Tzu Chi Volunteer of Padang: Theng Kheng Hwat
Become More Caring

I used to have a generator sets (electric power generating machines) business and run several stores. But for some reasons, my business went bankrupt. I have not worked since then. I spent my days staying at home and watching television.

One day when I was watching, I accidentally switched the channel to Da Ai TV Taiwan which was showing the activities done by Tzu Chi. It touched my heart. Somehow I wanted to know more about Tzu Chi. I searched for information about Tzu Chi branch in Padang. As it turned out, there was one and I began to learn about Tzu Chi's vision and mission. Long story short, in 2007, I joined Tzu Chi.

The first Tzu Chi activity I participated in was carrying relief items for earthquake victims in Bengkulu, in Silaut area which was struck by an earthquake measuring 7.9 on Richter scale. Tzu Chi Padang volunteer team immediately went down to give assistance.

As time went on I began to take part in other Tzu Chi activities in Padang, such as in the logistics department, environmental preservation, education, and charity missions. Every Saturday I regularly attend the visiting as self-training for myself. I am happy to be in Tzu Chi because all members always wear uniforms whenever they’re on duty. With us in uniforms, the community knows who we are, and it shows no differences between the capable and underprivileged volunteers, we’re all the same when involved in Tzu Chi activities.

In the present, my days are dedicated to Tzu Chi. In my family and living environment I always encourage people to take care of the environment and keep it clean. In addition to reminding them to dispose of the garbage properly, I also encourage them to sort recyclable items. My efforts to invite people to preserve our environment bear fruit. They are very supportive of it.

Walking on the Tzu Chi volunteer line has given me a positive changes in my attitude. In the past I didn't care about other people’s lives, but having been interacting with a lot of people, I started to care more about others. Seeing other people suffer makes me suffer too.

I feel my life has been calmer since I knew Tzu Chi, my life has changed dramatically. I used to smoke three packs of cigarettes, drink alcohols, and visit a nightclub almost every night. I often did useless things. I couldn’t control my anger. But all those bad habits were gone after I got to know Tzu Chi.

Every time I hear and understand the contents of Master Cheng Yen's lectures, I slowly become aware of the true meaning of life. And the changes in my attitude have affected my family as well. Now every day I always make time to watch DAAI TV, because the programs are inspiring and able to make someone better. Moreover, Master Cheng Yen's lectures always encourage her disciples to appreciate time, help each other, love others regardless of the ethnic groups, religions, races, or groups.

There is one line from the reflection that becomes my own inspiration, namely, "In doing good deeds do not take into account how much is done, as long as it is appropriate to do it, just do it with sincerity."

As told to Pipi (Tzu Chi Padang)

Translated by Stefanny Doddy

Edited by Ryan P Wijaya (Tzu Chi School)


The beauty of humanity lies in honesty. The value of humanity lies in faith.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -