Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Ongko Wiyono
Lau Pu Sha's Dedication to the Family

Holding onto the principle of ‘Just do it’, Ongko, 69 year old volunteer Lau Pu Sha did everything with compassion. Even when the sun sets, and the body weakens, Ongko stays active in donating entertainment to the elders.”

His name is Ongko Wiyono, a man born in 6th December 1948 with his wife Chuliana Tiola and his dear child Teresia Tiolani, actively takes their time to do good. They always make use of the moments together to do good. In actuality, the sense of togetherness seen today has been a habit since childhood.

Ongko and Chuliana are a couple of husband and wife who hail from the same area, Belitung, Sumatera. Both know since they were kids, and became the best childhood friends. They even learned new things in the same place and the same time! “We were on the same village and on the same class until the Junior High School (SMP)”, said Ongko. “We’ve known each other since we’re little.” , her wife chimed.

After graduating from Junior High School, Ongko and Chuliana both decided to migrate to Jakarta in order to continue their studies in a Chinese Senior High School (SMA). Both registered in the same school. Before their studies were over, both decided to go back to their village to see the school they once studied together in, ravaged by the chaos of a national tradegy. Together, the two worked hard for each other to prepare for the time they become parents. On 1971, the 24 year old man and the 22 year old woman got married. They were blessed with five daughters: Tinnie Tiolani, Yunnie Tiolani, Denie Tiolani, Teresia Tiolani, and Selvi Ongko Tiolani.

Travelling through the Path of Goodwill

Ongko’s family then came back to Jakarta. It is in this metropolis they got to know Tzu Chi. He still remember back in the 2000s, the Tzu Chi office that was located in Mangga Dua, Jakarta, did not have many volunteers.

Ongkno knew Tzu Chi from his son-in-law, Hong Tjhin, who sometimes borrow the car in order to do help others.

The fact that Hong Tjhin keeps borrowing the car, Ongko too, got to know moreabout Tzu Chi. “Eventually, I decided to join Hok Cun (Volunteers’ Associate) to do activities. I started sharing groceries to the deep, the villages, and many more.” Said Ongko while reminiscing his journey with Tzu Chi. Being there to help Tzu Chi for a long time, Ongko felt that the male volunteers were far and between back then. He also recalled the time he invited his children to do activity with Tzu Chi as well.

In 2003, Ongko with Chuliana and Teresia became active as Tzu Chi volunteers, donning the grey outfit. “Anyone in a charity mission or any other activity, anyone works.” Said the 69 year old. “Academic and Medical missions joined. Anytime when there’s an activity, they join. There’s still only a few volunteers.”, continued her wife. However, as time passes by, Chuliana has been spending her time in Singapore. “My daughter moved, and joined to protect my daughter. I could stay there for three months, back to Jakarta for a month, and back to Singapore.” She said. This chore was done from 2006 to 2009. Volunteer work was inded left behind for a while, but when we are in Jakarta, Chuliana keeps joining activity time together with her husband and her children.

Meanwhile, Ongko with Teresia continues to contribute to Tzu Chi. “She (Teresia) comes with me often. When she comes for a meeting or anything similar, many called her as if she’s my secretary!”, he said with a smile.

The Commitment to Bear Responsibility

The activity of Ongko with his wife and his children led him to be in charge of a division in Tzu Chi. He was appointed as the coordinator of charity activities in the west He Qi community in Panti Jompo. Ongko then did his best as the man in charge. Chuliana and Teresia are always by Ongko’s side doing activities in Tzu Chi. “Since back then, there’s always been activity, and when Shibo (Ongko) joins, I always join with him.” Said Teresia with a smile.

It has been more than 10 years since Ongko and his family help pave the way for Tzu Chi. Ongko was also given responsibilities as the coordinator of Panti Jompo visits for ten years straight. He felt the many love and suffering all the years as he took responsibility of the area. Moreso, the place that were lived by a few hundred people, now increased to roughly three times the amount. “I had to work, work work. Not going to get dizzy.” Said Oongko.

Throughout this decade, Oongko worked with all his heart managing Panti Jompo. Once a month, he himself do visits; not only did he manage to entertain the frail old moms the rest of his army. He also helped them clean up the bedrooms of the old ones. “Three monhts each, I clean up everyone’s tables, beds, chair, and wardrobe. I don’t want them to get dirty.”

Since the start of Ongko with his family, they always take their time to help others in Tzu Chi. “We weren’t working on anything today, so we went ahead and do anything good.” Said Ongko, smiling. Anytime Tzu Chi needs help in Tzu Chi activities, he is the first to respond, brings his children and always work out to help. “We are happy to be living a meaningful life, because at this age, I could just stay at home and take care of my daughters.” Said the 67 year old woman.

As his age increases, the body become weaker. Ongko kept  on joining Tzu Chi’s activities, although he did suffer from a heart attac before. His condition streadly worsened. Despite that, he still tried his best to fulfill his role and responsibility as the coordinator of loving visits. “It’s okay if you want to see opa and oma. Opa oma see me I am happy too,” said Ongko. “Happy for a parent to help my parents (opa oma), can still entertain even when old in age,” continued Chuliana. “That’s how we respect our parents,” said Ongko staring at his wife. 

There are independent memories for Ongko choosing nursing home as his source of income with his family and other volunteers. There were memories of laughter and happiness with fellow opa and oma in the nursing house.  “There is a resident named miss Ana, every month I brought her batteries for her radio. The radios are used to pray. She\s blind, but still healthy even now. She misses me the most”, said Ongko.

The togetherness between fellow opa and oma made the volunteers become even more friendly with them. It’s no surprise when the volunteers know them one by one despite the hundreds of residents. “While there are happy moments there are sad ones too (with them). On the next month from now, someone might leave and change residents while a new one joins.” Said Chuliana.

Supporting One Another

His activeness in doing activities in Tzu Chi with his health condition that’s not as fit as he used to be gets attention and support from his family. Since the very beginning, Ongko and his family has always been helping others together. “We will support and keep him safe too.”, said his wife. Teresia agreed with what her mom said as well. “I will be by Shibo’s (Ongko’s) side, and whenever he joins an activity, we will follow.” she said confidently.

The ones giving support to Ongko are not only his family, but also fellow volunteers also help supporting his positive spirit. “There’s a volunteer that said, ‘Shixiong, don’t come out from the nursing house, or you’ll be searched by oma-oma.’ It has indeed been 10 years since we started providing service to the nursing house.” Ongko said smiling. His persistence also inspired fellow volunteers. In return, the volunteers then made sure of Ongko. “He said that Shixiong will do his best to take care of the nursing house. I pray for your health.” He said, mimicking one of the volunteers who gave him the message. “But time by time I will leave,” said Ungko.  

Becoming a part of Tzu Chi’s family and the frequency of humanitarian activities done has indeed given Ongko and his family positive results. Ongko’s tendency to be emotional is now in control. “Now I don’t become emotional as often as I used to be, so many people like me.” he said with a slightly joking tone.

Positive changes are also felt to Teresia, the daughter. With her quiet personality, this 39 year old woman now has lots of friends. “Now her HP rings often.” Her dad laughed. “At first, she was shy to talk, but now she doesn’t.” said Teresia, who slightly stares at her parents. “She doesn’t like to talk wide and open, only short talks.” Said his dad.

What Teresia experienced gave her profound love for both of her parents. “Back then, when I was invited to talk by my relatives, I didn’t talk much. But, when I came back here (from Singapore) and joined social service activities, I feel happy.” Said Chuliana happily. Teresia spent most of her time in Tzu Chi. “Just being on Tzu Chi daily.” She said. She is also the one who kept reminding her mom to be active in Tzu Chi. It is not uncommon for Teresia to prepare needs such as uniforms to do activities.

Firmly Striving for Blessings

After more than 10 years of volunteering efforts in Tzu Chi, Ongko and his family was then inagurated as Volunteer Comitee in 2016. Ongko should’ve been inagurated 9 years ago, which was 2007, but in order to be able to be inagurated along with his wife, he waited. “My wife’s in Singapore all this time, but I wait until we’re together.” Said Ungko.

Waiting for almost a decade isn’t a big deal for Ongko, even if many of the volunteers pushed him to be inagurated as Volunteer Committee. This is because what’s most important for Ongko isn’t the name and outfit that he wears to be known by everyone, but the good deeds that can be done. “What’s most important is to just keep doing good deeds.” Said lightly.

That time finally arrived in November 2016, where Ongko with his wife and daughters are were officially inagurated as Volunteer of the Tzu Chi committee. But the relations that could be made cannot be predicted. Right on the inaguration day, Ongko was in the middle of a medical health check-up and the doctor didn’t allow him to travel far. Because of this, Ongko wasn’t able to attend the inaguration ceremony in Taiwan. “I didn’t go there on the inaguration day. Doctor said not to travel by plane, especially when it’s far away.” Said Ungko. The leader of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Sumei, who knew this brought him an outfit from Taiwan. The inaguration then proceeded through long-distance communication. “He (Liu Sumei) gave it (the Tzu Chi committee outfit)” said Ongko.

Ongko and his family kept their values and kept on doing good deeds. “How Tzu Chi works is not to view it one way or another, but to just do it.” He said. Tzu Chi’s values has indeed become a big part of him and his family. It is no big surprise to his current body condition today, but Ongko kept working on the fields, raising the buds of blessings of helping one another. “Just follow the steps of Shangren,” said Ongko. Not only Ongko, but Chuliana and Teresia also safeguards their commitments together. “Follow the ways of Master Cheng Yen,” said Chuliana. Ongko and Chuliana also hopes that their family, sons, and grandsons become good people. “It’s important to be able to study and keep studying,” he said.

Translated by: Ricky Satria

Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -