A Chinese New Year Gift for Cin Siang

Journalist : Widodo (Tzu Chi Sinarmas Branch), Photographer : Widodo, Thoe Yulius (Tzu Chi Sinarmas Branch)
The front view of Cin Siang's house before the renovation

Love is a seed that is planted in the field of blessing in everyone's heart. How many seeds of love are sown, that is how much the results will be harvested.

(Jing Si Aphorism by Master Cheng Yen)

The green expanse of rice fields welcomes anyone who visits Suka Damai Village, Pangkalan Village, Teluknaga, Tangerang. Although surrounded by villages and factories, several plots of rice fields are still the foundation of life for many people in this village. This is what Marsin, familiarly called Cin Siang (58), had lived for the past 18 years. Occupying himself as a rice field worker, Cin Siang supported his wife and 6 children, namely Edih (34), Titin (28), Erma (25), Dian (20), Pipih (16), and Riski (15).

"Yes, it was not enough, we just had to do it. Eating at as little as possible," said Cin Siang.

Out of his 6 children, Titin, his second child, is married and lives separately. Meanwhile, the other children still live together in a simple 5 x 8 house including one grandson named Edwin (5), the son of Erma, who has separated from her husband.

Conditions in the house after being vacated before the renovation. The woven bamboo walls became the protector of the Cin Siang family’s home.

The house that Cin Siang and his family was living in was inherited from his parents. The front part was a blue board that had started to fade with time. While the walls were made of gedek (woven bamboo). This house always leaked when it rained. "Yes, when it leaked, the children would look for a shelter on their own; sometimes at a relative's house or at a neighbor's. As for me, I stayed, "said Cin Siang.

Due to the large number of family members living under the same roof, the interior arrangement of the house was improvised. The 14- inch tube TV as the only entertainment in the house has become the most valuable item. Meanwhile, for the needs of bathing and washing, Cin Siang went to a relative's place who lives right next to his house.

Tzu Chi volunteers from Sinar Mas Branch helped to unload materials during the house renovation process.

Cin Siang left his work at the rice fields since the ownership changed. "Yes, I wished I could still work, but of course it was the owner’s decision. After all, I'm too old for physical work and definitely not as strong as I used to be," he said. Luckily now he has a new business in herding ducks that belong to his brother.

At 8 a.m  everyday Cin Siang releases 100 ducks into the rice fields to look for food and makes sure the grazing ducks do not disturb the newly planted rice seeds. Around 3 p.m the ducks are herded back to the duck pen.

From that job, Cin Siang earns Rp. 40,000 per day. Sometimes he also collects grass or helps someone out. "As long as I have the power, I will do it."

Cin Siang herding ducks in a rice field not far from his house

In the past, Cin Siang had his own ducks, but along with the necessities of life, one by one the ducks were sold to meet his household needs. To help the needs of the family, his wife, Idah (51) became a massage therapist on call. "The fee I got would help a little; I’m so grateful if someone calls. But these days it is a bit of a drag," said Idah.

The family’s poor economic condition has an impact on the education of Cin Siang's children. Apart from Pipih, who is currently in grade 10 of SMAN 5 Tangerang Regency, five other children were educated up to elementary school. "After all, the children also refused to go to school. No, I can't push either. I just told them that, even though they are not in high school, it won’t stop them from being good people. That's the most important thing," he added. Currently only Edih (first child) and Dian (fourth child) are helping the family by selling bugs needed to feed birds. It is also an uncertain income.

With such a kind of economic condition, Cin Siang's dream to repair the house is just a dream. "Yes, I have been thinking about fixing the house, but it is not possible yet. What can I do? “ he said resignedly.

Cin Siang cried when the volunteers handed over his house which had been completely renovated.

Budi, a Buddhist leader in Teluknaga, became the bridge between Cin Siang and Tzu Chi volunteers from the Sinar Mas Branch. Having previously helped with the renovation of Anton Siotang's family home in Kampung Melayu Timur, Romo Budi, as he is usually called, told volunteers that there were other houses that needed renovations. Volunteers rushed to do the survey. And from the results of the survey and further discussion, Cin Siang's house was finally approved for renovation. During the process, Cin Siang stayed in a rented house nearby. Every day Cin Siang and her children helped with the housework. "We can't wait to move in, we had better hurry and help as much as we could."

Cin Siang, accompanied by his wife and grandson, praying in front of the new house with hopes of a better future.

After three months the volunteers returned to hand over the newly renovated house. Cin Siang's tears spilled out. He never stopped thanking the volunteers. "I would like to express my gratitude for all this help. Now I don't have to worry about roof leaks anymore," he said while holding back his tears. Idah also shed tears of happiness. "Seeing my husband crying I was moved, too; we are deeply touched. Our house is beautiful now and we feel so grateful," said Idah.

The house that Cin Siang had dreamed of for decades had come true. His house has been transformed. From what used to be woven bamboo walls, they have been replaced with white painted brick walls. The layout of the room is also much better. There are 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Since then, Cing Siang no longer needs to ride to his brother's place for bathing and washing purposes.

Cin Siang and his wife standing in front of the newly renovated house

Tony, one of the Tzu Chi volunteers from the Xie Li Head Office, was also grateful for the completion of Cin Siang's house renovation. “As soon as I saw this house renovation, I thought in my heart that this was good karma for Mr. Cin Siang. The house is very nice, beyond my expectations. Of course, I am also happy for Mr. Cin Siang. I wish Mr. Cin Siang and his family abundant blessings. I hope Mr. Cin Siang can take good care of this house," concluded Tony.

Translator: Vissia Budi Apriliana, Sweete (Tzu Chi School)

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- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -