Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Liliawati Rahardjo Soetjipto
Integrity and determination towards Tzu Chi organization

"What is your next vow?"
Liliawaty was speechless and got held back by this this simple question. It was indeed an emotional moment for her that she couldn’t control the tears which rolled down from her eyes. On spur of moment, she was feeling very disconcerted in front of the nun whom she had encountered for the first time.
Her name “Lily” symbolizes a kind of simple white flower which looks very elegant. Its white color reflects sincerity and openness. Liliawaty Rahardjo is often addressed by her nickname, Lili and is strongly associated with a flower. Despite of her Indonesian name, Lili is also called by her Chinese name, Li Ying. She works together with her husband in his company dealing with property and is addressed as Mrs. Sutjipto Nagaria
Since her childhood years, Liliawaty's life is always filled with good luck as she was raised in a wealthy family. Being the youngest child, there was never a time that she lacked affection. She is an individual who possess self-awareness and social awareness. She got married at a young age and carried through all her responsibilities as a housewife and a mother of two children. Her husband, Sutjipto is one of the developers in an exclusive housing area located in North Jakarta.
When her children grew up, Lili was disengaged from her regular routine of taking care of her children. She started supporting her husband at his company. Despite of her ignorance and experience in the business world, Lili took an initiative to purchase many books and audio tapes on management and business that would keep her equipped as her resources to learn. Lili is an openminded and straightforward person who expresses her opinions. She is always extrovert in raising questions for something that she feels doubtful about and will persistently continue to clarify until she is certain. Although, her attitude portraits that she is impatient and emotional, she demonstrates sincerity which enables her to establish good relationship with her employees, which leads to trust, and respect.
Floods which caused good relationships
During the heavy flood, we were stuck in the midst of the water and it was really unusual that we got connected with other people who faced this natural disaster. This happened in the year, 2002 during the massive floods which affected the people living in the area. Sutjipto and Lili who deals in the property businesses were great-hearted that their housing complex was free from floods although it was built 30 years ago. However, the heavy rain in February 2002 was exceptional and went on for days. During that time, almost all parts of Jakarta were flooded, including Lili’s housing area which was flushed by high water levels. At that time, her two children were still studying abroad, while Sutjipto was on overseas business trip. “I felt so helpless and none of us at the office were ready to expect the floods,” said Lili.

In 2002, almost all the houses in Lili’s housing complex had been sold. However, the developer still feels responsible for helping the residents to overcome the floods that they faced. “At that time, the sports club was opened for people who couldn’t stay in their homes due to the floods. Instant noodles were provided for them to consume. I am just worried that Jakarta might run out of clean water at that time," said Lili.
At that time, she began to collaborate and was willing to be involved with Tzu Chi volunteers, who were also doing service for the prevention of floods. She got acquainted with fellow entrepreneurs who had also recently faced this situation and realize that it is meaningful to be involved in the social community during this kind of unpredictable situation.
Lili greatly admires the Tzu Chi Humanistic Culture which is filled with gratitude, love, and respect for others. She hopes that this culture can spread and encourage all Indonesian everyone to practice in their lives.
Lili was introduced to the Tzu Chi community during her business trip to Hualien, Taiwan. The head office of Tzu Chi is located in Hualien and the residence of Master Cheng Yen who is the founder of Tzu Chi. She also had the opportunity to have lunch with Master Cheng Yen. She said, “Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim countries, having a population of more than 200 million people. The brightness in Indonesia brings about light in the whole world. Entrepreneurs who earn their living in Indonesia should be the ones who are willing to contribute for the country”. These words touched Lili. “Hearing this makes me realize that the master is great who is very broad minded and encourages people to make contribution in our own country instead of doing this gesture for Taiwan” she said. After lunch, they walked around and then Master Cheng Yen asked some questions before they returned back to Indonesia. “What will you do after this?" It was Lili’s turn to answer but instead she was sobbing and couldn't answer anything, which made the other entrepreneurs curious. “At that time, I really felt that I haven’t done nor do enough till now," she said.
An act of kindness requires sacrifice
Back in the 90s, Lili was introduced to Tzu Chi by one of the volunteers from Indonesia who has been one of the senior leaders at Tzu Chi Indonesia. Lili and Wen Yu are both alumni of schools in Taiwan. As Lili was occupied in her business matters, she couldn’t dedicate her time in all social activities that were organized by Tzu Chi. Therefore, for many years, she shows compassion through giving donations and not involved directly with the society. “Occasionally, I would volunteer at an annual event organized by Tzu Chi. During that event, videos were presented, sharing session and Shou Yu Performance, which got me emotional. However, when the event was over, we got home and didn’t reflect back on what happened during the event due to her busy schedule,” said Lili. It's not that she doesn't care about the people who are in need. Just like many other entrepreneurs, she feels that her life is quite busy with business matters and contribution through donation is the best solution.
Her meeting with Master Cheng Yen initiated a new determination in Lili's heart. However, the Master herself often said, "The determination that grows must be grasped immediately through actions which will be beneficial to people." Lili’s willpower was tested as in 2003, when she was asked to supervise the school built by Tzu Chi in the Cinta Kasih Housing complex located in Cengkareng. Lili was overwhelmed by this responsibility. As she is someone who is aware of her capabilities in doing things. For her making promises is like issuing a cheque.

Therefore, not fulfilling a promise is like handing over a blank cheque. "I am someone who is conscious on anything that I overtake. Especially doing any voluntary service at Tzu Chi is a big responsibility towards the Master. I am reluctant to play games and have a strong determination through my actions although my life is quite busy,” she said.
Lili's days have been busy with various business matters. She feels that she is not able to dedicate her time in being active in any social activities. So, for many years, she prefers to make contributions by giving donation.
She and her husband were still doubtful if they are ready for this sacrifice. Both of them travelled to Taiwan again and was acknowledged with a souvenir as they donated an amount of NT$ 1 million which is approximately 300 million in Indonesian currency. Lili was there earlier and joined the camp for the Tzu Chi volunteers who originated from various parts of the world. During the camp, Lili was impressed by the words of Stephen Huang, a senior volunteer who often represents Master Cheng Yen in various events outside Taiwan.
“Doing good (Shan) is similar to the word ‘goat’ (Yang) in the mouth (Kou) of a tiger. Once you fall, you will never be able to escape again." The Chinese character of doing good (Shan), is indeed a combination of the word goat (Yang) which is arranged on top of the word ‘mouth’ (Kou). Lili felt that these words is a reflection of what she is dealing with. At that time, she was like a goat who was afraid of the challenging responsibility and was trying to rebel from the tiger's mouth. So, he went to Stephen Huang for a consultation session.
“During the session Stephen Huang said this to me, the cause of this problem arises because I did want to face the challenge by taking responsibility, and did not dare to dedicate my time," Lili said. Her words together with the support from several other Indonesian volunteers from Indonesia encouraged her to be engage in Tzu Chi activities.
Spreading the humanistic culture
The Fourth mission of Tzu Chi's, which is the Humanistic Culture, is the soul among the three main missions in Tzu Chi's. The missions of Tzu Chi was initiated before she was born. This culture has also created a deep impression on Lili. "I was very fascinated to see the Tzu Chi Vesak ceremony, which took place in Taiwan, attended by thousands of people who was so neat and orderly," she said. Meanwhile, Lili actually feels that she requires to learn more about this Humanistic Culture. Her character reflects herself as someone who speaks loudly and bluntly which is the opposite of someone who is neat, gentle, and compassionate. Lili hopes that the humanistic culture can be learnt and applied by the people living Indonesia.
During the opening of the Jing Si Bookstore at Mall Kelapa Gading which aimed to introduce the humanistic culture to the wider community. With the supported of her husband, Soetjipto (right), Lili diligently spread universal love in Indonesia.

She realized that it was a great opportunity for her during the opening of the Jing Si Bookstore at Mall Kelapa Gading in 2007. Lili’s desire in opening a bookstore came about when Ji Yu Shixiong, the Chairman of Tzu Chi Singapore visited Indonesia. At that time Ji Yu said, “The development of Tzu Chi Indonesia's development is like a rocket, as it expands at a very fast rate. But don't spend time doing work all the time, but instead make some time to read books written by Master Cheng Yen.
There will be no worries because we understand the purpose of our busy schedule.” Lili's realized this reminder message from Ji Yu. Indeed, few years back when the tsunami took place in Aceh and the earthquake happened in Yogyakarta caused Tzu Chi Indonesia to find solutions. “If we read the books written by Master Cheng Yen, we will understand that the purpose of doing good is not only for others’ benefit but also for ourselves. I am not demanding because I feel like I have done more and other people are not doing anything,” explained Lili. As she always does her things quickly, the process throughout the preparation until the opening of this bookstore only took half a year.
On the other hand, problems usually arise due to language. Most of the Tzu Chi books published by Jing Si Publication are in Chinese, and only a few are in English. Meanwhile, not many people, including the Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia, understand Mandarin. “There are not many people who understands Mandarin and there is nothing much that can be done. There are volunteers of Tzu Chi who are busy with work and they are not able to read books. Therefore, they don’t understand the purpose of Tzu Chi’s dedication. After a long time, you can get tired," she said.
When she was finally asked to be in charge of PT Jing Si Mustika Abadi Indonesia, a book publisher company for distribution of Tzu Chi books and CDs in Indonesian, Lili voluntarily accepted. "At first I really didn't understand at all. But fortunately, as I wanted to learn too, and ask for other people’s opinion, I was able to do it, "said Lili. She hopes that with the production of Tzu Chi books and CDs in Indonesia, the prices will be more affordable in comparison to the ones that are imported from Taiwan, so that they can be distributed to more people.
Other than being a donator, Lili is now directly involved in helping people in need. In 2008, she supported the renovation program for Bebenah Kampung, which aims to help the residents in that area. In 2009 she was a part during the inauguration of the Tzu Chi Recycling Centre in Serpong, Banten.
Let's do good Together
Lili's position as a leader in a large property company that is still growing, puts her in a different position from other people. With the authority she has, she tries to learn the philosophy of Tzu Chi's humanistic culture and displays them in the walls of her office. In 2007, Lili organized a casual gathering for her employees and presented each of them with a bamboo piggy bank. “I did this because in Tzu Chi, it is not the big or small amount that is seen, but the intention of the heart. I wanted the employees to feel as a part of this (benevolent) ship," she explained.

She was very happy because the employees responded in a positive way, "There are funny employees, whenever they receive bonus, they often add it to their donations," said Lili. She also often involves her employees in environmental conservation activities, or surveys for the renovation of Bebenah Kampung's houses.
When she gets any information about something that is good and needs to be done, Lili is happy to invite many people to do it together. When there is some crisis happening, it drives Lili to observe and look for steps in improving herself. While actively socializing about environmental conservation, for example, she began to understand that styrofoam is a material that damages the environment and is harmful to health. She took quick steps and made a plan for the large shopping center she owns in Kelapa Gading to no longer use styrofoam as a packaging material. "Yes, I gave the tenants one year, because they had to finish the stock of Styrofoam packs they had. After that I asked them not to use it anymore,” said Lili.
After being active for about 7 years in Tzu Chi, Lili feels that she still needs to continue to improve herself. She is able to dedicate her time as a Tzu Chi volunteer and still continues to manage her business. One message that she will always remember from Master Cheng Yen is that she should not be too confident and make inappropriate judgment. By doing good deeds at Tzu Chi are considered as something that have a strong relationship with ourself. Lili carries out all these contributions and responsibilities filled with willingness and joy.
As expressed to Ivana
Photographs: Anand Yahya
Translator: Mely Kartono (Tzu Chi School)