Returning Refugee's Smile with Dental Health Social Service

Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer : Khusnul Khotimah

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Tzu Chi Indonesia with Tzu Chi Medical Team (TIMA) Indonesia providing health services again for refugees residing in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Nearly a hundred refugees from various countries had dental treatment.

The Afghan little girl, Efat (6) got off the dental operation seat with a smile after Dentist Nanne from TIMA Indonesia finished filling up her tooth decay. The accompanying doctors and Tzu Chi Volunteers smiled too.

"Very clever and pretty, too," said Dentist Nanne.

That day, after school, still in her Girl Scout uniform, Efat accompanied by her father Habibullah attended dental treatment held by Tzu Chi Indonesia. The social service was held on Wednesday, November 1st 2017 at Church World Service (CWS) Office at Tebet, Jakarta Selatan. CWS is a managing partner from UN's refugee affairs board, UNHCR which also supports child refugees to be able to go to school.

This is the second time a social service is held by Tzu Chi Indonesia for refugees in Jakarta and the surrounding area. Last year, the health services available are for general sickness but for this year, it is focused on dental care. Tzu Chi medical teams or TIMA Indonesia was helped by 9 nurse from Sekolah Angkatan Laut Jakarta. There were around 34 Tzu Chi volunteers who helped and there is also Doctor Novita who is ready to join TIMA Indonesia soon.

Not only Efat but her father, Habibullah (50) also had a checkup on his teeth. He has suffered from toothache for quite some time but due to financial constraint, he was not able to visit a dentist. 

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Still with her Girl Scout uniform, Efat who is currently a grade 1 student gets her tooth decay filled. Even though this is her first experience to visit a dentist, Effat is not afraid.

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Not only Efat, her father Habibullah (Right) also had treatment.

"He had his tooth decay filled up previously, but it fell off. I cannot fill up his tooth decay because his tooth’s problem is very severe. He even said he did not want to have it removed so I only prescribe him some medicine." said Doctor Novita.

Habibullah went home with antibiotic and pain relievers. He also expressed his gratitude.

Habibullah and his five children have lived in Jakarta for almost 2 years. He left Afghanistan because of the war between Taliban group and Al Qaeda against United States of America's military force. He also became a target of Taliban and Al Qaeda.

"Taliban and Al Qaeda thought that I worked for the government, so they wanted to kill me. A friend told me "If you want to leave to another country I will help you because your life is in danger". He was suggested to leave for Indonesia because Indonesian government and Indonesian people are very kind," he said.

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Mahad from Somalia is helping refugee from his country to communicate with Doctor Andrew.

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Mahad gets his tartar cleaned.

In truth, Habibullah did not want to go anywhere. He hoped the war will soon stop. "If the war ends tomorrow or 2 days later, I will go back because it is my birthplace, my hometown, my pride. My children often cry for they long to return to our village," he said.

The Language Barrier

The dental treatment for Efat and her father went smoothly because they understand Indonesian and English. This is different for most of the refugees. Because of the language difference, doctors have difficulties during consultation periods. Even the pharmacist also has difficulty in explaining the medicine.

"The biggest obstacle known is language because we speak different language. For the complaints, it varied from removing tooth, filling up tooth decay until cleaning tartar. Patients are also very enthusiastic. We are very happy. I hope the cooperation between UNHCR and TIMA is made more often. Because there are also patients who immediately ask when there will be a social service again in the future," said Doctor Andrew.

Luckily this obstacle can be resolved with some refugees who speak English and Indonesian. Although the amount is still limited, communication with refugees can be settled. These translators accompanied refugees when they are on the dental operation seat and when they take the medicine. Such as Mahad (24) who translates for the refugee from his country, Somalia.

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Besides helping out the medical team, there is also a volunteer helping to watch over refugees’ children during the doctor's treatment.

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Doctors and nurses get a lot of experience from this social service especially when being helped by a translator. Unlike previous services when they can communicate directly in English or Indonesian.

"I am happy to be able to help translating. I'm accompanying refugees from my country and communicate with volunteers and doctors. I translate Somalia language to English. When I was in school back in Somalia, I had a chance to learn English," said Mahad.

Not only translating, Mahad also got a chance to have a checkup of his teeth. He also got health care in the form of cleaning tartar. After the doctor finishes cleaning his tartar, he immediately asked where the mirror was. He walked to the mirror, checked his teeth and immediately gave a huge smile.

"For God's sake, I'm so happy. They (Doctor, nurse, and volunteer) understand the problems experienced by refugees very well. They are very active, very fast, very perfect. My teeth are very clean, I'm very happy," he said.

Translator: Valdi

Editor: Caroline Widjanarko (Tzu Chi School)

Writer and Photografer: Khusnul Khotimah

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That day, after school, still in her Girl Scout uniform, Efat accompanied by her father Habibullah attended dental treatment held by Tzu Chi Indonesia. The social service was held on Wednesday, November 1st 2017 at Church World Service (CWS) Office at Tebet, Jakarta Selatan.

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