Tzu Chi Volunteer of Tebing Tinggi: Wardi
Understanding the Real Life

I have known Tzu Chi long before there was Tzu Chi office in Tebing Tinggi town. At that time, there was only one volunteer from Tzu Chi, Pinnie Johan Shijie, who actively raising charity funds for Tzu Chi since 2006. Pinnie Johan Shijie also invited me to join in the rice distribution activity; however I wasn’t able to join at that time.

My relationship with Tzu Chi blossomed in early 2009. I was starting to take interest in Tzu Chi after watching a real life drama in Da Ai TV. From this television as well, I began to know the figure of Master Cheng Yen through her lectures. I was touched by Master Cheng Yen’s compassion and wisdom. Since then, I had a plan to build Tzu Chi office in Tebing Tinggi town in order to help more people. I had a discussion with Pinnie Johan Shijie and Rusli Shixiong about making this plan a reality. But, how to do that? Honestly, I was confused at that time, and I didn’t really understand much about Tzu Chi. However, there was always a way for good intention.  Pinnie Shijie, who knew Tzu Chi volunteers in Medan, immediately got in touch with them. Our goodwill was accepted with much enthusiasm and joy.

I was relieved to receive assistance from the Tzu Chi volunteers in Medan for setting up Tzu Chi in Tebing Tinggi town, however I was still worried. I felt like walking in a dark alley. How can I explain about Tzu Chi to my friends and colleagues when I, myself, didn’t even really understand Tzu Chi? So, I only asked them to watch Da Ai TV if they wished to know more about Tzu Chi. Almost every day for about two months, I visited my colleagues asking for their opinions and supports in building Tzu Chi.

Finally, on February 28, 2009, we organized a Tea Gathering, which was helped by the Tzu Chi volunteers from Medan in Tio Heng Wan building by inviting people from Tebing Tinggi town. Unexpectedly, they were very enthusiastic. Approximately, 350 people were present to get to know Tzu Chi. From the result of this Tea Gathering activity, we had 30 people ready to take part in Abu Putih Volunteer training. So, in April 2009, Tebing Tinggi Xie Li was formed and I was trusted as its chairman.

As time went by, in March 2011 Tzu Chi Tebing Tinggi became Hu Ai and I became the deputy of Hu Ai. As it grew to become Hu Ai, the activities held were increasing and the scope was expanding. One of which, we were trusted to assist the Tzu Chi in Pematang Siantar and Kisaran. These things had made me contributed more of my time and mind. I focused almost all of my time for Tzu Chi. My family was also very supportive and they were actively involved in Tzu Chi as well. I felt blessed to have such a considerate family.

Five years later, I was appointed as a committee of Tzu Chi volunteer and again was given the responsibility as the chairman of Hu Ai Tebing Tinggi. However, considering my age, I felt that there should be regeneration. Therefore, in 2018, I gave up my position as the head of Hu Ai to Rusli Shixiong. However, I still help him as his deputy head.

Many years with Tzu Chi I have learned a lot of things. In the past, I thought Tzu Chi only conducted charity mission, helping poor people. But, once I got to know more about Tzu Chi, in fact being in Tzu Chi gave me an opportunity to train myself to develop wisdom by deepening Jing Si teachings and practicing it in daily life.

In Tzu Chi, I take part in various activities such as book review and Xun Fa Xiang (inhaling the scent of Dharma in the morning). From these activities, I realize that there is a precious jewel in Tzu Chi, which is the teaching of truth in order to foster a spirit of wisdom. Master Cheng Yen always says, “Creating blessings and cultivating wisdom must go hand in hand, so that we don't get lost and can achieve our goals.” It means that self-training is actually not just performing it but also learning it (working while learning, learning while working). That way, we can feel the joy in Dharma.

Master Cheng Yen has truly become a role model for me. She is very caring towards all creatures as if they are her own children, without discriminating. Master Cheng Yen’s reflection words are just like a medicine which can heal anxiety and lift a spirit. I hope I’m able to be in Dharma relationship with Master from life after life.

As told to Elin Juwita (Tzu Chi Tebing Tinggi)


Translated by Stefanny Doddy

Edited by Wida Maryani (Tzu Chi School)

Nothing is impossible with confdence, perseverance, and courage.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -