Free Health Care for Residents of Belawan, Medan

Journalist : Nuraina Ponidjan (Tzu Chi Medan), Photographer : Amir Tan (Tzu Chi Medan)
Elementary school students 060966, 060967, and 060968, along with volunteers and the Tzu Chi Medical Team, demonstrate the One Family hand signal.

Twenty years have passed since Tzu Chi Medan constructed the SD Negeri building 060966-060967-060968 on Jl. Hiu Pajak Baru, Kec. Medan Belawan. Time really does fly by. The building was in a damaged condition, and high tide consistently submerged it. The school was finished and put to use for teaching and learning processes on May 6, 2004.

Previously, when the sea level was high, the school was always knee-deep in water due to its waterfront location. When the tide was high, water would enter the school, interfering with the pupils' ability to learn. Children were occasionally required to be excused as well. Additionally, the salt in the air from the beach quickly damaged the walls and roofs, creating holes. Danger always lurked for students while studying. As a result of this phenomenon, Tzu Chi rebuilt the school and raised the floor. Since then, water has not entered the school grounds, let alone the classrooms, allowing the children to be comfortable.

Students, families, and locals formed a neat line to register at the registration section.

On June 2, 2024, a Sunday, commemorating 20 years of collaboration between Tzu Chi Medan and SD Negeri 060966-060967-060968, Tzu Chi Medan volunteers from the He Qi Cemara community held a social health service consisting of dental, ENT, skin and general treatment. This health service was attended by 121 volunteers and 543 participants consisting of students and parents, teachers and residents around the school.

Before the health service started, everyone joined in singing Indonesia Raya, the national anthem, and praying for the health of everyone on the planet and the smooth operation of the health service. Along with volunteers, doctors from Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Medan, and students from SD Negeri 060968, this social service was also enhanced by a demonstration of One Family hand signals.

The Tor Tor Dance, a customary dance from the Batak tribe in North Sumatra, was then performed by the SD Negeri students. Tzu Chi volunteers also took part in the dance, making everything appear to be harmonious like one family.

The cutting of the tumpeng was a form of gratitude for the 20 years of good cooperation between Tzu Chi and the school.

When a tumpeng was brought to honor Tzu Chi Medan's 20-year partnership with SD Negeri 060966-060967-060968, the harmony became even more apparent. After the opening ceremony, health services began. School students and their families, as well as local residents who wish to have their health checked, were directed to the registration department, then had their weight weighed and taken to their respective polyclinics according to their complaints.

Muhammad Ardiansyah Putra, a factory worker, and his wife Aisyah arrived with their 2and half-year-old son, M. Haikal, in the middle of the health service. The couple questioned Dr. Ariyanto, Sp.A., the pediatrician, about their son's sudden blindness that began about six months ago. Haikal did not have a fever or fall at that point. Haikal is a wonderful youngster who understands that the toy the volunteers gave him is an airplane despite the fact that he is blind. Following Haikal's examination, Dr. Ariyanto questioned Haikal's parents, "Have they ever seen an eye doctor?" In response, Haikal's father showed Dr. Ariyanto the findings of his eye exam. It turned out that the results of the eye doctor's examination stated that the child had optic nerve damage and was likely to become completely blind. "It's best to see an eye doctor immediately, sir," said Doctor Ariyanto to Haikal's father.

Haikal, a young patient , examined by Dr. Ariyanto, Sp.A. because of severe eye issues. It was suggested by Dr. Ariyanto that an ophthalmologist follow up with him.

Being able to help the people of Belawan City with this Tzu Chi Health Service made Doctor Ariyanto himself happy. "I'm thrilled to be working at the general polyclinic today. "Residents who live on the coast generally have skin complaints, diarrhea, and upper respiratory tract infections (ARI)," stated Dr. Ariyanto. "I also advise residents to maintain personal and hand hygiene."

One of the residents who received treatment at this health service was Sundari Br. Hutahaean.

Sundari has headaches and vertigo frequently. "Thank you, Tzu Chi, for caring about the health of the Belawan community," Sundari said. "I am happy that I can get free treatment at Tzu Chi Health Services; I have been examined by a doctor and given medicine."

Patients were visited in their homes by medical teams and Tzu Chi volunteers. These individuals can usually no longer walk to the Tzu Chi Health Service location.

Irfan Nur, Head of Environment VI Belawan Bahagia, requested that volunteers and the Tzu Chi Medical Team also make house calls for residents who were too ill to attend this health service (i.e., could not walk). The volunteers granted this request, and after the health service was finished, four volunteers and two TIMA volunteers visited Mrs. Latifah's (64 years old) home in a three-wheeled rickshaw. Mrs. Latifah had been bedridden for ten months following a fall. After being examined by Dr. Enie, MKT, AIFO-K, the patient's blood pressure was measured and found to be 150/90. Next, Mrs. Latifah was meticulously taught by Dr. Cynthia Yaputri, Sp.KFR, who typically manages physiotherapy, how to get out of bed using a walker so she could move and walk slowly.

Sylvia Chuwardi was deeply touched upon witnessing the volunteers' and the Tzu Chi Medan Medical Team's commitment to providing care for children, teachers, and residents. "We appreciate the dedication of the volunteers and TIMA members in providing services to the teachers, students, and residents of SD Negeri 060966-060967-060968 Belawan. Thank you also to the school, which consistently supports Tzu Chi's endeavors and keeps up the orderly and well-maintained school buildings that Tzu Chi has constructed. "This is one form of Tzu Chi's assistance in the Education Mission, where children are our next generation, so they must have a good place to study," stated Sylvia Chuwardi.  In addition, Sylvia hopes that this school will in the future develop a humanist cultural mission in addition to an environmental conservation mission, focusing not only on health and education.

As the coordinator for health and social services, Lily Hermanto (left) kept an eye on each polyclinic and followed up with clients who required assistance.

"Thank you to the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, which has worked with SD Negri 060966-060967-060968 for 20 years, and today we all receive health services," stated Ainun Mardiah, Principal of SD Negri 060968. “We'll also keep up with the school's upkeep and care." We have to thank Tzu Chi for rebuilding this school because, as you may recall, in the past, tidal floods forced the closure of the school because the water got inside the classrooms."

One of the reasons this health service can function effectively is because of the volunteers' cooperation and preparation. This time, Lily Hermanto, the Health Social Service Coordinator at Tzu Chi, was thrilled to be able to contribute to the provision of health services to the community, particularly to the state elementary school students in Belawan. She had spent the previous day preparing the equipment required by the volunteers and medical team. "We are holding health services here because we see a deficiency of health facilities in Belawan, and because SD Negri 060966-060967-060968 has a good relationship with Tzu Chi for 20 years. Lily Hermanto stated, "Maintaining the health of children, families, and teachers is the goal."

Translator: Atika (Tzu Chi School)

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