opportune timing, therefore we could help Assyifa since she was a 100% full match with her younger brother,” said Dr. Mitha Wulandari, a dentist who represented Tzu Chi Sinar Mas.

Thanks to supports from many parties, Assyifa and Khanza underwent examinations at Tzu Chi Hospital, Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta, which already has blood stem cell transplant services. On November 20-21, 2023, the transplant process was carried out with Assyifa’s younger brother, Sultan Muhammad Alfatih, as the donor. Dr. Chi Cheng Li and 2 nurses from Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital also assisted this transplantation process.

Witnessing the Siblings’ Strength
The nerve-racking moment of Assyifa’s blood stem cell transplantation went so smoothly and touchingly. Every moment of the transplant process was clearly visible from outside the sterile room at the Blood Stem Cell Installation on the 11th floor of Tzu Chi Hospital. There was no dramatic surgery thanks to the technology, advanced medical equipment, and the extraordinary scientific advancements making this process to be much simpler.

This transplant process might seem like blood donation and transfusion process to those who don’t know. However, this process was actually much more complex than it appeared.

Dr. Edi Setiawan Tehuteru (right), introducing Dr. Chi Cheng Li and the nurse who assisted with the stem cell transplantation process at Indonesia Tzu Chi Hospital.

That day was day zero (D-0) for Assyifa. That means from that day onwards it was akin to her being reborn with someone else’s stem cells which were from her brother, Fatih. To celebrate this new chapter in her life, the medical team had prepared colorful balloons and a headband that said “Happy Birthday” to welcome the first drop of stem cells entering Syifa’s body. It was a joyful celebration as everyone sang Happy Birthday, symbolizing a new life for Syifa with her new stem cells.

“Yay! Happy birthday Syifa,” all of the doctors and nurses in and outside the sterile room congratulated while clapping their hands.

Syifa’s sweet smile was visible throughout the transplant process, even though the day before doctors said that she was still struggling with nausea and headaches after chemotherapy. Inside the sterile room, she also heard many encouraging stories of her healing journey, that everyone on the team was giving their best so Syifa also needed to stay strong for the rest of her treatment. That team included her family, her brother Fatih, who also experienced pain during the stem cell harvesting process.

Dr. Edi Setiawan Tehuteru, Sp.A(K), MHA., also informed Syifa that the stem cells hanging on the IV pole and entering her body were taken from Fatih. “These were given from Fatih for you, Syifa,” said Dr. Edi while pointing at Fatih who was outside the room.

Syifa’s gaze immediately turned to Fatih, who was still sitting on the wheelchair. Her eyes conveyed her deep affection and a wide smile bloomed across her face. Syifa’s hands instinctively formed a heart sign. That simple gesture of love seemed to hit the mark properly. “I am so happy to be able to help my sister, but it did hurt a bit,” said Fatih, laughing innocently.

“I once asked Fatih, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” He answered that he wanted to be a super hero. Now, I feel that by helping his sister, he has already become a superhero in my eyes. Assyifa has now received treatment, and we will also fight for Khanza. I hope all of our children can be healthy. That’s my only hope,” Kiki remarked while crying.

It's a Success! Assyifa’s Stem Cell Transplantation was Successfully Completed
The transplantation was deemed a success on the 74th day (Friday, February 2,, 2024) after it was performed. Dr. Edi Setiawan Tehuteru, SP.A(K), MHA, a Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Consultant at Tzu Chi Hospital, explained that the stem cells growing in Assyifa now are 100% from her brother. “This means it’s a success,” he said happily.

Fatih also witnessed the transfusion process for her sister. He and his father and also the nurses encouraged Assyifa and the medical team inside the sterile room.

This happiness was certainly felt by the parents, especially Kiki, who has been accompanying Assyifa since the beginning. “Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah alhamdulilah, I am so grateful to Tzu Chi Indonesia, Tzu Chi Sinar Mas, and Tzu Chi Hospital, also to the medical team whose service was extraordinary,” said Kiki, starting her remarks. “Here, I don’t feel like a patient or a patient’s family, but more like family. I can be open and share my feeling with doctors, nurses, and psychologist. The service here is truly excellent. I am very grateful,” she continued.

Kiki was also very grateful for the extraordinary service from all the competent doctors and nurses. They approached Assyifa very gently, making them all feel at home at Tzu Chi Hospital.

“Thanks to everyone’s help, Assyifa can rise and be healthy again. My hope is for Assyifa to be better than now. May her recovery process go smoothly and my heart goes out to all the thalassemia patients out there,” said Kiki, “once again, I am very, very thankful.”

Being able to leave the hospital after months of treatment made Assyifa happy. She was also grateful to her brother, Fatih, for helping her. “When I grow up, I want to be a hematologist so that I can treat children thalassemia patients like me,” said Assyifa happily.

Journalist and Photographer: Metta Wulandari, Widodo (Tzu Chi Cabang Sinarmas)
Translator: Putri Millenia Hadinata (Tzu Chi Palembang)
An open heart can accommodate the universe; a closed heart can’t even accommodate a drop of water or tiny sand.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -