A Landmark for the Residents of Palu and Sigi with the Inauguration of the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing
Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer : Clarissa Ruth, Anand Yahya
Friday, September 3, 2021, became a memorable day for residents who survived the earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction in Central Sulawesi with the inauguration of the Tzu Chi Tadulako Cinta Kasih Housing and the Tzu Chi Pombewe Cinta Kasih Housing.
The Tzu Chi Tadulako Cinta Kasih Housing in Palu and the Tzu Chi Pombewe Cinta Kasih Housing in Sigi were built to restore the lives of the victims of the Central Sulawesi earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction were finally inaugurated on Friday, September 3, 2021.
The Commander of the TNI, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto led this historic day by signing the inscription and cutting the ribbon that lay in front of the door of one of the residents' houses in the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing. The TNI commander also talked with the owner of the house and felt a comfortable atmosphere in the house.
The commander's attention was also focused on the residents' house yards, which were almost all made into gardens with various types of plants and flowers blooming. The fences that are arranged in such a way and in different ways make the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing look beautiful.
On this occasion, the TNI Commander also cut the ribbon that was spread in front of the gate of the Love School, marking the inauguration of the educational facilities in this housing. In his remarks, the Commander said the presence of the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing could provide great benefits to residents who survived the earthquake, liquefaction, and tsunami disaster in Central Sulawesi in September 2018.
"Proof of love for the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation is manifested in the form of 1,500 units of Cinta Kasih homes equipped with integrated schools, and multipurpose buildings that can be used for various social activities," said TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.

The TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto believes the presence of the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing will really help improve the welfare of the community, especially residents affected by the disaster in the Palu and surrounding areas.
Hong Tjhin, General Secretary of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation, explained that the role of the TNI in the realization of the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing in Central Sulawesi is very important. Previously, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation of Indonesia and the Indonesian Armed Forces regarding natural disaster assistance, social assistance, humanitarian assistance, and environmental conservation has been updated so that when Tzu Chi provided initial assistance to Central Sulawesi it has run smoothly.
“The meaning of this inauguration is that we can start and finish well. I think it was actually more than a year ago that it was almost 100 percent inhabited, but because of this pandemic, it is very difficult for us to schedule a closure that is tied up neatly. Coincidentally, when we handed over the DAAI Award to the TNI Commander regarding the role of the TNI in handling Covid-19, we also said that one of the things that were still pending was the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing," explained Hong Tjhin.

“Hopefully this house can provide peace of mind, soul and body in family life and children can study in peace, grow and develop in a good environment. That's Hong Tjhin's message of love to the people.
Coordination with various parties such as the TNI, Central Sulawesi Provincial Government, Palu City Government, Sigi Regency Government was carried out and this inauguration event took place.
However, Nasrizal Nasotan (61) was not invited to the inauguration that afternoon. This didn't matter to him at all. He is aware that this is still a pandemic situation that does not allow many residents to attend. What is more important is the blessing he has received, namely the house in Block D No 22.
“Anyway, I am very grateful to the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, the term is really a dream house, a comfortable home. Because there has been an inauguration, we are more relaxed, because we can say this is my house,” he said.
The housing assistance that he received, slowly but surely helped heal his wounds, who had lost his home, and Upik, his daughter who did not survive the liquefaction mudflow that destroyed the Balaroa National Housing Corporation.

Nasrizal and his wife, who both have a hobby of farming, are relaxing in front of their house. Getting home help from Tzu Chi for both of them was a blessing for which they were truly grateful.

Stefanus Indrayana, Head of Corporate Communications of Indofood is grateful to see the disaster survivors in Palu have occupied the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing and are living life with enthusiasm again.
The Tzu Chi Tadulako Cinta Kasih Housing in Palu and the Tzu Chi Pombewe Cinta Kasih Housing in Sigi were built by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation in collaboration with Sinarmas (Eka Tjipta Foundation), and Indofood. The construction is supported by the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government, Palu City Government, TNI, BNPB, Polri, and the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
"We are happy because the house is already occupied, the community is already living in it and we believe that the beneficiaries are people who really need it and were selected strictly by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation," said Stefanus Indrayana, Head of Corporate Communications of Indofood.
"Of course, if we want something that is sustainable, it has now been handed over to the owners of the house, of course, our hope is that it will really be kept neat, clean or later it will be used for a very long term as a residence. So we are happy to be treated like that,” he added.

The Tzu Chi Tadulako Cinta Kasih Housing consists of 1,500 housing units that have been 100 percent accepted by residents who are entitled to receive it. This housing is equipped with school facilities, a community hall, and green open space.

The laying of the first stone for the Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Housing in Tadulako was carried out on March 4, 2019. Meanwhile, for the one in Pombewe, it was carried out on July 1, 2019.
The Governor of Central Sulawesi, Rudy Mastura, highlighted and acknowledged the sincerity of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation in helping its citizens regardless of the background of the recipients.
“Although I was not governor during the disaster, I feel grateful to the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation which gave 2,000 houses to the people who were affected by the disaster. This is the greatness of tolerance in Indonesia. We must continue to develop this in the future so that it truly becomes a role model for other groups to be able to do that. Thank you for your help, hopefully, more people like the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation will help us," he said.

Translator: Olivia Tan (Tzu Chi Volunteers)
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