Tzu Chi Jakarta Volunteer: Yang Pit Lu
I Am Still Learning and Will Continue to Learn

“It is a relief and a joy to see some patients recovering from their illnesses.”
While conducting this interview, Yang Pit Lu’s (shortened to Lulu) cell phone kept ringing. Even so, she answered all the addressed questions with soft words and modesty.
The scene has been part of the daily routine of Lulu, a mother of 3 children namely Adi Ligasaputra (26 years old), Erik Ligasaputra (24 years old) and Dina Sandy Ligasaputri (22 years old), after her decision to get involved and serve as the Charity Mission Coordinator at the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Indonesia.
Lulu was born in Medan, October 19, 1956. Fully occupied with arranging case survey schedules (special treatment patients-ed), finding and managing hospital administration and making visits to patients make her feel that 24 hours in a day is insufficient to fulfill all her wishes.
“Tzu Chi's Love For Mama Has Opened My Eyes”
“I met Tzu Chi for the first time when my mother was very ill back in the USA,” Lulu recalled. "At that time," added Lulu, "mama's cancer had entered stage three and her life expectancy would last three months. I didn't know what was going through my mind at that time; sadness, anger and disappointment all wrapped up in one.”
Seeing her mother's deteriorating health condition, Lulu and her seven siblings decided to find someone who understood and was willing to teach Buddhism to their mother. All was done in the hope that, when the time had come to leave this mortal realm, their mother could go peacefully as a true Buddhist.
"We are Buddhists, but in fact we did not understand Buddhism at all. We only follow the religious ceremony," said Lulu.
After a long search for the right person, Lulu's sister finally found some Taiwanese people who understood Buddhism. Every two days they visited and gave consolation to Lulu’s sick mother and the whole family. With a great love, these Taiwanese, who were actually Tzu Chi members, never failed to give advice and encouragement to all family members to stay strong in the face of adversity.
The presence of the Tzu Chi members had brought a different atmosphere to Lulu's home. The stiff walls that had once been cold and lifeless, now felt warmer and friendlier. The visitors from Tzu Chi had relieved the tension of the family and spread good vibes.
"It's like getting a new strength; in time of our sadness suddenly came good people who cared about us," said Lulu.
Sincere love, warm greetings and gentle touches shared by the Tzu Chi members accompanied Lulu's mother until her last breath. This unconditional love was imprinted on and kept on flashing in Lulu's mind, even after her return to Indonesia.

As the wife of Lie Ping Hui, Lulu has always been interested and used to doing humanitarian activities. However, with her limitations, the actions could only be carried out within a small scope. “At first I didn't know that the Taiwanese were from Tzu Chi. I thought that they were just Buddhists,” said Lulu. Lulu admitted that the Love Visits her family had from Tzu Chi had opened their eyes and strengthened their determination to be devoted to humanitarian activities. "Loving care makes other people feel warm and at ease," she added.
“When I was in my 20s, I always asked about the meaning of life in this world. Was it just taking care of your own family?" said Lulu. If so, Lulu thought the happiness she felt then was far from perfect despite the happy family she already had.
Lulu had also done some humanitarian activities but she could not feel the happiness yet. There was still a dilemma plaguing her heart. Only when she got to know Tzu Chi, the dilemma in her heart was slowly resolved. "I realized that in the past, true compassion had yet to emerge from me. At that time, I carried out humanitarian activities but merely as part of religious teachings, without giving compassionate assistance as the Tzu Chi members had shown. Therefore, I could not feel the happiness," she said.
After her decision to join the Tzu Chi Foundation, Lulu admitted that she found the one hope in her life she had been longing for. "Giving with compassion, which is one of the hallmarks of Tzu Chi, has had a positive impact on my life," she said.
“That feeling of happiness,” added Lulu, “started to emerge when I had the opportunity to directly see and feel the suffering of others, especially when they recovered from illness and we saw positive changes in their families.” “Soon I realized it was the kind of life I needed. I had wished for a meaningful life, in which I would be useful to others. Life is not eternal. Therefore, I have to make good and optimal use of my healthy body,” said Lulu.
Learning from Master Cheng Yen
Life is a valuable lesson. Likewise, Lulu's journey towards union with Tzu Chi was full of twists and turns. “When I first joined Tzu Chi, I was disappointed and I had a strong desire to resign,” she recalled.
At that time Lulu admitted that her ego was quite high; she had always received praises for what she did from the school, the office or her customers. And, Lulu could definitely achieve her well-thought plans. “At that time, I thought, why sweat the small stuff like charity? I was willing to help, but the senior volunteers reproached me,” she recalls.
Her mindset changed when Lulu participated in the volunteer training held by Tzu Chi. From the training, Lulu learned that at Tzu Chi, we don't just do good, or help others, but also train ourselves to leave our ego behind and learn to be tolerant. "I feel very lucky I could participate in the volunteer training," she said with a smile.

It is not easy to train yourself, Lulu also admitted. Therefore, Lulu tried to become more acquainted with Tzu Chi values and teaching through Master Cheng Yen's books, lectures and contemplative words. "Master Cheng Yen's words have helped to train myself and change my mindset that centered on ‘self' and 'negative' sides. I gradually changed, and now I have become more patient and humbler," said Lulu.
Besides, Lulu often learned from the senior volunteers about their efforts to overcome the life’s obstacles and tests themselves.
Lulu added, in union with Tzu Chi, we needed company and guidance from the seniors because they were the ones who could give us encouragement when we were down and hopeless. "I was very grateful that there were a lot of Tzu Chi volunteers who showed willingness to accompany me with patience and understanding so that I could learn to be wiser, more steadfast and consistent in this Bodhisattva journey," she explained.
In the past, when someone hurt her, Lulu would be angry for days or even years. But now Lulu has started to learn to control her emotions. This gentle and beautiful woman always says, what she is currently doing is still in the learning stage. "There are still many shortcomings that I need to improve and I will continue to learn to become a better Tzu Chi person," she said firmly.
Empathy is the Main Key
"When there is a will there's a way". This mindset has been instilled by Lulu's parents since she was little. "They always said, anyone could do whatever they wanted only if they were willing to try," recalled Lulu.
And it's not just a figment. With hard work, Lulu managed to build a women's clothing company. With only three sewing machines at the beginning, Lulu continued to develop her garment company so that her products could penetrate several major stores in Indonesia and foreign markets. "We were very happy when we exported our products abroad for the first time.”
Slowly but surely, Lulu's hope was realized. A thriving garment company and a happy family with good husband and children should make her life happier. But in reality, Lulu never felt the happiness she had longed for. “In the past, I was too demanding of the people around me to do what I expected, regardless of their condition. But Tzu Chi has made me Iearn to be more empathetic to them," explained Lulu.

Lulu is always committed to her work. She proved this by leaving her company just to focus on Tzu Chi. "I've never regretted doing it. In fact, I am very grateful to be able to concentrate on Tzu Chi, without being distracted by other things,” she said confidently.
In providing assistance and services to the community, Tzu Chi members are required to put themselves in the recipients’ shoes. "When we empathize with the suffering of others, we will automatically know how they feel and what they need. Only then we could provide support according to their needs," explained Lulu.
It is true that empathizing with the suffering of others is not an easy task. But the more we see these special-treatment patients, the more we can understand their suffering. Their journeys have made us feel grateful for our health and happy families.
Becoming a Motivator
During her nine years of devotion for the special treatment patients, Lulu has experienced many ups and downs. Being able to see the pain implied on a patient's face that turning into a happy smile, is the true happiness. "I don't know how to say it, I feel relieved and excited when these patients recover from their illness. There are times when I feel very sad too; when I can't do anything for the incurable patients," said Lulu.

Lulu confessed that she was not always treated well by the patients. “Some patients tend to be angry, but I try to put myself in their shoes. The patients could have been too desperate it led them to such anger.
All her humanitarian activities are carried out with sincerity and wholeheartedness. She serves with compassion that is continuously nurtured in her heart. Lulu wishes that the patients who received help from Tzu Chi would also share the love they feel with others.
"In accordance with Tzu Chi's mission, Tzu Chi volunteers are expected to not only provide assistance, but also try to motivate the recipients so as to spread the love they have to others," she continued.
Some patients who have successfully undergone special treatment began to follow the move. Take Sarwen, for example. She had a tumor in her stomach which was successfully removed under Tzu Chi’s hospital treatment. After the surgery she was moved to donate two of her piggy banks to Tzu Chi despite her economic and physical limitations. The love that Tzu Chi instilled in Sarwen has now blossomed and continues to bear fruit.
"It could not have been done without the role of the survey team, who has devoted their time and energy to provide services to people in need," said Lulu with a smile.
As told to Veronika
Photographer: Anand Yahya
Translator: Vissia Budi Apriliana, Sweete (Tzu Chi School)