Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Roberto H. Chandra
Dip into Dharma through Environmental Conservation

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“We do not only sort recyclable materials, the most important thing is we can reach Dharma through it”.

I started joining Tzu Chi in 2011, I was initially only accompanying my Shijie who had already joined Tzu Chi beforehand. At that time, my wife kept joining Tzu Chi activities enthusiastically. I told her, “Okay then. Go ahead and join first, I’ll follow after you.” I was only focusing on my career at that time.

In the middle of 2012, there was an Environmental Conservation program of Tzu Chi and I joined the program. By coincidence, the inauguration of Environmental Conservation Depot of Tzu Chi also took place in December 2012 at Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta. Since then, I started to actively join in Environmental Conservation until now.

Being a volunteer in Environmental Conservation allow me to be in a lot of unique experiences. We can protect Mother Earth and also collaborate with other volunteers in Environmental Conservation activities. I feel like I can help the citizens or other institutions to encourage them in joining Environmental Conservation activities by sorting out recyclable materials. I also feel this is very useful for myself. Upon knowing that what I am doing is useful for others has led me to sacrifice more of my personal time in exchange for more time to do environmental conservation.  

I run a home industry business in stationery production In relation to that, I have to be wise in managing my time between doing my business and joining social activities. For me, joining the activities allow me to socialize with my friends. We can see and learn from our friends’ characters as well. That is also a kind of Dharma. In the end, when doing the Environmental Protection, we also learn what has been taught by Master Cheng Yen.

All of them (Dharma) can be encountered one after another, so we can instill the values well and take what is good for ourselves. In Tzu Chi, there are values of Sila, spirit and strength. We can find those values in Environmental Conservation program as well. How we relate to it is not only from sorting out recyclable materials, but seeing the Dharma within the activity. We could learn from there then we can address it to others.

We can share to our relatives what we have learnt from the citizen’s spirit. For example, I came to know that there are plenty of people who are enthusiastic in collecting the recyclable materials, so that we can share this spirit and enthusiasm with other volunteers when they feel down. Therefore, we can inspire other volunteers from the spirit of others.

In the Environmental Conservation program we can also give more information to schools, such as providing information sessions about Environmental Conservation to schools and encouraging them to sort garbage to protect the environment. As a result, these schools are showing enthusiasm towards this program. There are even schools who came to Tzu Chi Environmental Conservation Depot to learn how to sort out recyclable materials.

Since 2015 I have been given the responsibility as a person in charge of West Cengkareng’s Hu Ai for Environmental Conservation. We indeed cannot decide whether this responsibility will be given to us for only 5 or 10 years. We know that our Earth keeps turning so we have to be focused on what we are doing. Most importantly, we are always willing to work and hold responsibility.

The relation I have with Tzu Chi is quite unique because of the values I have practiced in Tzu Chi, particularly in Environmental Conservation. I practice it since the early stages of my career.  As an example, when I started working as a technician, I was introduced to “R” principle which is Repair. Afterwards, I worked as a lumberjack where I collected kinds of wood that were no longer used then these were created into useful and valuable things.

One of many things to reduce garbage is with “Reduce” and “Reuse.” Then, I also ran business in the field of iron. During this time, I also collected metal plates which were no longer used and I sold them afterwards. To sum up, everything is related to my life experiences and go in line with Tzu Chi. This is the reason why I felt compelled to be in Tzu Chi team.

Having the opportunity of volunteering in Tzu Chi gives me happiness. We can socialize with friends with various characters, personalities and social status. Everyone is able to mingle with each other. As long as I have time, I will always try to help and be committed to Tzu Chi.

As explained to Teddy Lianto.

Translated by Evelyn (Tzu Chi School)

Edited by Caroline Widjanarko (Tzu Chi School)


A smart person places great emphasis on gain and loss, whereas a wise person is courageous to let go.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -