A Miracle From Cochlear Implant

Masayu Aini Gunawan (11) had lived in solitude for 10 years, because she was born with a deafness disability. By virtue of the supply of a cochlear implant device from Tzu Chi, this beautiful and loving sister can begin to hear and speak.


"A...YU, '' said Rifda Julfiah (31) to her eldest daughter within half a meter.

"A...YU, " Ayu replied. The articulation sounds clear.

"SA...SI, " said her mother again.

"SA...SI, "

"Good... " praised Suryani and Fie Lan, Tzu Chi volunteers, who came to check the condition of Ayu after cochlear implant operation.

On February 19, 2020, Masayu finally had surgery to install a cochlear implant in her left ear at Hospital Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta. A cochlear implant is a hearing aid that is installed in the cochlear, which functions to stimulate the auditory nerve directly and replaces part of the function of the cochlea in capturing and transmitting sound waves to the brain. By the brain, these electrical waves are translated as sound.

Currently, Ayu's mother Rifda, continues to train Ayu's hearing, as well as Ayu's speaking ability.

"I tried my best. It only took me three months to get the words (able to pronounce) the names of her friends, Sasi, Rara, I'm really proud," said Rifda.

"God bless us," said her father, Endra Gunawan (45) with tears in his eyes.

“When I heard the words of her friends’ names. Now I really understand, even three months must be repeated and we must be diligent. So at first I was nervous, why didn't I get it. These implants are expensive, here and there, oh this is how these implants work. It's like starting from zero again," added Rifda.

Although Ayu's pronunciation is not completely clear, Ayu can hear and understand what her mother is saying. The first word that Rifda taught after the implant was Ayu, her own name.

"I kept calling, 'A.. Yu, A.. Yu'. But she still said, 'A..U'. 'Not Au, Ayu'," said Rifda.

Apart from continuing to train Ayu at home, Rifda always goes to the 'Rumah Siput Indonesia' for mapping purposes. Mapping is the process of adjusting the sound received by the implant user, which is carried out periodically to adjust the function of the device in accordance with the development of the user's ability to hear and speak.

"I went back to mapping, 'Sir, this alphabet word 'I', Ayu didn't get it yet, then he adjusted again. The alphabet word 'I' said by 'E', when using hearing aids, Ayu said 'I' was 'E' , so I was still carried away. Even though she wanted to say 'I', but slowly she could say 'I'. After that, it started gradually ``A E I O U, “continued Rifda.

While Rifda brought Ayu for the process of the implant device at the Jakarta RSCM, they went home by taking the Transjakarta bus. Street conditions in Jakarta are always crowded as usual, with noises from the cars’ honks by the drivers.

'MO MM, SO...UND...FFUU...LLL", asked Ayu with a surprised.

"NOT FULL, CROWD" corrected by her mother.

"CRO...WD"  reply Ayu

"THA...NKS...MOM' said Ayu withhold on her mother.
Rifda (the mother) is testing Masayu's listening and speaking skills which are getting better day by day.

Rifda's desperate feeling of struggle to find help for a cochlear implant for Ayu, and finally when Ayu can have the implant is like a blessing feeling of gratitude for her that leads her tears to fall with joy.

The doctor had suggested Ayu use a hearing aid, which is expensive for Ayu's father, who works as a security guard at a building project in Menteng, Central Jakarta. Ayu got help from an institution with the Indonesia Hearing program, but it only can help with two-year installment payments, so Ayu's parents will have to pay for the rest later on by themselves.

Rifda also enrolled Ayu in therapy and also sent her to an exclusive school, Aluna School in South Jakarta. That school is very far from their house and can be reached by train and public transportation.

“When Ayu has not yet got the implants (donated by Tzu Chi), I often cry on the street. Now that sad time is gone. Anyway, I'm happy. The bitter taste is gone," said Rifda, wiping her tears.

Know About Tzu Chi
In 2018, when Ayu was 9 years old, Ayu's hearing condition declined. The doctor also advised Ayu to wear a cochlear implant, which leads to difficulty for Ayu's parents. As the price of a cochlear implant, which is much more expensive than the hearing aid. The price is around 150 million rupiah for one ear only. Rifda had tried to apply for support to an institution, but it was not granted because of the high price.

Actually, since Ayu was four years old, Rifda had heard about Tzu Chi from the DAAI TV program who often helped people who were in trouble, whether afflicted by disasters or those who were sick. Coincidentally, Rifda had a friend who shared the same problem as her and had asked Tzu Chi for assistance in the form of hearing implants, but had not met the requirements so they could not be helped. This is also what makes Rifda hesitate to ask for help at first. But due to Rifda’s love and worry for Ayu’s future, she decided to try to apply for Tzu Chi’s assistance.

On November 3, 2018, Ayu's parents went to the Tzu Chi Volunteer Community Office in Xie Li PGC at the PGC East Jakarta shopping center to apply for cochlear implants support. Rifda was advised by volunteers at PGC, to immediately submit the required documents to the Central He Qi Office at ITC Mangga Dua so that it could be processed immediately.

Seven days later, a team of volunteers from central He Qi, including Suryani and Fie Lan came to their house to do the survey on the condition of this family.
Masayu is accompanied by Rifda to attend an online school.

With Rifda's patience and belief that her child will receive help, all her efforts finally paid off. Ayu's parents were invited to come to the Tzu Chi Indonesia Office at Pantai Indah Kapuk. They met with Charity's staff, to further monitor the situation of this family, also to see the possibility of this implant being successful in Ayu's ear.

On December 18, 2019, the request was finally approved with all medical tests carried out. On February 19, 2020, Ayu finally had surgery to install a cochlear implant in her left ear at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

Proud of Ayu and Her Mother's Fights
Seeing Ayu's significant development, both Suryani and Fie Lan were very happy. "We were so touched, and can't describe it with words. Because we see Masayu deserves a better life as it is still a long journey for her. Then also with her will, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn, she gets support from her mother’s strength. When we did the first survey, her mother was also trying very hard for the sake of her child," said Suryani.

Seeing the sincerity of Ayu's mother, Fie Lan believes that Ayu will grow up to be an independent child and also be useful for the society in the future.

“I am also very touched by Ayu's mother. So passionate and patient. A mother who took her child for treatment even if it was raining or hot weather, and took public transportation time after time. I was very appreciative of Tzu Chi who can help Ayu so that she can recover her hearing better," said Fie Lan with tears in her eyes.

Both Rifda the mother, as well as Endra, the father, are endlessly grateful for Tzu Chi who had helped them open a bright path for Ayu's future.

"A...YU...WHAT YOU SAID FOR TZU CHI ? " asked Rifda to her beautiful daughter.

"THA..NKS...A...LOT...FOR...SUP...PORT...ME...I...LO...VE...TZU...CHI...", reply Ayu.
Suryani and Fie Lan, Tzu Chi volunteers who are filled with joy to see Ayu's current condition. These two Tzu Chi volunteers were giving close assistance to Ayu’s development progress from the beginning and also the living witnesses of Rifda's fights until Ayu could hear.

Suryani and Fie Lan were surprised, because Ayu still had memories of being with Tzu Chi volunteers a year ago.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either, it's been more than a year and a half, at that time her sister was still a baby, I played with Dwi and Balqis. I teach Tzu Chi sign language songs to Ayu. And we taught Ayu the words  I LOVE TZU CHI, apparently she still remembers, I was very touched," said Fie Lan with teary eyes.

The more complete happiness of Masayu's parents Actually, why Ayu did not implant surgery in her right ear at once is because there is an abnormal condition in Ayu's right ear. Therefore, the cochlear implant for Ayu's right ear had to be specially designed.

Two months after surgery on the left ear, the implant with a special design was then finished. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic came, the implant surgery for Ayu's right ear had to be postponed. In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, RSCM at the moment was unable to provide cochlear implant surgery for Ayu. Yet, Rifda is once again very serious about Ayu.

"Because Ayu is growing older. Then the right pieces are also ready, if it is delayed for the operation, it's a pity for Ayu. I didn't chase (the doctor), I just wonder when, the doctor also knows that the older she gets, the less time for her to be able to learn," said Rifda.

Efforts for Ayu to be operated immediately were also assisted by PT Medel who developed a special design for Ayu's cochlear implant. Finally, Doctor Harim who treated Ayu gave a solution, Ayu's surgery was transferred to the RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital.

“PT Medel also called directly to the RSCM. They helped her so that Ayu could speed up the operation. So the one who handled Ayu's operation was Doctor Harim, he was a guest (doctor) at the RSPAD," Rifda added.

Ayu finally had surgery on October 2, 2020. The two-hour operation, which was accompanied by non-stop chanting from Ayu's parents, prayers from school teachers and Tzu Chi volunteers went smoothly. Ayu is very happy.

"I'm glad .. , it's done.. there is.. two .... hearing it.. good ..," said Ayu.

Rifda was recalling a funny story but also made her very touched when Ayu had finished cochlear implant surgery in her left ear. Back from mapping at the PT Medel's Office, she found her daughter trying to speak into the microphone, the external component of her cochlear implant.

“The first time she had an implant, it came off. She's in the room, I peeked. Then she uses it again, listens to it, and takes it off again. 'It can't be damaged,'” reminded Rifda, seeing her daughter talking and praying at the same time. Now Rifda's responsibilities are to train Ayu in listening and speaking.

We are very grateful for the help of Tzu Chi. We pray for Tzu Chi to be more successful, all of the Tzu Chi volunteers will always be healthy, and make progress to help people in need," concluded Rifda. Ayu, who was sitting next to her, seemed to be watching her mother speak. Although she has not been able to hear clearly yet, Ayu understands very well, because Ayu also loves Tzu Chi very much.

Author: Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer: Arimami Suryo A.
Translator: Amir Sumardi (Tzu Chi Volunteers)
Editor: Olivia Tan (Tzu Chi Volunteers)
The beauty of humanity lies in honesty. The value of humanity lies in faith.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -