Supporting Each Other in Fighting the Covid-19

Journalist : Arimami Suryo A., Photographer : Arimami Suryo A.

Jakarta Tzu Chi volunteer Hong Tjhin symbolically handed over medical assistance of masks to the Acting Director of PGI Cikini Hospital, dr. Alphinus R. Kambodji and Head of PGI, Priest Gomar Gultom.

"We are grateful that the Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation is very concerned with this issue so that we are able to receive help,  support and assistance sought by them. I think this is the duty and responsibility of religions in Indonesia and all of us to support and help one another, " said Acting Director of PGI Cikini Hospital, dr. Alphinus R. Kambodji after receiving medical aid of masks from Tzu Chi Indonesia on Sunday, 22 March 2020.

The assistance provided by Tzu Chi to the Indonesian Church Fellowship Hospital (PGI Cikini Hospital) is related to the handling of Covid-19, which has become more widespread, especially in Jakarta. PGI Cikini Hospital itself also anticipates the spread of the Covid-19 virus by submitting a request to receive aid in getting masks to Tzu Chi Indonesia.

The medical aid was immediately brought by Tzu Chi volunteers to PGI Cikini Hospital.

There were 4000 masks were sent by Tzu Chi Indonesia volunteers to the hospital. “We have to work hand in hand together, so we need to cooperate, get to know each other and work towards humanity together,” said Hong Tjhin, Tzu Chi volunteer who delivered the masks to PGI Cikini Hospital.

PGI Cikini Hospital is currently treating a few Covid-19 patients. This has made the hospital to be more aware and put extra cautions in taking care of the hospital’s environment.

Acting Director of PGI Cikini Hospital, dr. Alphinus R. Kambodji (red batik) explained the conditions at PGI Cikini Hospital in handling the Covid-19 cases to Tzu Chi volunteers.

“We are currently treating our brothers and sisters who are suspected or confirmed. We do need the support of everyone in this, as individuals  or as religious organisations, or others. It is our responsibility so that the Covid-19 can be overcome together,” added dr Alphinus R Kambodji.

At the same occasion, the visit by Tzu Chi volunteers were welcomed by Head of PGI (Indonesian Church Union), Priest Gomar Gultom.

The signing of the handover of medical aid from Tzu Chi to PGI Cikini Hospital.

The destiny that led both organisations to meet was initiated by the cooperation done between PGI and Permabudhi. “I really appreciated the work done by Buddhist Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation who works and helps regardless of class, religions, and is able to work well with anyone. I received Tzu Chi’s contact from Permabudhi. With this assistance, I think it shows that Indonesia is a nation whose people are able to help each other without looking at their races, class, or religion and Tzu Chi proves it,” said Priest Gomar Gultom.

PGI hopes that the meeting with Tzu Chi, which began with the distribution of masks for handling Covid-19, will continue to work together in the future. "Today started with the help of providing masks.  Of course we really hope this cooperation can be continued in other matters going forward, "added Pries Gomar Gultom.

Tzu Chi volunteers were also invited to tour the PGI Cikini Hospital with one of them visiting the home of Raden Saleh, a well-known Indonesian painter that is currently being used as a staff office for PGI Cikini Hospital.

After completing the handover of the masks for the handling of Covid-19, Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to visit one of the historical buildings in the middle of the PGI Cikini Hospital. The historic site is the home of Raden Saleh, a well-known Indonesian painter, which is  currently used as a staff office at PGI Cikini Hospital.

Translated by Chrestella Budyanto (Tzu Chi School)

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