Businessmen's Support for Indonesia in Dealing with Covid-19

Journalist : Hadi Pranoto, Photographer : Arimami Suryo A., Edi (Rel. Dok. Tzu Chi)

Indonesian businessmen expressed their concern by sending aid to Tzu Chi Foundation to be distributed with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and and the Indonesian Coronavirus (Covid-19)Task Force.

The support of Indonesian businessmen in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak continues. Today, on Monday, 6 April 2020, entrepreneurs under in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) who are members of the 'NKRI Concerned Entrepreneurs' hand over medical aid to assist the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia to the Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation in Tzu Chi Center, Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta. These assistance will later be distributed with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Indonesian Coronavirus (Covid-19)Task Force.

Those aids were of medical equipment weighing not less than 80 tons in the form of 100 units of ventilators, 75,000 personal protective equipment (hazmat suit), and protective goggles, as well as 20,000 N95 masks arrived from Guangzhou, China, by Garuda Indonesia aircraft (05/04/2020). Also present in the handover ceremony were representatives of donors from Astra International, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk, PT Djarum, and Agung Sedayu Group, and Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH, and Principal Secretary of the BNPB RI Ir. Harmensyah, Dipl. SE, MM. As per the physical restrictions protocol, the press conference took place using a video conference.

Hong Tjhin, Tzu Chi volunteer who is also the CEO of DAAI TV Indonesia together with the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH (right), and Principal Secretary of the BNPB RI Ir. Harmensjah, MM (middle).

"Medical personnel and the management of public services are at the forefront of dealing with outbreaks of this fast-spreading virus. That is why cross-company donations of medical equipment, become our priority to help them, " said Sinar Mas Managing Director G. Sulistiyanto after the symbolic handover ceremony representing the business community to Tzu Chi Indonesia, who will forward these assistance to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency at the Tzu Chi Center Tower, Jakarta North.

Sulistiyanto as the donation coordinator said, due to the tangible form of these aid, the government has facilitated them through relaxing the licensing of importing medical devices, "So that equipment can arrive in Indonesia immediately, supporting a faster, safer and comprehensive handling of a pandemic."

Sinar Mas Managing Director, G. Sulistiyanto (batik shirt), as the coordinator of the donation drive of the entrepreneur, delivered medical assistance provided in the form of goods / medical equipment that were urgently needed by the medical team, such as ventilators, surgical masks, personal protective clothing, and rapid test kit.

In the same place, Kadin Chairperson, Rosan Roeslani said, "We will do this in stages, so that opportunities for other companies who want to join remain wide open," he said. He hopes that the cross-company donation called 'Entrepreneurs Care for the Republic of Indonesia' can raise aid worth no less than 500 billion rupiah, in which the development of donations, according to him, is regularly reported to Indonesian President Joko Widodo. While the allocation is under the authority of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency and the Ministry of Health.

In accordance with the physical distancing protocol, the press conference took place using a video conference at the Tzu Chi Indonesia Office, PIK, North Jakarta.

In the series of these donations, contributions came from 35 companies: Sinar Mas, Djarum, Indofood, Astra International, Agung Sedayu, Artha Graha Care Foundation, Panin Group, Ciputra Group, Jhonlin Group, ADR Group, PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk, Shanghai Bund Center, Summarecon Agung, Triputra Group, Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk., Erajaya Group, Mulia Group, PT Inti Sumber Bajasakti, PT Bina Karya Prima, PT Setiawan Dwi Tunggal, Sungai Budi Group, PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Construction, PT Union Sampoerna Triputra, First Resources Ltd. , Garudafood, Rajawali Corporation, Nutrifood Indonesia, PT Samudra Marine Indonesia, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk, Li Realty Pertiwi, PT Sinde Budi Sentosa, Evelina Setiawan, PT Embossindo Utama, Mandiri Group, and Cerestar Group.

Medical aid in the form of rapid test kits, personal protection equipment (PPE or personal protective equipment), ventilators, and masks.

United in Dealing with the Covid-19 Virus Outbreak

Kadin Chairperson, Rosan Roeslani said these aid will be done in stages to give chances for other companies to join.

This initiative by Indonesian entrepreneurs was warmly welcomed by the government, in this case the Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. As stated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH, as his team at the health ministry was struggling on the front lines (doctors and medical personnel), felt morally uplifted by this assistance. The adequacy and fulfillment of medical equipment for the medical team will certainly provide calm, comfort, and confidence for medical personnels at work. "This is the most important part. On behalf of the Ministry of Health and colleagues who are struggling to express their gratitude for their care, and of course this will be very meaningful in order for our colleagues to work, "said Drg. Oscar

Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH expressed his gratitude for this assistance. This support has encouraged his colleagues who are struggling to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak on the front lines.

Meanwhile according to the Principal Secretary of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, Ir. Harmensjah, Dipl. SE, MM, the condition of disaster is our common problem, the government, the business world (entrepreneurs), and the community so that cooperation and mutual support are needed in dealing with this disaster, the Covid-19 outbreak. "We are grateful to the Entrepreneurs of Concerned NKRI who have worked together to provide humanitarian assistance. These items will be distributed through one door, BNPB based on a study from the Ministry of Health. All (hospitals and health centers) in the area will be given and how many needs have been recorded and we work together with the Ministry of Social Affairs. Every item that we have is immediately distributed, "said Harmensjah.

National Disaster Mitigation Agency Secretary, Ir Harmensjah, Dipl. SE, MM said these medical assistance will be distributed through the Coronavirus Handling Task Force, instead of directly to hospitals.

Prior to this, on 19 March 2020, as a support in dealing with Covid-19, entrepreneurs under Kadin raise some funds to provide medical assistance for medical teams, which set to reach 500 billion rupiahs.

During the first stage of distribution, Tzu Chi Indonesia distributed more than 1,759,000 pcs of surgical masks, 3,000 personal protective clothing (Hazmat Suit), 7 ventilator units, 640 liters of disinfectant fluid, and 157 units of spray disinfectant; and together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Coronavirus Handling Task Force (Covid-19) distributed 646,520 rapid test kits to 185 hospitals and 17 government agencies.

More than 80 tons of aid consist of 100 units of breathing apparatus (ventilator), 75,000 personal protective equipment (Hazmat Suits), and protective glasses, and 20,000 N95 masks arrived from Guangzhou, China, by Garuda Indonesia aircraft (05/04/2020).

Chairman of the Indonesian Tzu Chi Foundation Liu Su Mei said, "Tzu Chi's voluntary philosophy of one heart, harmony, mutual love, and mutual cooperation will bring the greatest strength, in line with cross-party partnerships in combating the ongoing pandemic."

With One Heart, Harmonious, Mutual Love, and Mutual Cooperation, there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. By uniting hearts and steps together we can exert the greatest power in tackling the Covid-19 virus outbreak.

Together We Can Overcome Corona Outbreak.

Channel your concerns through: Bank BCA Account Number 865 002 4681
Beneficiary Name: Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia
Bank BCA Pantai Indah Kapuk

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Translated by Chrestella Budyanto (Tzu Chi School)

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Businessmen's Support for Indonesia in Dealing with Covid-19

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Monday, 6 April 2020, entrepreneurs under in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) who are members of the 'NKRI Concerned Entrepreneurs' hand over medical aid to assist the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia

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