Assistance for Online Ojek Drivers during the PPKM Period

Journalist : Rizki Hermadinata (Tzu Chi Bandung), Photographer : Muhammad Dayar (Tzu Chi Bandung)
Tzu Chi Bandung volunteer, Lim Tek Soe gave a package of assistance in the form of 5 kg of rice and 10 medical masks for online motorcycle taxi drivers who happened to be refueling at the Cibereum SBPU.

Tzu Chi volunteers again distributed rice to online motorcycle taxi drivers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The assistance was given on Friday, October 29, 2021, located at the Panghegar Mintra Abadi gas station, Cibereum, Bandung City. A total of 600 packages of rice (@ 5 kg) and medical masks (10 pieces) were distributed to these online motorcycle taxi drivers.

"I am happy that there is this distribution, we will distribute rice again for online motorcycle taxis. Yesterday we distributed it at a different location, and this time at the Cibereum SBPU so that it is hoped that all will be distributed evenly," said Lim Tek Soe, a Tzu Chi volunteer.
The recipients of this assistance package are online motorcycle taxi drivers and city transportation that have been affected by the pandemic due to the lack of passengers.
A total of 600 assistance packages were given to online motorcycle taxi drivers and city transportation.

Mayang Sari One of the online motorcycle taxi drivers who received this assistance said that she was very happy. She said even though the pandemic was sloping down, in fact, their income had not recovered as before. Plus now Mayang is the head of the family because her husband has passed away.

“For me, as an Ojol Driver as well as a housewife, I feel very grateful to receive this rice aid, may the Lord Jesus repay everything. Secondly, I also pray for all of the donors to be healthy, thank you also to PT. Panghegar Mitra Abadi and Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation. Thank you very much, everyone,” said Mayang feeling touched. This assistance at least helped Mayang in fulfilling the daily needs of her and her three children.

The online motorcycle taxi drivers and city transportation are greatly affected by the pandemic due to the reduced number of passengers, which is the result of the restrictions on community activities.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Lim Tek Soe also felt happiness. "I'm very happy to be able to help residents (online motorcycle taxis and public transport drivers), we can help ease their burden a little. Especially during the PPKM (Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions -ed) it's a bit difficult for them to earn money again, hopefully, this assistance will help them," said Lim Tek Soe.

Sistiani, Corporate Finance Manager of PT. Panghegar Mitra Abadi hopes that this activity will continue and be carried out regularly. “Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly, hopefully everything will be a blessing for Ojol and Angkot (drivers), for gas stations and Buddha Tzu Chi as well, hopefully we can continue to hold events like this. At the gas station itself, this is not the first time, it used to be at the Panghegar gas station on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, and now it's on Jalan Cibeureum," explained Sistiani.

Translator: Olivia Tan (Tzu Chi Volunteers)

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Assistance for Online Ojek Drivers during the PPKM Period

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Tzu Chi volunteers again distributed rice to online motorcycle taxi drivers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The assistance was given on Friday, October 29, 2021, located at the Panghegar Mintra Abadi gas station, Cibereum, Bandung City.

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