Cinta Kasih Tadulako Housing Removing Palu Citizens Sadness

Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer : Anand Yahya

The gound breaking of Cinta Kasih Tadulako 1 and 2 Housing finally done on 4th March 2019. In this picture, the ground breaking of Cinta Kasih Tadalako 1 at Tondo.

Fifi Lariyanti (29) could no longer hold her tears in the ground breaking of Cinta Kasih Tadalako 1 Housing, as well as some other earthquake, tsunami and liquifaction victims who present on Monday, 4th March 2019.

“This is so touching, there is Buddha Tzu Chi who will give us home and various aids. We are very grateful, because I have lost my house, my business, so I really hope for this house,” said Fifi.

De Chen Shifu is reading letter from Master Cheng Yen for Palu citizen. 

It’s not about starting all over again, but Fifi doesn’t has anything left. Home, saloon and her boarding house with 11 rooms have been ruined and only the foundation left.

“Asking for help from other family members is useless, they have also lost everything. My husband also lost his job. I’m grateful for him now that he has been called to help Tzu Chi in building this housing,” she added.

Chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei together with De Chen Shifu are checking the sample house. Meanwhile, the sample house in progress are built in Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Tadulako 1 Housing at Tondo.

The construction of Cinta Kasih Tadulako 1 and 2 Housing are utilizing local personnel, the disaster victims. Because of this, the local residents will also get income. The construction process of these permanent residence will be sped up and hopefully will be finished in around 3-4 months. This is being told to the citizen in the ground breaking event.

Vice Chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Sugianto Kusuma are talking with the locals after looking at the sample house together.

 “We have to keep rising. Tzu Chi Buddha Foundation is here to ease our pain. InsyaAllah, this building will be done, maybe in 3-4 months we have built 1.000 home,” said Hidayat, Palu Mayor.

Ground Breaking Process

The ground breaking process of Cinta Kasih Tadulako Housing started at Duyu, on 12.30 WITA. The exact location is at the side of Duyu shelter. The event was continued with the ground breaking of Cinta Kasih Tadulako 1 Housing on 14.30 WITA. The location is on the back of Tadulako University Campus. Lot of the locals came and see how the house looked like.

Fifi (brown hijab) could not hold her tears throughout the event.

De Qian Shifu and De Chen Shifu who came from Jing Si Abode, Hualien, Taiwan turning the first sod in these ground breaking. Even in the burning heat, people seems so excited to become the witness of these important event, especially for Palu citizen themselves.

Tzu Chi Indonesia Buddhist Foundation’s chairman, Liu Su Mei, admitted that she feel very relieve that the permanent residence ground breaking finally done. There’s a lot of challenge for Tzu Chi in realizing the citizen’s hope.

Franciscus Welirang (batik dress) hope that Palu citizen spirit will rise as the permanent residence built.

“There are some obstacles in finding the land. This is the reason why we need 5 month since the disaster happen to ground breaking. So this is a very special day for the Shifu from Taiwan, from the Jing Si Abode come and give us their blessing in this event and also to give attention from Master Cheng Yen to the victims,” said Liu Su Mei.

To manifest the permanent residence for these Palu disaster’s victims, Tzu Chi Indonesia also cooperate with Indofood and Eka Tjipta Foundation. Franciscus Welirang, Director of Indofood Sukses Makmur, smile happily watching these ground breaking.

“This is an earthquake-proof house, I see that it is very cozy and worthy for people living in it. Hopefully for the citizen who get the house can also be grateful that in a short time, they will get a new home and the construction will be done very fast,” said Franciscus Welirang/

Executive Director Eka Tjipta Foundation, Ardy Candra Sutandi hope the permanent residence can restore the victim’s life.

Executive Director of Eka Tjipta Foundation, Ardy Candra Sutandi hope that the permanent residence can restore the victim’s life like before.

“One of the obstacle before was the land permit. It was the only thing, but thanks God, with a good intention, everything went smoothly. Of course we are very grateful, today we can realizing our promise to Palu citizen, in the form of 3.000 houses,” said Ardi.

Representing the people of Central Sulawesi, the Regional Secretary of Central Sulawesi Province, Hidayat Lamakarate expressed his appreciation to Tzu Chi Indonesia.

The ground breaking of Tzu Chi Cinta Kasih Tadulako 2 Housing is at Duyu. Duyu is a refuge location that often receives Tzu Chi logistical assistance during emergency response. Currently the number of refugee tents has been reduced because most residents have moved to temporary shelters.

“I think we need to give our appreciation and applause. We hope there will be also another foundation that can help our Central Sulawesi citizen together,” said Hidayat Lamakarate.

“In the name of the victims and Sulawesi Central Citizen, once again we want to say thank you to everyone, including Tzu Chi Buddha Foundation, who have come, participate and share with the citizen of Central Sulawesi,” he said.

Translated by Alwing Low (Tzu Chi School)

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The beauty of humanity lies in honesty. The value of humanity lies in faith.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -