Humanist Culture Mission

"Purifying the human heart and bringing endless happiness to humanity.
It's really intriguing to be able to reach so many people in my limited age. However, if we can harness the power of teamwork and advanced modern technology, we will be able to effectively spread the true teachings of Buddha, far and wide."
Dharma Master Cheng Yen"

Guiding Mankind to the Path of Truth and Kindness

The mission of Tzu Chi's Humanist Culture is based on the principles of seeking truth, beauty, and kindness. It aims to bear witness to the spirit of human kindness in history.  Tzu Chi's monthly magazine began as a simple newsletter in 1967, featuring records of donations and names of donors received from the public. The magazine also features stories that highlight good deeds and acts of human kindness. These inspiring articles and news became the foundatation of the Humanist Culture Mission. Today, this Mission continues to spread humanist values ​​through various media channels, including print media, internet radio, TV, and multimedia. Apart from honest and truthful reporting, these various media provide guidance and direction, directing people to walk the path of kindness.

Taiwan's Tzu Chi print media has been well-known and acknowledged by the wider community. Both the Tzu Chi monthly magazine and Rhythm Monthly have earned their position in the society and is on par with the National Geographic magazine in Taiwan. They have picked up numerous awards and received the Golden Tripod Award (the highest honor in Taiwan's publishing industry) several times for their outstanding contents.

In addition to its publications in Chinese, Tzu Chi periodically releases articles in English and Japanese. The Foundation's offices in other countries such as America, Malaysia and Indonesia have made publications in local languages ​​to convey the inspiring and true stories of human kindness and love.

In the 1990s, the Taiwan Tzu Chi Humanist Culture Mission expanded its reach from print media to 3D media. At that time, Master Cheng Yen perceived  a significant influence of the mass media on society. Hence, a positive media is required to inspire human life. Master Cheng Yen then founded Da Ai TV (Da Ai means great love in Chinese).

Aiming  to spread the words of truth and kindness, Da Ai TV breaks the tradition of television stations in general. Ratings or commercial advertisements has not become its top priority. A quarter of the TV's operating costs are funded through the sale of recycled goods by volunteers in Taiwan. Since its inception until today, Da Ai TV station has received 41 prestigious  Golden Bell Awards (Emmy Awards in Taiwan) in addition to other national and international awards for its extraordinary programmes.

Touched by Master Cheng Yen's calling, many volunteers contributed their work in the form of writing, translation, photography, videography, art, decoration and others. To share the message and spirit of Love in mass, today, there are thousands of Tzu Chi volunteers around the world. They prepare and present real-time news to document Tzu Chi activities around the world.

Humanist Culture in Action

Humanist culture must immerse into body and soul then manifested into behavior

Tzu Chi media products adhere to the principles of truth, virtue and beauty. Truth means  every information delivered is accurate and real. Virtue defines the values ​​that can inspire others to do act of kindness. Beauty represents the core value of Tzu Chi's humanist culture. In Indonesia the Humanist Culture Mission has made a lot of movements such as publishing printed media in the form of bulletins, magazines, and posters; broadcasting educational and inspiring television programs through DAAI TV;  publishing books by Jing Si;  opening Jing Si Books and Café; and organizing activities such as book reviews, hand sign language, and flower arrangement.

Nothing can be diffcult when your heart perceives no diffculties
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -