Millions of Prayers with a Different Atmosphere

Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Hadi Pranoto, Photographer : Arimami Suryo A.

Millions of Prayers this year were held online through social media stream on Tzu Chi Indonesia's YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. 

The commemoration of three big days; Vesak Day, International Mother's Day and World Tzu Chi Day on Sunday 10 May 2020 took place in a different atmosphere than usual. This was due to the corona virus outbreak, the three celebrations were done through Live Streaming on Tzu Chi Indonesia’s social media namely YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

Even though it was held online, for the Chairperson of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei, it didn’t at all reduce the solemnity of the event.

“Even though we can’t gather like we did the previous years, but I am sure everyone put their hearts together, we all perform our Vesak rituals sincerely and introspectively wherever we are,” said Liu Su Mei.

Although the three events were commemorated online, the Chairwoman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei, could still feel the solemn atmosphere surrounds it.

This time the Vesak event began with the bathing of the Buddha statue ceremony, and an informative talk session on Sincerity in Being Vegetarian and Appreciating Life by Dr. Drs. Susianto, MKM. In addition, there was also a sharing session from the individuals in charge of providing medical assistance from Tzu Chi for medics during the corona pandemic, Mr Hong Tjhin, Tzu Chi volunteer and CEO of DAAI TV Indonesia, and Suriadi, Head of Tzu Chi Indonesia Secretariat.

Hong Tjhin said that the three celebrations that took place in an atmosphere of concern due to the Covid-19 pandemic reminded him of his memory in 2015. At that time, Tzu Chi volunteers from Indonesia were in Nepal to provide disaster relief after the earthquake.

“There was a big earthquake, and several aftershocks. We celebrated Vesak day in a very simple way, with we had as it was, just like our current situation now. However, spiritually we continue to lend our hands to bring love into real actions,” said Hong Tjhin.  

Helping the Government in Handling Covid-19
Meanwhile, related to Tzu Chi Indonesia’s efforts in assisting the government to handle Covid-19 outbreak, Hong Tjhin said, on the first phase of aid, Tzu Chi Indonesia purchased one million rapid test kit. When they arrived in Indonesia, these rapid test kits were distributed to Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Task Forces for Covid-19 in Jakarta and West Java and other hospitals.

Hong Tjhin, admits that the three events celebration this time reminds him of his memory of 2015, when Indonesian Tzu Chi volunteers were in Nepal to provide earthquake relief.

By purchasing these rapid test kits in relatively large quantities, efforts can be made to identify clusters, especially patients who have contracted corona virus. Thus, quarantine and isolation can be done immediately. As for the medical aid in the second phase, Tzu Chi Indonesia, together with businessmen who are members of the Indonesian Businessmen with Concerns, received direction from the Indonesia’s Covid-19 Task Force Head, Doni Monardo. Doni who is also the Head of National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) said that the ventilator, a medical device to help patients who have difficulty breathing is urgently needed.

“So, for the second phase we tried to purchase ventilator, and personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as N95 masks and others,” said Hong Tjhin.

Apparently, these medical supplies are very limited and difficult to obtain domestically. Hence, Tzu Chi Indonesia bought them in China with the assistance from Tzu Chi volunteers in China. At that time, other countries were also scrambling because the high number of positive patients in Italy. Therefore, demand from countries in Europe is also very high.

“We also like to thank the Task Force and its management, Health Ministry, State-owned Enterprise Ministry, and other parties who have helped us making things easy and smoothly so that it could be distributed to the community in need,” he added.

For Medical Workers, Tzu Chi’s Help Save Souls

Suriadi who coordinates the distribution of medical supplies to Indonesia also shared his story. At the end of March 2020 when Covid-19 had just largely spread in Indonesia, the Head of Tzu Chi Indonesia gathered together and formed a team to handle Covid-19 in Indonesia. This team coordinates everything from purchasing, logistic, and distribution to hospitals lacking PPEs.

Suriadi said that some of the feedback that was conveyed to him concluded that, the medical assistance from Tzu Chi was truly beneficial for medical personnel who served on the front lines.

“During those times, we received tens even hundreds of emails, WhatsApp messages, phone calls from our colleagues working on the front line in hospitals who told us how PPEs were desperately needed,” said Suriadi.

Almost every representative from hospitals told their stories of how difficult it was to obtain PPEs while the number of patients kept increasing. From there, Suriadi and his team took notes on the number of PPEs needed and started to distribute aid.

“I felt that what we gave them, even though it might not mean so much for others like coverall suit of face mask, but for these medical workers, they felt that this assistance could actually save their lives,” Suriadi added.

Speedy Movement
Deputy Chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Sugianto Kusuma also shared his views on how Tzu Chi Indonesia has responded well to hospital’s demand, especially hospital treating Covid-19 patients. It was due to, nothing but speed and accuracy.

"We are racing against time. And one of the reasons why I could take action quickly and precisely is because I am in Tzu Chi. I am grateful for the chance to join and get to know Tzu Chi," said Sugianto Kusuma firmly.

Indonesian Businessmen with Concerns when delivering medical supplies to Tzu Chi Indonesia, 6 April 2020. This assistance was directly distributed with the Ministry of Health and the Covid-19 Task Force.

Another Deputy Chairman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Franky O. Widjaja also felt very grateful that Tzu Chi was able to be very responsive in responding to this outbreak and assisted the heavy task of the government. With the support and direction of Master Cheng Yen, the steps that Tzu Chi Indonesia will take were very clear.

"Gan En to Master Cheng Yen who has founded the Buddha Tzu Chi Foundation so that we in Indonesia can also participate and feel this act of kindness," Franky said.

Chairperson of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei also said that Master Cheng Yen really appreciated what Tzu Chi volunteers had done in the country.

"Master Cheng Yen saw that Mr. Aguan (Sugianto Kusuma) and Mr. Franky O. Widjaja did not wait for requests from the government, but rather take the initiative to tell the government of what we would do," said Liu Su Mei.

Liu Su Mei also expressed her gratitude for the trust of businessmen in Tzu Chi Indonesia who were willing to spend their social funds to help handling with the Covid-19 outbreak through Tzu Chi.

Love Messages for Tzu Chi Indonesia volunteers

Sukmawati, Chairperson of Tanjung Tzu Chi Balai Karimun when attending Millions of Prayer.

Meanwhile the three commemorations that were held online was attended by thousands of volunteers coming from many cities across Indonesia. Each ceremony left a deep impression, especially with such an atmosphere that has never happened before.

Chairperson of Tzu Chi Tanjung Balai Karimun, Sukmawati acknowledged that the momentum of millions of prayers was a day that she has always looked forward to as a Tzu Chi person. Even though the three celebrations were done in a simple way, she managed to follow the ceremony through with solemnity.  

"When I prayed I felt a little sad, since we're facing this pandemic, there are indeed a lot of obstacles. From the beginning until today, we, Tzu Chi volunteers at Tanjung Balai Karimun are ready to do what is needed by the community, medical team, or underprivileged people. On the other hands, we still have a lot to be grateful for because we can still contribute our lives for others," said the Chairperson of Tzu Chi Tanjung Balai Karimun.

Hong Thay, a Tzu Chi Pekanbaru volunteer, admits that he can still participate in the Million Millions of Prayer with deep meaning.

Similar expression came from Hong Thay, Tzu Chi Pekanbaru volunteer, who followed the millions of prayers solemnly.

"In this limitation and simplicity we can do it with joy and sincerity," he said.

On this occasion, the Chairwoman of Tzu Chi Indonesia, Liu Su Mei conveyed her love message to all Tzu Chi Indonesian volunteers.

"Due to this pandemic, most volunteers can only stay at home, unable to do the regular Tzu Chi activities. But I am sure this kinship will not break. Because we still have online book club, we still pay attention to each other among volunteers. I am sure after this pandemic ends, all volunteers will definitely contribute again through Tzu Chi activities," said Liu Su Mei.

Translator: Chrestella Budyanto (Tzu Chi School)

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Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination.
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