Getting Closer to the Citizens of Surabaya through Health Social Service

Journalist : Eka Suci R (Tzu Chi Surabaya) , Photographer : Taufan, Hari Tedjo (Tzu Chi Surabaya)

Registration desk which is manned by Family Welfare Movement's members seems to be full of patients.

Tzu Chi Surabaya had once again held Public and Dental Health Social Service in Jl Plemahan VI / 1-3 Multipurpose Building, Kedungdoro, Surabaya, on Sunday, January 7, 2018. This social service, which was held for a second time in Kedungdoro Administrative Village, offered public and dental check-up covering 5 Citizens Association in the village.

The social service which started at 08.00 WIB was opened by Vivian as The Head of Tzu Chi Surabaya, a representative doctor from TIMA, a representative of Indonesian Dental Conservation Association (IKORGI), and also the head of Local Citizens Association, then followed by prayers for the smooth running of the social service.

A few days before, volunteers held a get-together and socialization regarding this social service. In this occasion, the volunteers gave guidance to the coordinator of Family Welfare Movement and Youth Organization, as well as handing out the coupons. Then they distributed the coupons to people who needed medical treatment but could not afford it.

The atmosphere inside the multipurpose building. Some doctors are serving patients with various symptoms.

The doctor is treating a patient.

The  citizens of Kedungdoro are very enthusiastic to participate in the social service, proven by several patients who had arrived even before the event started. First, the patients got their queue number from the volunteers, then they were called one by one by the volunteer of Family Welfare Movement to note their symptoms, after that they would get treated directly by a specialist doctor. After examination, patients were given a package of snacks and mineral water then directed to the pharmacy to take their medication.

Tzu Chi volunteers were also continuously giving attention to the patients waiting for their turn. They provided guidance about the importance of healthcare, also not forgetting to give insight about bamboo bank, which is one way to support the mission of Tzu Chi Foundation.

"It's feels nice after getting examined, the doctor treated me warmly and explained until (I) completely understand. The vest-wearing volunteers also entertain and provide health-related insights. Hopefully the citizens here can have a prosperous health," said Masriah, one of the patients with heart symptoms.

A kid patient is being examined by the dentist.

Volunteers go around giving insight about the important role of Bamboo Bank.

This time, Tzu Chi cooperated with Indonesian Dental Conservation Association (IKORGI) from FKG Unair  Institution, General Practitioners, Pediatricians, Neurologists and also Adi Husada Nursing Academy for the social service. There are as many as 446 patients who came and got treated with joy by volunteers and doctors.

"It's great, this social service gave lot of benefits. It's one of our devotion as a dentist to the community, which is a must. The doctors never carelessly handled the patients, the tools and facilities we bring are in very good condition in accordance with the standards. There are about 20 doctors handling tooth extractions, cavities and tartar, one day care is the term," said Prof. Dr. Rulianto, the representative of IKORGI when met in the dental examination room.

A Family Welfare Movement volunteer, assisting a patient.

Not only that, this social service also provided home care for patients who are unable to come directly to the social service location, like the 90-year-old patient Taslika who was visited by Dr. Yani and Dr. Anasthasia, She suffered from cough and uric acid. The volunteers also brought food for the patient.

The citizens have a lot of expectation for Tzu chi to be able to hold a routine social service there. "It is a pleasure, I am also touched that there are so many people who are enthusiastic coming to the social service. Moreover, this social service is free, to reach those who can not afford it. Hopefully in the future Tzu Chi would hold more social service like this," said Herlina, one of Family Welfare Movement volunteers.

Translator: Ilena Sevalona

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