Knitting Interfaith Togetherness through Art Performance

Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer : Anand Yahya

The commemoration of National Santri Day of 2017 organized by UKP-PIP in cooperation with Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia showcased several religious art and culture. Tzu Chi volunteers also performed the One Family hand gesture.

Sufi's musical poetry which was performed by the artist Dewo featuring Wanitra has stirred the awareness of hundreds of guests who crowded the International Hall of Tzu Chi Center Jakarta on Sunday, October 29, 2017. These seven artists who are the representatives of Islamic religion recited the poetry written by W.S. Rendra titled Prayer for My Children and Grandchildren.

Dear Allah.

Before You I kneel

Protect my children and grandchildren

Protect them from patience

That transformed into sluggishness

From the feeling of helplessness losing their dreams

Such was the fragment of W.S. Rendra's poetry. Accompanied by the play of guitar, violin, keyboard, drum as well as jimbe, this poetry reading had brought the guests into the states of syahdu. Not done just yet, the guests of Interfaith Art Performances held by Unit Kerja Presiden Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (UKP-PIP), cooperating with Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Indonesia were then treated to Gending Sriwijaya Dance performance.

National Santri Day is a state award for the role of santri in the struggle for independence of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). In addition, it can be interpreted as a movement to build social inclusion and patriotic attitude among the nation's children from various backgrounds. The representatives from Islam religion performed a musical poetry.

Eight students from Sriwijaya Buddhist State College, Tangerang, Banten performed Gending Sriwijaya Dance.

The colossal dance performed by eight female students from Sriwijaya Buddhist State College, Tangerang, Banten, depicted the excitement of Sriwijaya Kingdom girls welcoming guests in earnest. Complete with nuance of red traditional dress, this dance which was accompanied by soft melodious music seemed to bring everyone back to the heyday of Sriwijaya Kingdom that once existed in South Sumatera. This dance is also a remembrance of the high art and culture of Indonesia.

Not only that, there was also a Wushu performance from the representatives of Confucius religion, as well as the art of Pencak Silat Pancasila from the representatives of Catholic religion. There was also a Tor-Tor dance and a violin solo, representing Protestant Christian religion. The representative of Hindu religion performed the Raka Kompyang Dance which feasted your eyes with compact movement, whereas the Baha'i and Sunda Wiwitan believers performed a beautiful choir.

The interfaith art performance which was held to commemorate the National Santri Day of 2017 was attended by hundreds of santri and religious leaders from six religions in Indonesia, also from Baha'i and Sunda Wiwitan beliefs. The santri who attended were from Pondok Presantren Asshiddiqiyah 2 Tangerang and Pesantren Nurul Iman Parung Bogor.

The event was also attended by religious leaders, indigenous figures, central and local government officials, thus reflecting Indonesia's diversity and unity.

Usmar Raihan Assegaf (17), from Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah 2 Tangerang had gotten inspiration from this Santri Day which was commemorated in the form of art performance.

"It's the first time I have ever celebrated Santri Day this extraordinary and hopefully (it) can continue next year. It's interesting in my opinion, the diversity of Indonesia is very visible, a sense of tolerance among religious people, (we) should be grateful (of that)," he said.

For him, added Usmar, giving meaning to Santri Day means understanding what has been fought by santri, ulama and freedom fighters in achieving independence, carrying out independence, and maintaining unity.

Usmar Raihan Assegaf (17) said he got a lot of inspiration from this Santri Day.

Art and culture is deliberately selected by UKP-PIP in commemorating National Santri Day of 2017. Art and culture can be a means of communication to build a spirit of togetherness across faith and religion. This is because art and culture can touch your inner feeling exceeding social barriers and ideology.Meanwhile, the UKP-PIP Steering Committee, Try Sutrisno, advised the young generations, especially interfaith, to always be united. He even reminded that during the fight for independence, Indonesian people had never got broken by religious differences.

"The commemoration of Santri Day can restore the spirit and determination of fighters so that we create sovereignty, safety, prosperity and happiness also peace of the whole nation. The value of Pancasila must always be ferment, the value of brotherhood, mutual cooperation deliberation/consensus. We should never got stricken by exclusivism," said the 6th Vice President of Indonesia.

The UKP-PIP Steering Committee, Try Sutrisno advised young generations, especially interfaith, to always be united.

This interfaith art performance was then concluded with the collaboration of Tzu Chi volunteers with the students of Pesantren Nurul Iman, Parung, Bogor who performed the One Family hand gestures. The spirit of One Family is also underlined by Hong Tjin, Tzu Chi volunteer and CEO of DAAI TV in giving meaning to National Santri Day.

"When we are commemorating something good like National Santri Day, in fact we, brothers and sisters are all one family. We are also happy and we are doing this good thing. The Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation is already 50 years old, doing activities as a humanitarian organization which are cross-religious, cross-race, cross-ethnic, cross-national. So everyone can be Tzu Chi volunteers. Everyone can be active in this interfaith organization because we are all one family," concluded him.


Translator: Ilena Sevalona

Editor : Caroline Widjanarko (Tzu Chi School)

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Nothing is impossible with confdence, perseverance, and courage.
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