Special Gift for Aqil

Journalist : Arimami Suryo A, Photographer : Arimami Suryo A

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Aqil, accompanied by Poppy in the recovery room after cochlear implant installation operation in both ears.

"I have a little dog. I name it Helly. He loves to play around. All the while running around. Helly! Guk! Guk! Guk! Come here! Guk! Guk! Guk! Let's run around..." hummed Poppy Morina (32) as she recounted the song once sung by her son, Muhammad Raqilla Al Abrar Wijaya (6), who is familiarly called Aqil in the postoperative cochlear implant recovery room at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Jakarta.

Aqil, who was born with hearing impairment had undergone various therapies since the age of one. The therapies were carried out in Pekanbaru, Malang, Surabaya, and special needs schools in Jakarta area in 2016. While living in Jakarta, Aqil's family got to know Tzu Chi from DAAI TV shows.

"That time in Jakarta, we rented a boarding house. When looking for TV shows, we watched DAAI TV. So we became aware that there is a humanitarian foundation that loves to help and interreligious. Moreover, one of Aqil's school friends at that time had also been helped by Tzu Chi, so I got to know more," said Poppy.

Poppy had initially worked as a teacher, but after seeing the course and development of her son, he decided to stop and focus on Aqil. Aqil's self-development had also improved, so he was selected to sing on one of the school performances. For Aqil, The need to hear and speak had become increasingly complex day by day. His hearing aids were no longer seemed to cover his hearing needs. Aqil was advised to wear implants with better technology in his left ear.

It was then that Poppy remembered the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation that often helps others. She then searched for its whereabouts in Pekanbaru. "When applying for help to Buddha Tzu Chi, I was hesitant because the foundation is of Buddhist background, if (I) were seen wearing jilbab like this, (I was) afraid to be rejected," Poppy recalled.

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Atek, Tzu Chi Pekanbaru charity volunteer's sociability in informing that the aid for Aqil had been approved by Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation of Indonesia

After applying and completing the papers at Tzu Chi Pekanbaru office in August 2017, Poppy and her husband waited for the submission to be processed. "Hopeful, but anxious too because the request for help is huge (in amount)," said Poppy. Tzu Chi Pekanbaru charity volunteer then responded to the request by conducting a survey to their home in ​​Rumbai Pesisir area, Pekanbaru. A few weeks after the survey, fate brought good things for Aqil.

Aqil who was born on September 2, 2011 got a "special gift" from Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation of Indonesia. Mawie Wijaya, who is often called Atek, a charity volunteer of Tzu Chi Pekanbaru with four other volunteers had got the opportunity to present the gift during their visit to Aqil's home on September 5, 2017. "Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation has given a birthday present to Aqil in the form of cochlea implant aid for his left ear. As it was coincidentally his birthday just before then," said Atek.

Poppy and her husband were overwhelmed with emotions when volunteers told them the news. Atek also said that Tzu Chi was the one who felt grateful because this request for help had given volunteers the opportunity to practice benevolence.

After that, on early October 2017, Aqil underwent pre-implant examination at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Jakarta.

Trial For Aqil

Back then, Erdi Wijaya (35) and Poppy Morina (Aqil's father and mother) looked anxious waiting for the implant surgery on their only son's ears in the operation waiting room of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Wednesday afternoon, November 1, 2017. The anxiety was not without cause, because there was an accident that befell on Aqil. The implant embedded in his right ear got pulled out and was damaged by a medical procedure error in mid-October 2017 while cleaning his ears. As a result, there was an implant magnet left in Aqil's right ear.

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The Pre-implant health observation which Aqil underwent at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Jakarta.

"His body balance became unstable after it was pulled out. Aqil immediately said 'I'm dizzy... I'm dizzy' while hugging me, " Poppy said. As a mother, Poppy felt that her son was confused because the only hearing aid to assist Aqil's communication at that time was damaged.

"The device (implant) was the only medium for Aqil to hear, he was troubled without it. The price is quite expensive, while my husband and I were distressed of how to find the money to buy a new one again," said Poppy. Aqil's gradual hearing development would be delayed by it. "There's no sound, the battery runs out," said Poppy imitating Aqil who was hard of hearing because his left ear had not been wearing an implant.

As a result of this incident, Poppy and her husband also tried to consult with doctors who had handled Aqil in Jakarta and Pekanbaru. Because at that moment, Poppy didn't know what else to do after Aqil's cochlear implant got broken. "If it is damaged it must be replaced quickly, otherwise it will clog the entrance of electrode to the cochlea in the ear. As a result, Aqil would not get the experience of hearing as well as before if the path is closed," said Poppy, recounting the results of her consultation with the doctor.

In the end, the medics were willing to provide compensation in accordance to the price of the implant. Overall, Aqil's treatment should be done as soon as possible as it concerns the closing of channel in the cochlea inside his right ear.

Cochlear Implants Installation

The cochlear implant installation process for Aqil went through several procedures. A few weeks before November 1, 2017, Aqil and his family were already in Jakarta for a series of medical tests for a new cochlear implant installation operation.

Observations and medical tests were performed at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Center General Hospital, Jakarta. In this case, Aqil will undergo two operations for his ears. After a series of medical and administrative tests were completed, Aqil entered the treatment room for the first preparation of the surgery. On October 31, 2017, the first surgical process was to open the magnet from the old implant left in his right ear and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to get a good look at the cochlea structure in the ear.

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Accompanied by his father Erdi Wijaya, Aqil was ready for the implant installation operation for both ears.

"If the cochlea in his right ear was still fine, then a new implant could be installed. But if not, well, as the doctor said, Aqil's hearing experience would be different from before," said Poppy, explaining the first operating situation. Several hours after surgery, the result was that the magnet which remained had been successfully taken out and the electrode channel condition left by the broken implant in the cochlea of Aqil's right ear could still be used.

Poppy and her husband endlessly expressed their relief. "Alhamdulillah, the channel had not closed yet. My fear at first was that the channel might had already been closed. Cells in the body will repair the tissues by themselves if there are injuries or holes in the organs of the body. But it's a relief we got it easy," said Poppy. Afterwards Aqil was taken to the recovery room for the preparation of the second operation: the installation of a new implant in both ears.

The next day, on November 1, 2017, Aqil was ready to undergo a new implant installation operation. Both parents accompanied Aqil to the operating room. Once anesthetized, they went outside and waited outside the operating room while paying attention to further information from inside of the operating room. Occasionally Poppy was called in to for a discussion with the team of doctors who was handled Aqil.

At around 15:00 pm, Aqil was out of the operating room. He was then taken to the recovery room. "Alhamdulillah, the implant installation in both of his ears has finished," Poppy said as she watched Aqil who was lying in bed. Several hours after operation, Aqil could already be invited to interact but his condition had yet to be completely stable. For the newly installed implants to be switched on, it may take 2 weeks after surgery with the help of doctors and the team who provides implanted devices for the deaf.

With the installation of implants in both ears, hopefully Aqil will develop more rapidly and can sing again. Erdi Wijaya as his father is also grateful for the support and assistance that the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation of Indonesia has given to his son. "With this help from Tzu Chi, hopefully my family and I can be motivated to help others without differentiating race, ethnicity and religion," he said.

Translated by : Ilena Sevalona

Atek, Tzu Chi Pekanbaru charity volunteer's sociability in informing that the aid for Aqil had been approved by Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation of Indonesia

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