Tzu Chi Volunteer East He Qi Community: Benny Suhaimi
Diligently Learning In Tzu Chi

In every mission run, I always remember Master Cheng Yen's message, "For the sake of Buddha's teaching, for the sake of all beings". Just by remembering that message then the spirit will be less likely to be loose because we still have to distribute Tzu Chi's baton relay to the next generation.

I learned about Tzu Chi from my sister and her husband, Elizabeth Fariana and Johan Kohar. At the time, she visited me and asked me to change the TV's channel to DAAI TV because they really wanted to watch a drama. They said, the story in the drama is exciting and there is a lot of lessons to take. I just look at it.

Not long after that, Johan invited me to go for a movie at Mal Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. After that we stopped by the Jing Si Books and Cafe at Kelapa Gading. Once inside, I saw many people sitting and talking. There were also some people who practiced singing with hand gestures, and the rhythm was beautiful. To be honest, I was interested in Tzu Chi when I first watched DAAI TV drama. Seeing the atmosphere at Jing Si Books & Cafe, I became more interested.

Then I joined Tzu Chi Volunteers in 2007 and started activities in environmental conservation missions. Early morning, other volunteers and I went knocking on people's door to give them information about environmental conservation and at the same time asking if there are any recyclable items in the house. I was a shy person and finally learning to be brave.

One year in Tzu Chi, I learn a few new things. I joined my first case survey of beneficiaries in Pademangan, Jakarta Utara. At that time Pademangan area was a target area of Tzu Chi's Kelapa Gading volunteer community.

From a visit to the patient's home, I learned how my life was so full. I learned to be grateful because when I woke up I did not need to worry about my breakfast. When I wanted to run a business, I already had the capital. Other wishes are easily fulfilled, while some patients greatly suffered from their illness. Once in a home visit, the family has a sick wife and the husband is paralyzed. They live in less than decent home, no bathroom and kitchen. After seeing this, how can I not be touched. My eyes and heart became more open.

Besides being grateful, I have learned a lot more in Tzu Chi which of course all is good for me. In the past, I lived in a less supportive environment to do good deeds. It is almost every night I heard people having a fight, chasing each other, and crime happened a lot. I was also affected and did the same thing, drinking, smoking, and gambling.

During that time, I was trying to be independent because my father was also sick. I was building a business in trading frogs. I do not know how many lives have been lost but it was only for a year. After that, I focused on the wet noodles business established by my parents in Palembang. I was a person with bad temper. As an employer, I often lost my patience to my employee. However, it was an old story. As I moved to Jakarta in the year 1991, I learned to be kind and patient although it was not fully successful.

If I am to make a comparison between 1 year and 5 years in Tzu Chi, my way of thinking and personality is no longer the same. When I first became a volunteer and a person lost his temper to me, I can still pretend to hold it. But inside, I am holding my anger. Sometimes it is hard to accept criticism from others even after becoming a volunteer for 5 years. If it is now, I have understood about my strengths and weakness. So if there is a critique coming, instead of getting angry, I will be grateful because I have been reminded of my weakness.

Since 2010, I have also started becoming a vegetarian. It cannot be denied that the benefits from adopting vegetarian lifestyle is very large, especially for health. Over the last 5 years, I have very rarely been sick. So the funds for treatment can be allocated to contribute to Tzu Chi's.

Seeing a significant change in myself, my family is definitely very supportive. Whenever there is a Tzu Chi activity, my wife always prepares my uniforms and other needs. I'm very grateful for having a supportive family. Moreover when I have become a Volunteer Committee and I must manage my time accordingly for my family and Tzu Chi.

Being a Volunteer Committee has allowed me to focus more on sowing the seed of love. Especially because I am a part of functional Health Mission at East He Qi community. In every mission run, I always remember Master Cheng Yen's message, "For the sake of Buddha's teaching, for the sake of all beings". Just by remembering that message then the spirit will be less likely to loose because we still have to distribute Tzu Chi's baton relay to the next generation.

As told to Felicite Angela Maria (East He Qi)

Translated by Valdi

Edited by Caroline Widjanarko (Tzu Chi School)


A smart person places great emphasis on gain and loss, whereas a wise person is courageous to let go.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -