Tzu Chi School

Master Cheng Yen envisions that education should be able to deliver in bringing up a person with humanist culture, who has gratitude, respects each other, and loves one another. Regarding this, Master Cheng Yen once said, Education is a pursuit that aims to purify the human heart. A well-organized education is a hope for society, and moreover it is a force for heart reassurance.
This educational vision is the background for the establishment of the Indonesian Tzu Chi School (Tzu Chi School) which was inaugurated on July 10, 2011 for preschool (Early Childhood) and elementary (Primary) levels. Tzu Chi School is guided by international teaching standards, to be a school that excels in the field of information technology and trilingual teaching (Indonesian, English, and Mandarin).

In its implementation, this school implements humanist cultural education and is supported by professional and compassionate human resources. It is hoped that in the future a young generation will be formed who are devoted to their parents, with noble and virtuous character, as well as academically capable and will contribute to building the nation and state.
The basic philosophy of implementing noble lofty ideals of education is to sow the seeds of useful human beings. The Mission of Tzu Chi Education is to educate manners, cultivate noble character, pass on according to the Path of Truth, and guide with the Principles of Truth.