Health Social Service

Suffering from illness is a form of suffering experienced by human beings. For those who are able to treat their illness, this suffering can soon pass and they immediately continue the journey of life full of challenges. However, for those who are unable to treat it, especially those who require surgery, the illness continues to eat away at their lives little by little. Prolonged illness can make people fall into poverty, as a proverb of fell and struck down by a ladder. This condition is often found in Indonesia.

For that reason, Tzu Chi Indonesia routinely organizes large-scale health outreach activities (which cover surgery) and small ones (which cover general and dental treatment) in medically deprived areas throughout Indonesia. The first large-scale Tzu Chi health social service activity was held at Paramita Hospital, Tangerang on March 18-21, 1999. In this social service, the type of illnesses were treated included common illnesses, cleft lip, goiter, cataract, pterygium, entropion, hernia, minor lump. A total of 9,330 people were successfully treated in this social service.

Based on universal love, regardless of differences in religion, ethnicity, and race, Tzu Chi also organizes health social services in collaboration with various institutions from different backgrounds. Apart from private hospitals, Tzu Chi also collaborates with government and security agencies in organizing health social services. Until 2013, the health social service had been carried out 96 times from the western end of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to the eastern end of Indonesia in Papua.

Nothing is impossible with confdence, perseverance, and courage.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -