Welcoming the Tzu Chi Hospital

Tzu Chi Hospital was designed in accordance with the development of modern hospitals, i.e. by optimizing the use of natural light, good air circulation, greeneries, high-end technology, and patient-oriented services.
Slowly but surely, the magnificent building beside the Jing Si Hall began to take shape. It soars high up to the sky, 23 floors. The walls are applied with brushed stones complete with a roof in the shape of the letter 人 (ren) and surrounded by glass which allows sunlight to freely enter every corner of the room. The outward appearance resembles Jing Si Hall. It is also situated within the Tzu Chi Center PIK complex. On an area of ​​2.68 hectares that was once empty, the future hospital built by Tzu Chi which will later be named Tzu Chi Hospital has now been firmly established.
Tzu Chi Hospital is the first big-scaled hospital built by Tzu Chi outside of Taiwan. It is a great blessing for Tzu Chi Indonesia to be able to build and later operate a hospital that carries the principles of maintaining people’s health, saving lives, and passing on love.
Tzu Chi Hospital comes with a quality service concept which focuses on patients. The best service, humanistic culture, and fast response to the patients’ needs are carried out to ensure that every patient gets complete clinical information in making a medical decision. In addition, for the convenience and safety of patients, Tzu Chi Hospital also provides a one stop service concept, where patients can register, get checked, take samples and drugs and pay in one place (Cluster). Supported by the medical equipment that is not only complete but also integrated with the Hospital Information System, it is expected that the risk of errors can be minimized (Patient Safety).
High Tech
The hospital which will open in April 2021 has five excellent services, namely: Bone Marrow Transplant, Palliative Care, Neurosurgery Treatment, Cancer Treatment, and Maternal and Child Health Care supported by sophisticated equipment including a Hybrid operating room equipped with CT-Scan and CathLab thus simplifying the surgery procedure and increasing patient safety.
Palliative care is an effective approach for end-stage patients to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of the patients and their families. Tzu Chi Hospital strives to give patients who are considered difficult or unable to survive according to medical science the attention they need to feel the warmth of this world and that they still receive meaningful love. Meanwhile, neurosurgery treatment, cancer treatment, as well as Maternal and Child Health Care are also supported by various advanced technologies that provide results with high accuracy and minimal risks.
These various services were chosen and favored not without reason, but based on reasons related to the background of the establishment of Tzu Chi Hospital. A data states that in 2006 there were around 350,000 Indonesians who went for treatment abroad. This figure continues to increase that in 2015 there were around 600,000 Indonesians who went for treatment abroad. One of the contributing factors is the sophistication of the equipment technology used by hospitals abroad. With the large number of Indonesians seeking treatments abroad, the potential loss of foreign exchange for the country is around 100 trillion rupiah per year.
“That’s a very large number. You can imagine, sick people have to go abroad, have to travel far. Therefore, why not just build a hospital in Indonesia that helps minimize the loss in our foreign exchange while making patients comfortable. In addition, Tzu Chi sports a humanistic culture," said Doctor Gunawan Susanto, Sp.BS., President Director of Tzu Chi Hospital.
Another reason is that there are still many poor people who have not received adequate health services. In addition to inadequate health service facilities, the low economic level of the poor people makes health services for the underprivileged not optimal.

Tzu Chi Hospital is committed to providing the best health service with state-of-the-art equipment, including High Tesla MRI, High Slice CT Scan, Operating Theater Hybrid Multi-Modality equipped with CathLab and CT Scan, as well as other advanced equipment. The presence of Tzu Chi Hospital will ensure that patients requiring advanced-level treatments no longer need to go abroad for treatment.
Based on these two conditions and in line with the teachings of the founder of the Buddha Tzu Chi Foundation, Master Cheng Yen, who states that with love, compassion, joy, and equanimity, we can help people who are suffering, the Medika Buddha Tzu Chi Foundation, Indonesia continues its health mission by establishing the Tzu Chi Hospital.
To support the operational services, Tzu Chi Hospital uses a sophisticated and fully integrated Hospital Information System, starting from the registration, examination, use of medical devices, to the payment. The hospital information system implemented by Tzu Chi Hospital in the operational service area (front end) uses InterSystems TrakCare. As for the back office (back end) services, Tzu Chi Hospital uses the SAP System which has been proven in terms of its integration, reputation and reliability in the world.
The implementation of Electronic Medical Records in this integrated hospital information system aims to minimize the risk of medical and administrative data errors. This comprehensive system integration connects the hospital information system with existing medical equipment, so that the results of the examination of the medical device will be directly transferred (interface) to the hospital information system, without requiring manual recording (entry), thus minimizing the risk of data errors as well as making data processing faster and more accurate. This is also supported by the Alert Warning System, so that if there are examination results that do not meet the standards, a warning will be immediately given in the system and become a matter for the attention of the medical personnel treating the patients.
High Touch
With all the sophistication, Doctor Gun reminded that technological sophistication must be accompanied by good service. Because high tech and high touch must go hand in hand so as to provide the perfect service for patients.
In line with Doctor Gun, Prof. Satya explained that the physical and mental of a patient was very influential. It is because if the patient only comes into contact with technology, he may be physically healed but may not be completely healed mentally. He said that the psychological effect plays a major role in healing, which is more than 50 percent.
“Patients come to the hospital for two reasons. The first is suffering from physical pain whose suffering can be cured with sophisticated tools. And the second suffers from mental illness because of thinking about the disease, which is where humanist culture will play a very important role in completing treatment for patients, "explained Prof. Satya.
In order to realize the same understanding of humanistic culture in hospital services, the medical team, paramedics, non-medical staff, and companion volunteers will receive training every month. They gain insight into how to deal with patients, from welcoming them warmly to providing other services.

All elements starting from the building, medical equipment and medical team are ready to welcome the presence of Tzu Chi Hospital which will soon be operating.
The first Tzu Chi Hospital Employee Training was held on October 3, 2020 and was attended by more than 80 staff from various professions. Meanwhile, the inaugural training for companion volunteers took place on September 6 and October 4, 2020 and was attended by more than 800 volunteers in each session.
“Most of the volunteers have non-medical backgrounds, but with sincerity, they wish to help. These kind people are whom we hope we can work with, help each other because they sincerely want to help patients, we (all staff) must work harder, "said Prof. Satya.
Confirming Prof. Satya's statement, Doctor Gun conveyed one thing he got from the University of Oxford in London which said that health workers must have two pillars, namely competence and empathy.
“Besides having knowledge, you must have love. Love creates a sense of caring, but caring must also be accompanied by empathy. As a hospital person, you must have empathy, not just sympathy. His heart is in line with his actions," Doctor Gun ordered.
Therefore, all staff at Tzu Chi Hospital are also equipped with the concept of Tzu Chi's humanist culture, namely Gan en (gratitude), Zhun Zhong (respect), Ai (love) which is then described as: Sincerity, Truth, Faith, and Sincerity.
SINCERITY in working and serving so that every action can be done wholeheartedly. Serve everyone with the principle of equality, without discrimination. Sincerity guides to do something right, sure, and earnestly.
TRUTH in thinking, doing, and saying so that every step and action can always be accounted for. Working with the right methods and processes will result in success.
CONFIDENCE in work becomes the basis for achieving goals. True belief will bring someone to always do their best, work and serve sincerely and correctly.
EARNESTNESS is professionalism. Earnestness makes determination even more steadfast in achieving maximum goals and efforts
The Best for Indonesian People
Despite all the preparations that have been made by Tzu Chi Indonesia in welcoming Tzu Chi Hospital, the existence of Tzu Chi Hospital itself has been echoed since the laying of its first stone, 2015. Even the Deputy Chairperson of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Sugianto Kusuma, has asked for the blessing of Master Cheng Yen - the founder of Tzu Chi, to establish a hospital in Indonesia since 2013.
Since Tzu Chi started to decide on the idea to build this international standard hospital, fundraising was done immediately. Reflecting on the determination of Master Cheng Yen who also did a dozen years of fundraising to build a hospital, such spirit also continues to grow in Tzu Chi Indonesian volunteers. The participation, love, sincerity of everyone in society can create a circle of goodness that will never end.

To create a humane hospital, all medical, paramedical, and non-medical staff and companion volunteers receive regular training so that later they can provide professional services with a warm and familial touch of humanity.
Talking about health care is not something new for Tzu Chi Indonesia, considering that the health mission is the second mission carried out by Master Cheng Yen and his students. Therefore, since the beginning of setting foot in the archipelago in 1993, Tzu Chi Indonesia has also carried out various types of health assistance through health social services. Until mid-2019, there were around 256 thousand patients with various complaints that Tzu Chi served. Social service after social service continues to run in all regions in Indonesia, even to the farthest islands.
“So when asked why Tzu Chi didn’t build a hospital or help people in remote areas, the answer is that Tzu Chi continues to help the community, through ongoing health social services, traveling around Indonesia every month,” said Suriadi, Head of the Secretariat of Tzu Chi Indonesia.
The construction of the Tzu Chi Hospital can later become an extension of the Tzu Chi health service. It is when a social service patient is found to require further treatment, the patient can be referred to Tzu Chi Hospital easily. The convenience factor is also the reason why Tzu Chi Hospital was built in Pantai Indah Kapuk where everyone can easily come, access, and find Tzu Chi Hospital because it is in Jakarta.
On its way, Tzu Chi Hospital was to be inaugurated for its use in April 2021. In the first stage, there will be 100 beds, and it will gradually increase to a full capacity of 520 beds. All excellent services will also be carried out in stages.
The chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei, is also optimistic that she can create a hospital that can provide good services for the people of Indonesia.
"Next year our hospital, Tzu Chi Hospital will be inaugurated, officially operating. I am very confident and very certain that Prof. Satyanegara, Doctor Gunawan, and the staff all have great enthusiasm, responsibility, and power of pledge, so I believe Tzu Chi Hospital will definitely become a hospital full of love and full of humanistic culture," said Liu Su Mei.
Writer: Metta Wulandari, Photographer: Doc. Tzu Chi Indonesia
Translator: Nila Silviana (TC School)