One Year Post The COVID-19 Pandemic

Eversince the pandemic hit globally, all Tzu Chi activities have been adjusted to the Covid-19 health protocol. Definitely it was not easy at the beginning,as Tzu Chi activities always involved a lot of volunteers altogether at once. Yet the guarantee to stay healthy is non-negotiable. In order to continuously provide social care and services, various breakthroughs have been made as a form of mutual support for the community in tackling the pandemic together.
When the pandemic hit Indonesia, changes in various aspects occurred. The government urges the public to implement the New Normal Adaptation: Wear masks, Maintain social distancing, Wash hands. Face-to-face meetings have turned to virtual via the internet. No exception, all activities at the Tzu Chi Mission Agency were also affected. Up to this point, what steps have been taken by each agency of the Tzu Chi Mission in Indonesia to preserve good health so that the humanitarian mission can continue?
Charity Mission: New Breakthrough

For the sake of aid recipients who need a helping hand in the midst of this pandemic, Tzu Chi volunteers still have to reach out to deliver aid directly to its beneficiaries, in particular the elderly, those with special needs and those who have no phones or bank accounts.
The beginning of the pandemic was quite a difficult time for the volunteer team and staff of the Tzu Chi Charity Mission. On one hand they have to maintain their own personal health but on the other hand they have to continue delivering aid for the survival of the beneficiaries. According to Wie Sioeng, Tzu Chi Indonesia Charity Mission Coordinator, Tzu Chi is finding possible ways to support both the existing beneficiary and the new aid applicants.
"To keep our volunteers safe (from the outbreak), we send the basic food, milk, and medical support through online motorcycle taxi drivers," said Wie Sioeng. Before the pandemic, the beneficiaries usually came by the Tzu Chi Office to collect the aid. According to him, this wise method helps increase the online drivers’ income. Meanwhile, financial support is done through bank transfers.
As the pandemic drags on, Tzu Chi Foundation's regular internal meetings are held virtually. New aid applicants are restricted and some policies are adjusted to the current condition.
"Medical assistance could be done through online surveys, but not the hospital arrangements. The latter is what we are trying to avoid," explained Wie Sioeng. According to him, volunteers have become a very important asset and should not be put at risk. In fact, there are quite a number of senior volunteers who are more susceptible to infection in Tzu Chi Charity Mission.

Charity Mission Volunteer Johan Kohar explained to the beneficiaries how to use the TZU CHI BCA ATM Card before its distribution in the East He Qi community.
“In case any face to face meetings were to take place, it must follow the health protocols recommended by the government," he continued. Despite many limitations, Wie Sioeng feels very grateful and thankful to all volunteers as the humanitarian activities continue to run.
“Volunteers need to pack and arrange the delivery of aids via online motorcycle taxi drivers. These aid packages are stationed in Gan En Hu. Our volunteers will drop each aid package right in front of the door of the beneficiaries who have no or limited communication access, no bank account, the elderly, or those with special needs,” he added.
Merely for the sake of the aid recipients who need a helping hand, the volunteers continue to carry out their mission without hesitation. They support each other and work hand in hand despite the disease outbreaks. "Amitofo, up to now all the volunteers engaged in charity missions are in healthy condition. Hopefully this condition continues and can be maintained," said Wie Sioeng.
In early March 2021, TZU CHI BCA ATM Card was issued and became a breakthrough in the Charity Missions. The card will allow the beneficiary to withdraw their monthly fund through the nearest BCA ATM without having to come to the Tzu Chi Office.
Health Mission: Keeping Everyone and Everything Safe

For patients who are infected with Covid-19, they will be separated and examined immediately by a doctor in the screening room.
When the pandemic started, the Tzu Chi Hospital (RSCK), Cengkareng, West Jakarta immediately formulated the main problems and anticipatory steps. Director of RSCK dr. Tonny Christianto said that the actual number of non-Covid-19 patients was much greater than the number of Covid-19 patients. It is feared that the non-Covid-19 patients, who are supposed to have routine check-ups or immunizations, are reluctant to visit the doctors.
“We came up with two actions. First, we split the services. We must be able to handle these two groups of patients, by keeping the non-Covid-19 patients away from the ones suspected. Secondly, we do screening for patients who enter our hospital, "explained dr. Tony.
Head of the RSCK Covid-19 Task Force, dr. Adrianus Kanaris, Sp.Em explained that the screening was carried out at the entrance of the hospital by the nurse or security guard. For Covid-19 suspects, they are immediately separated and further examined by a doctor in the screening room. We do that as well for the inpatients.”
"Not only immunoassay, PCR test is taken when necessary to ensure that the patient is not indicated by Covid. Hence, the patients treated in the room are truly non-Covid," explained dr. Adrianus. Adding on only one person is allowed to accompany them to avoid crowds.
It is mandatory to wear masks, wash hands, and keep distance in the hospital environment. The children who do not wear masks are given face shields. These policies are strictly enforced to make all patients feel safe to come for treatments.

Strict health protocols are enforced from the entrance of RSCK Tzu chi. The nurses or security guards are in charge of screening all visitors.
To keep everyone safe is a tough task for the Covid-19 Task Force team. Doctor Adrianus mentioned that the hardest part was keeping employees safe when they were not on duty. "When the staff is on duty, they must wear PPE according to the standard. This way the risk of disease exposure is minimized. However, we are unable to control when they are not on duty," he said. For this reason, the appeal to comply with health protocols is still routinely carried out. Antibody tests for employees are also carried out: monthly tests for employees who are not in direct contact with Covid patients and fortnightly tests for the healthcare frontliners.
On January 15, 2021, two days after President Jokowi had his first Covid-19 vaccine, the medical team of the Tzu Chi Hospital had their turn. For dr. Tony and dr. Adrianus, this move brings great hopes as it will enhance the productivity of all elements in the hospital.
Handling the Covid-19 outbreak has become Tzu Chi's main concern since the very beginning. The importance of vaccination was utterly discussed in Tzu Chi Talk on January 23, 2021. Resource person Prof. dr. Menaldi Rasmin, Sp.P(K), FCCP, explained that vaccines work with the body’s immune system. They train the body to create antibodies to fight disease. If someone is exposed to a certain disease, they will not suffer badly. It is with great hopes that everyone is willing to be inoculated with one of several vaccines in various stages of development. The transmission rate of Covid-19 will decrease and the pandemic will end soon.
For dr. Tony, this seemingly negative pandemic has brought a lot of positive things. “One of the good things is, Tzu Chi hospital is pushing to the limit. At first I thought it would be difficult to serve the COVID-19 patients, but in fact we can. Our professional nurses and doctors are incredibly capable," he said proudly.
He also thinks that better team work is greatly sensed in his daily work at Tzu Chi Hospital. “We help and back up each other. The willingness to relieve one’s burden is highly perceived. I see a lot of positiveness instead,” he said with a laugh. Another thing that also warms his heart is to know how much people care for them. “There are numerous people who wish to support us (paramedics); lots of donors suddenly drop by to deliver gifts. We feel so grateful and deeply appreciate what we have until now.”
Educational Mission: Becoming a Digital Teacher

For the past year, students have been participating in home based-learning. To avoid boredom of the students while studying online, the teachers strive to design attractive and effective class activities.
Both Sekolah Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi in Cengkareng, West Jakarta and Tzu Chi School in PIK, North Jakarta, are facing challenges during the home-based learning. Some examples include:slow internet connection, increasing student’s demotivation and technology problems that might have not been fully mastered by the teachers.
According to Caroline Widjanarko, Principal of Tzu Chi Indonesia Junior High School, this year-old condition has triggered boredom among students so that learning concentration is reduced. "Teachers have tried to design the class as attractive as possible, but it is still limited due to the lack of personal touch," she said.
It turns out that the online method does not have much effect on student achievement. According to Caroline, students with positive character will continue to achieve good results. “Students with positive character are still actively learning, taking the initiative to and responsibly complete the tasks. Yet, for students with less motivation and responsibility the online method wouldn’t be that effective,” she said.
Just like what has happened at Sekolah Cinta Kasih (SCK), the students continue to make a myriad of academic or non-academic achievements, both at the regional and national levels. Students with less motivation have been asked to come to school for remedial lessons. It is restricted to only 3 students per day.

At Tzu Chi School in Cengkareng, all teachers must improve themselves in terms of technology. In addition to compulsory classes, regular weekly, monthly, or yearly activities are also held online.
Freddy Ong, Director of the SCK Tzu Chi said, there were some students who had no smartphones, or limited internet quota. They were then granted new gadgets and quotas from the school and the government. SCK Tzu Chi also upgraded its internet facilities to 200 Mbps and installed 60 access points throughout the school for all staff to work effectively and efficiently.
“Whatever happens, teaching and learning activities must continue. SCK consistently strives to improve the quality of its services and pedagogy,” said Freddy. In addition to compulsory classes, routine activities such as Friday Worship, Character Building Class, Mother's Day, Indonesian Independence Day, Language Month and Mandarin Day, are all administered online. Teachers are required to quickly adapt to the current condition.
"One way or the other, all teachers must improve their technology skills," said Freddy enthusiastically, "turning the analog teachers into the digital teachers." Freddy admitted that he was quite "thankful" that this pandemic has indirectly forced the teachers to change their teaching for the better. Some even took the initiative to take part in a digital teaching competition and managed to win.
In addition to pursuing technology, character education and humanist culture that characterize Tzu Chi, are highly encouraged. Gratitude, respect and love values among the teachers and students are nurtured every day. The teachers design the life skill lessons to be applied at home, namely the practice of good deeds towards oneself and the environment.
From this pandemic, Caroline and Freddy agree that education is not limited to the classrooms. “In accordance with the Independent Learning system initiated by the Minister of Education, student centeredness is very feasible. The students learn not only from the teacher, but from their creative exploration," explained Freddy.
Humanist Culture Mission: Enduring Support from Many People
DAAI TV Indonesia, which is part of the Tzu Chi Humanist Culture Mission, have made lots of adjustments during the pandemic. About 25% of the total program, especially from the Talkshow, Documentary, Kids, and Current Affair categories had to be stopped, because it was impossible to hold face-to-face interviews.
"Eventually, adapting to current technology, our interviews with the source speakers are conducted through virtual rooms and broadcasted on TV screens. This way the program survives," said Elisa Tsai, Deputy CEO and COO of DAAI TV Indonesia.

The Dapur Mama program, apart from being sponsored by many companies, also received high support from Tzu Chi volunteers as well as DAAI Mama who became the chef at the event.
Coping up with the new situation so as to continue to broadcast, DAAI TV gradually filled its content in collaboration with other parties, namely DWTV, VOA, CCTV, LIPI, and TV Education.
“They provided free content for DAAI TV to use. The purpose of this collaboration is to lessen the operational cost yet viewers can still watch quality programs," explained Elisa. She also mentioned that the content was selected in accordance with DAAI TV's vision and mission, such as Expedisi Nusantara, Innovator, Dunia Kita, and other inspirational contents. Whereas Motivational and Spiritual programs such as Lentera Kehidupan, Master Cheng Yen Bercerita, Sanubari Teduh dan DAAI Inspirasi are kept, since these programs are the souls of DAAI TV, with the slogan Televisi Cinta Kasih.
Meanwhile, operational policies were inevitably implemented. “Firstly, employees are trained to work from upstream to downstream, think and act in agility. They are expected to increase speed, flexibility, collaboration, and adaptation to the new normal. Secondly, interdepartmental collaboration is fostered to increase the speed of decision making,” Elisa said firmly.
Evidently, DAAI TV has managed to maintain its quality by winning 5 awards for journalistic work during 2020. “It was a tough year but it should not let us down. DAAI TV employees continue to struggle through their work,” said Elisa.
DAAI TV’s survival during the pandemic is owed to various companies who support the public service advertisements and become sponsors of events such as cooking programs, health, webinars, and other multimedia programs. For example, the Dapur Mama program started on-air in October 2020. The program, which promotes a healthy life through a vegetarian diet, is sponsored by a lot of companies. Its leading chefs are volunteers from Tzu Chi and DAAI Mama.
“We won’t be able to surpass the storm in 2020 without the continuous support from the DAAI TV family who are battling this together with us and from Tzu Chi volunteers who love DAAI TV so much,” Elisa said movedly.
Author: Erli Tan, Photographer: Doc. Indonesian Tzu Chi
Translator: Vissia Budi Apriliana, Sweete (Tzu Chi School)