Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Mansjur Tandiono
Bringing Out The Best for Life

Born in Cuan Ciu, a small town in Fujian Province, People's Republic of China, August 29, 1947, Mansjur Tandiono (Tan Lai Se) spent his childhood in Surabaya, the largest port city in Eastern Indonesia. This city which is famous for its heroic history has helped shape itself into a person who is diligent and does his best in every activity. All of his elementary, middle, and high school education was taken at a Chinese school in Surabaya, so it's no wonder that his Indonesian language skills are not really fluent.

However, it did not reduce his love for the Indonesian homeland because it was proven that he had been listed as one of the national table tennis athletes and players in this country. This achievement helped him gain privileges so that he could study at the Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabaya, even though he shouldn't be allowed to. Until high school, he did not have a state diploma because he attended a Chinese school. The faculty that Mansjur chose was unusual in his time, namely the faculty of English. A right choice and decision because in 1969, a big businessman in Jakarta was in need of a secretary who could speak Mandarin, English, and Indonesian a little. So he migrated to Jakarta. "I learned a lot there," he said, recalling his early days in Jakarta.

6 years later, in 1975, he returned to Surabaya and led a coffee holding company. Success in Surabaya, 5 years later, he was asked to return to Jakarta to handle a large company whose trading is international. At that time he served as managing director who took care of and explored sales to various parts of the world. In 1984, together with several friends, Mansjur Tandiono founded the Prasidha Group, a company engaged in coffee, rubber, cocoa, gaplet, pepper, hotels, properties and banks. Unfortunately, in 1997 when the monetary crisis hit Indonesia, many of their businesses lost money so that currently the company only concentrates on coffee and rubber. Now at a mature age and rich in experience, Mansjur Tandiono leads the television station DAAI TV Indonesia. A new television station whose programs always prioritize universal love and concern for others.

Getting to know Tzu Chi
In 2002, Jakarta was hit by a major flood. At that time, Sugianto Kusuma (the current deputy chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia –ed) went to Hualien, Taiwan and met with Master Cheng Yen. After returning from there, he said to Mansjur, “This Tzu Chi is good, you know, let's jump in. At that time he said, 'You come with me to Hualien'." Finally, in May 2002, Mansjur Tandiono met Master Cheng Yen. “I was a little surprised that there was a nun with a small stature but with a big philosophy and soul who wanted people to have universal love. Master also gives help to other people who can't afford it," said Mansjur Tandiono, expressing his admiration.

After meeting Master Cheng Yen and returning to Indonesia, he later joined and became a Tzu Chi volunteer. The first reason he joined Tzu Chi was because he was very impressed with Master Cheng Yen. The second reason is because Sugianto Kusuma told him, “You teach all the children well. All earned Master's degrees at Stanford, USA. You come in, we'll build a school at the Cinta Kasih Housing Center." So, a team was formed to focus on and discuss the construction of the Love School at the Tzu Chi Love Housing Center, Cengkareng, Jakarta. Mansjur together with 3 leaders of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation – Liu Su Mei, Sugianto Kusuma, Franky O. Widjaja, and also with the volunteers who joined the education team diligently discussed the construction of the school, starting from the education system, educators and students.

"If you want to do something, do a good job. If not, then yes no, if so, do well," he said when he finally dived into the world of education. His education in Chinese schools has made him understand that if we want to be successful we must be disciplined. That is what makes education at Tzu Chi different. In addition to useful knowledge, Tzu Chi also teaches moral lessons for students. People must have a healthy mind. This is what he always emphasizes in every meeting with the teachers. He gave an example when he was with the Charity School students in Taiwan. School students there if they want to move the chair will not be pulled, must be lifted. Likewise, when they see the garbage piled up, even if he didn't throw it away, they will take the trash and throw it away according to the place provided.

Mansjur was very impressed to see this and invited the teachers at the Cinta Kasih School to teach the teachers at the Cinta Kasih School to teach the same thing to the students. "It feels like we have gained new knowledge, even though we have only just seen it. Life is full of challenges and you can be happy because you can give other people something useful,” continued this father who has 4 children and 3 grandchildren.

Mansjur also fully understands that Tzu Chi is truly engaged in charity, spreading universal love to society. Tzu Chi helps people who need help without discrimination. Even some people who have received assistance are now taking turns providing assistance to others who need help. One day, there was a school principal in Jakarta who did not believe that the Cinta Kasih School was so good. The principal came and saw the Cinta Kasih School, which turned out to be clean and the students were neat. The principal asked, "How long can this last?" A question that made him ponder a little. Therefore, Mansjur always emphasizes to the teachers and school principals so that they can maintain the achievements that have been obtained.

Starting from Zero
After the Cinta Kasih School had operated, he helped with the process of establishing DAAI TV with Hong Tjhin. At that time, the permit had been obtained from the Governor of DKI Jakarta. When asked for help, Mansjur said that the key to take care of the school is the teacher's concern for students is of the utmost importance. But the television station was something new to him. Mansjur is completely blind to television stations, but fortunately in Taiwan the DAAI television station is already operating. Eric Yao as CEO of DAAI TV Taiwan at that time gave a lot of input and lessons to the staff of DAAI TV Indonesia. From the first time the idea of ​​establishing DAAI TV was born, DAAI TV Indonesia really started from scratch. Let alone about the program, frequency and transmitter, Mansjur did not understand at all. It was a fortune for DAAI TV Indonesia when Eric Yao and his entourage came to Indonesia and gave directions. The directions are so detailed starting from the broadcast equipment to the programs. This assistance program was then continued by 2 senior staff of DAAI TV Taiwan, Dylan (Yang Dong-liang) and Grace (Tong Siang-ling).

The initial team of DAAI TV Indonesia began to hold meetings with the DAAI TV team of Taiwan. The two teams began to discuss the issue of frequencies, transmitters, drama programs dubbed, translated, and so on. Discussions became more serious in August 2005 and in 2006 the organization's preparatory meetings became more intensive. As a result, in October 2006, DAAI TV Indonesia started broadcasting a special ASEAN News program on DAAI TV Taiwan.

The development continues because in 2007, the preparation for DAAI TV Indonesia was more mature because the equipment had already started to be installed. Previously, DAAI TV Indonesia was still using Taiwan's DAAI TV satellite, now DAAI TV Indonesia has used its own satellite. "I have to thank Hong Tjhin who has more time to regularly lead DAAI TV," said Mansjur Tandiono.

One of the things that Mansjur usually does after coming home from work is watching DAAI TV Indonesia and DAAI TV Taiwan. Another television station that is usually watched is Phoenix TV, Hong Kong. He usually watches international news whose broadcasts cover events around the world. According to him, Phoenix TV does not side with anyone, only tells about what is happening in the world. "We can't say we don't want to know what's happening in the world," said Mansjur.

Mansjur is also very fond of sports. But unlike most people who just want to know who won and lost. Mansjur saw it from a different angle. Roger Federer for example. He admires the current world number one who has such a great shot. He saw the same thing in basketball, running, and golf athletes. How humans can maximize their extraordinary abilities, that's what Mansjur Tandiono sees from sports. "If you want to be successful, you have to be diligent, steadfast, and practice diligently," said Mansjur, who was included in the top 5 list of national amateur golfers in the early 1990s.

Fresh Entertaining Watch
The presence of the television station DAAI TV is a unique phenomenon in the Indonesian television world. By carrying out the principles of zhen (truth), shan (virtue), and mei (beauty). DAAI TV Indonesia presents its viewers with the truth. To realize this, every DAAI TV program is not related to politics, mysticism, magic, and all forms of violence. DAAI TV gives the public a reality show. So it is with virtue. What is conveyed to the community must be based on benevolence to others.

In addition, the programs broadcast on DAAI TV must also provide beauty to the community. The material is more contained, useful, the spectacle is polite and the pictures are moving. “By watching DAAI TV, people will be entertained and healthy. Seeing but being useful, that's the goal of the fresh stream of DAAI TV," explained Mansjur Tandiono.

One time, Mansjur was interviewed about whether he was not afraid of people's perception that he was a layman in the television world. Mansjur replied that it was no problem and was not worried at all because the DAAI TV television station had its own mission. "With a fresh stream of helping the community," he said optimistically. Since DAAI TV's first broadcast, many viewers have been inspired and changed. "Many examples of change for the better have occurred in society after watching DAAI TV," he explained.

This is certainly encouraging because in the midst of the current information trend, DAAI TV is here to bring a fresh stream. "We will not follow the existing trend because everyone returns to our mission. We run our own programs that cannot be separated from universal love and care for the community. We hope that people live in harmony, peace, and prosperity,” explained Mansjur Tandiono when asked how DAAI TV is in the Indonesian television scene. The drama that aired on DAAI TV was originally from Taiwan, but it taught good manners and was suitable for the people of Indonesia. And what is more encouraging, these dramas have received a good response from the public. In fact, since May 8, 2008, DAAI TV has broadcast a self-made drama, namely Story of Sebening Kasih, produced by the famous filmmaker, Garin Nugroho.

Mansjur as Executive Management of DAAI TV has short, medium and long term programs. The short-term program is to develop programs that are good for the viewers. If the current DAAI TV program is still 4 hours per day, it will slowly be increased to 6, then 12 hours a day in the next 3-4 years. Meanwhile, the medium-term program is to establish several new DAAI TV stations in the cities of Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Bandung.

This program is planned for the next 4-6 years. And for the long-term program, DAAI TV broadcasts can be broadcast 24 hours a day throughout Indonesia. "But it's a very long program, it could be 10-15 years into the future," he explained.

“Now that DAAI TV has aired, the public has responded. At first, there were those who had negative responses, 'How come there are so many Mandarin languages, foreign?' Then there were those who said, 'Is this religious television?' After a long time, they saw it and the responses turned out to be different and different. Anyway, there must be new goals and changes,” explained Mansjur Tandiono, closing the interview during his busy schedule that afternoon.

As told to Himawan Susanto
Foto: Dok. Tzu Chi
Translator: Olivia Tan (Tzu Chi Volunteers)
Nothing can be diffcult when your heart perceives no diffculties
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -