Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Like Hermansyah
It all starts with determination
Both became suppliers for Matahari Department Store, Like Hermansyah and Lulu's friendship was initially interwoven mediocre. In 1998, they had an opportunity to communicate by phone about their son who was about to continue studying abroad. In one conversation, their chat topics shifted about social foundations. "We had a chat, at that time we were both looking for a social foundation because we basically agreed with social," Like said. Not long before Lulu's mother had received assistance from a foundation in the United States. According to news, the foundation also has branches in Indonesia. "She wanted to look for it, I said 'Yeah, let me know if you found it,” Like told Lulu at the time.
As a result, the foundation that Lulu is referring to is the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation. In 1998, when mass riots broke out, Like entered and joined Tzu Chi. His initial participation was during a survey on the distribution of coupons and necessities in the Kapuk area, West Jakarta. Even at that time, Like was actually very busy with her business, she was determined herself to step in.

The important thing is to say “Yes” first
The first-time visiting Tzu Chi's office which was then located in Kelapa Gading there was not much impression Like felt. It was only during Tzu Chi's office on the 5th floor of ITC Mangga Dua Jakarta, that she began to be frequently invited to meetings by Lulu. At that time, he didn't have any impression. "I just think just do it," explained Like. Early on, Like spent more time taking to the field, conduction surveys on coupons distribution, rice distribution, and following up. Her first impression following Tzu Chi was happy. "Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to survive until now," she reasoned.
As a field person and likes to work, Like concentrates more on her work. She began to adapt to the rules in Tzu Chi. "Initially there was an impression of why need to wear uniform, so complicated. After wearing the uniform, the hair must also be tied. I don't think it's uncomfortable. It’s good enough we want to contribute, why there are still many rules," she said. But because she is one of the persons who want to learn and often discuss with Lulu, she too can accept the tzu chi’s culture. At that time, Tzu Chi volunteers were not as many as they are today. And because Like is the type of person who is active, she does not lack a job. "So, I can find a job," she explained.
Constantly struggling with fieldwork, Like realized her understanding in terms of Dharma Master Cheng Yen very little. It was only since the last 2-3 years, when Ji Shou Shixiong from Malaysia came, that Like often followed discussions which discussing Dharma Master Cheng Yen through the book review session. From there, her understanding continued to increase and added with the start of the four-in-one concept (the division of community volunteers in the functions of He Xin, He Qi, Hu Ai, Xie Li) in Tzu Chi. As the Head of He Qi, inevitably she had to start learning to understand Tzu Chi and accompany volunteers in the field. "No longer learning to work anymore, if now at least (I) have to read more," said Like who does have a hobby of working. Another thing that attracted her in joining a social foundation was her growing age. Before joining the Tzu Chi, she used to spend weekends exercising or even going out with friends to enjoy life. "If I hadn't joined the Tzu Chi maybe I don't know what I would be like today," she mused.
In fact, with her busy life taking care of the convection business, there are many reasons for Like to refuse to enter the social world. But she was determined, when there was an invitation, she would answer "yes" first. If already agreed, it will automatically motivate her to keep her promise. "It can be a forced word because it has been agreed so it is not good if you have to cancel the promise that has been made," Like said. From that "yes" determination, she finally actually became a Tzu Chi volunteer.
After being active for some time, Like was appointed as the Volunteer Coordinator and held that responsibility for quite a long time. At that time, in a meeting she was asked by another volunteer to be the coordinator. "I also don't know what it's like to be a volunteer leader," she admits. "I was told to do so. Without knowing it, just do it. What is certain at that time if you think about it, it was really impossible with my very busy job,” concluded by this Singkawang-born woman. Like still clearly remembers that one shijie had stood up and said that Like would have a hard time if she had to become a volunteer coordinator. "Madam Like is impossible. She is very busy,” that Shijie explained. This is because that shijie ever come to Like's office until she found out about the tightness of Like's activities. But everything went well like it had been a destined for her. Because of that, many of her friends were confused. "Are you sure you want to join a social organization? You are already very busy!” they said. In such a reality, unknowingly Like has now been a Tzu Chi volunteer for a dozen years.
As she began to become a coordinator, Tzu Chi volunteers were divided into groups according to their area of residence. With the construction of the Tzu Chi Great Love Village in Cengkareng and Muara Angke, as well as the distribution of rice, the number of volunteers continues to grow. In 2005, Tzu Chi Indonesia began adopting a community volunteer system called 4 in 1. This community volunteer system divides the task of coordinating volunteers in 4 functions namely He Xin, He Qi, Hu Ai, and Xie Li. He Xin has the function of translating Tzu Chi's mission and basic philosophy, He Qi functions to direct activities to fit Tzu Chi's mission, Hu Ai functions to coordinate activities, and Xie Li as executor. This system is both vertical and horizontal. Like was handed over responsibility for being Head of North He Qi, covering parts of Sumatra Island and Kalimantan Island.
Keep Learning in Tzu Chi
“Early time in Tzu Chi, I only saw Madam Su Mei (The CEO of Tzu Chi Indonesia -red). One-woman, small body, pitiful, I think. She was so willing for the sake of Tzu Chi Indonesia. Really I have to be quiescent!” Like explained. After quite a while, she then got to know Master Cheng Yen, a nun who she thought had extraordinary charisma. Like was amazed to see Her being so simple but able to build such a big Tzu Chi. “Master Cheng Yen always takes care of others first,” she said. In the early days, Like also thought about what Indonesia has to do with Taiwan. She wonders why there are people from Taiwan who care so much about Indonesian people. This sense of wonder turned into self-introspection and raised the spirit to participate in contributing.
Like feels more and more respect for Tzu Chi because she sees and feels the warmth between volunteers like her own family. Tzu Chi volunteers enthusiastically help disaster victims abroad and are carried out to the end. That makes Like amazed. One personal experience she felt towards one of Jing Si Aphorism by Master Cheng Yen which reads, “Being virtuous and not doing evil is not enough, but the mouth must also speak good words. If the mouth still utters bad words, then it cannot yet be said a good person.” Because of this aphorism, Like who used to think doing good and not being bad towards others was enough to start changing her view.
At home, no one has ever and dared to scold Like. On the other hand, during her 11 years as a volunteer, Like was also scolded by other volunteers. After going through the practice and practice, Like learned to accept it, “That’s the self-training for me. If they don’t exist, how can I learn?” But that did not dampen her dedication to Tzu Chi. Like recalls that she used to be very different. In the past, when she felt right but was blamed, she did not hesitate to openly refute and prove that she was right. Even occasionally, she still warns other volunteers when something goes wrong. She is a person who talks bluntly, but problems that have passed she no longer remembers or brings up again.
Like also admitted that at Tzu Chi she learned a lot, especially after becoming a volunteer coordinator. She must learn to shrink herself (ego). “If you are arrogant, who do I want to embrace? Thus we have to do it ourselves and be an example," she said. If at home she never mops and washes the dishes because there is a maid, at Tzu Chi Like does it all. "Because this is where we learn," she said.
There is a story about this. when there was a big flood in Tangerang, volunteers gave warm food to the victims. That time they cooked at U Mei Ing Shijie's house. Because of cooking fried rice, after the event, Mei Ing's house was all greasy. Even though after cooking, the volunteers had cleaned up, it was still greasy. Like couldn't bear it, so she immediately stepped in to mop the floor and washed Mei Ing's house herself using soap.
“I feel if I were the owner of this house, how can I be upset too! Her house is splattered with oil everywhere. I don't want other people to be disappointed. Indeed, I have asked volunteers to clean up, but as the head of the volunteers, I must be responsible, and that is one of the means for me to train myself to erode our arrogance,” she said.
Seizing the Good Cause
For Like, Tzu Chi has now become her first priority, except for parents and family. This attitude of life is in line with the dharma of Master Cheng Yen to put priority on parents. Now at all times, Like always thinks about Tzu Chi. Especially now that her children have completed education so that they can help her business. "I have to put the Tzu Chi first because this belongs to Master (Cheng Yen). If I have less, it's okay. If it belongs to Master (Cheng Yen) then cannot be less. We have to be responsible for Master (Cheng Yen)," she explained.
It's not easy for her to admire let alone "obey" others, but Like sees Master Cheng Yen as an extraordinary person. "It's hard to say because in my life I have never heard of anyone as great as Master (Cheng Yen)," she said. Hence Like is very grateful to know Her, and she really seizes the opportunity in this life because she has a good cause with Master Cheng Yen. When there is an urgent Tzu Chi’s activity, without hesitation Like leaves her company’s affairs. Moreover, her decision to leave the company did not make her lose profits. "Everything has a cause. What's yours will be yours. What's not yours, will never be yours. I believe that there is such a power,” she thought. If what is sacrificed is for something good, Like believes that the cause that is formed will be good too.
So, she became more and more active in exploring the Dharma of Master Cheng Yen. Even at home she tried to listen to Master Cheng Yen's lecture on the Lantern of Life program. Like explains, “In general, volunteers prefer to work. If we don't explore the teachings of Master (Cheng Yen), we will easily back down and give up when facing problems. But if we know that everything that happens is a process in carrying out Master teachings (Cheng Yen) as if exams at school, then we will be stronger," she explained giving input to Indonesia’s Tzu Chi volunteers. Like also thinks that the thought that must be had when volunteering is to learn in Tzu Chi, not to help. "There is no obstacle for those who are healthy or not to work in Tzu Chi," she said. In such in the "inner relationship" that Like has built with Master Cheng Yen, then what if one day Master Cheng Yen dies? "At that time the spirit of Master (Cheng Yen) must always remain in our day," she said. She added that those of us who are still alive can still see films, documentaries and read books.
Master Cheng Yen once said that having a good relationship is important. Because of the sense of responsibility she has, Like feels the development of volunteers is part of her responsibility. And for that sacrifice is needed. "Of course, yes. If you invite as many people as possible to join Tzu Chi, it certainly requires sacrifice, (victim) time, that's a must. And towards people there must be attention, if there is responsibility, we will try to get to know everyone better," she said. It was all done because it was in accordance with Tzu Chi's vision of purifying human hearts. To better understand Tzu Chi, Like always carries books and takes notes at every opportunity. She considers this important to help her not to forget. "Master Cheng Yen said She worried the volunteer’s wisdom are increased or not? Hence I have to study diligently." she said.
Like said that it was not difficult to get people to join and become Tzu Chi volunteers. What is needed is patience, perseverance, and a good relationship. "If once invited once, they cannot because that person really has a need, but after a while that person will 'come out' too. Unless there's no intention. Even if we don't have the intention to chat, then the conversation is already good, I don't think it's possible for him to keep refusing," she said, giving tips. She deeply appreciates that in dealing with other people, we must first have an "investment" of great love, then we can inspire them to join Tzu Chi. Investment in a positive and sincere way of course.
Because listening to Master Cheng Yen talks which saying that each child had their own luck. Like’s mindset towards children changed. “If in the past against my child as thought ‘You are mine, I given birth to you and I raised you. You all have to obey me.’ Now I am not like that.” she said. It is the love of children that is the reason Like works so hard to develop her convection business, so that in the future they will not experience shortages. But now that's not too much she thinks about. Regarding material wealth, "I used to be very diligent in looking for money, but my feelings are still lacking. Now I am more grateful for a simpler life," she said. The longer she was active in Tzu Chi, and the less active she was in the company, the more she felt enough, not lacking. “In fact, my expenses go to a more useful place. I used to like shopping, now I don't anymore. Now the money is better to help other people," she explained
At this time, Like’s business slowly s ed to switch to her children, because she wants them to be able to live independently in the future. It's been a long time since Like has wanted to do full time at Tzu Chi, and fortunately, his husband's response has been good. "My prayer is that one day he (husband –ed) can come in and join as a Tzu Chi volunteer," she hoped. Now that her husband is willing to be a donor and support to be active in Tzu Chi too, Like feels very grateful. But this is also possible because Like experienced a change in character in the family. In the past she used to fight with her husband because she demanded more, now she is much more accepting and understanding.
"However, that does not mean I am good now," she joked. To the children, she also once said that the rest of her life would be given to Tzu Chi. Although the children did not protest, Like realized that she also had to try extra hard to help solve the problems that occurred in her children if needed. “I don't want my children to think that their mother is always busy for the sake of Tzu Chi. Why are they not being noticed?” she said.
Not long ago, Like made a big decision to become Honorary Board Members (Rong Dong). This is the term for handing over a donation of 1 million Taiwan dollars (approximately Rp. 300 million) to Tzu Chi. This big donation will be used to support plans to build a hospital, the Jing Si Hall in Indonesia, and other programs. The intention to donate Honorary Board Members (Rong Dong) has existed since 2007. Lulu has given encouragement. Even Sugianto Kusuma, Deputy CEO of the Indonesian Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, has recommended it. "He said, 'If we want to motivate others, we have to do it first.' I am very aware of that," explained Like while repeating Sugianto's words. After her children graduated, Like began to feel she had to fulfill the promise that had been instilled in her heart.
Honorary Board Members’s (Rong Dong) was submitted Like in 2 stages. Although at that time the liquid funds she had were still used to expand the business, and because she did not want to delay again, Like then sell the gold deposit she owned. "I don't think I can procrastinate. I have to pay off right away," she added. She could hardly wait until she was able to pay off that amount." I am afraid these affinities (being Honorary Board Members) will not arrive," explained Like who this year turned 53 years old. She hopes her actions will be a motivation for other volunteers. Currently, Tzu Chi Indonesia really needs to build and for that it takes a lot of funds. Thus, Like continues to motivate even more people to become Honorary Board Members (Rong Dong). It's a form of practice of releasing material voluntarily. Like still harbors one wish, which is to donate Honorary Board Members (Rong Dong) once more on behalf of her beloved mama.
As was mentioned to Himawan Susanto / Ivana
Photographer: Dok. Tzu Chi
Translator: Indah Melati (Tzu Chi Volunteers)