The Bridge that Connects The Economy and Life
Journalist : Rizki Hermadinata (Tzu Chi Bandung), Photographer : Muhammad Dayar (Tzu Chi Bandung)
West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (wearing a vest) together with West Java Kajati (right), Kasam III/Siliwangi (left) and Hengking Wargana (center) cut the ribbon as a sign of the inauguration of the Simpay Asih Citarum Bridge.
After being delayed for a long time due to being hindered by the pandemic conditions, on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 residents in the Village of Resmitinggal, District Kertasari, Bandung Regency can now rejoice, the bridge that supports their economic life was finally inaugurated. The bridge, named the Simpay Asih Citarum Bridge, was inaugurated directly by the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. The 5th bridge built by Tzu Chi Bandung has a length of 70 meters and a width of 1.2 meters.
"The name is a bridge that connects the economy, where previously many bamboo bridges fell down, swept away by water, rebuilt, swept again. Now, Insya Allah with a higher elevation, the potential for the river to be washed away is much smaller. It will be more permanent. Even so, For a suspension bridge, it is better not to cross by too many people, take turns, so that the infrastructure is safe. Because there must be wobbles in the middle," said Emil, "We will also educate residents for its use and maintenance."

This Simpay Asih Citarum Bridge is the 5th bridge built by Tzu Chi Bandung with a length of 70 meters and a width of 1.2 meters. So far, there have been 6 bridges built by Tzu Chi Bandung in West Java.

Henking Wargana, Deputy Chairperson of Tzu Chi Bandung in his speech hoped that this bridge could be a bridge for better relationship between Tzu Chi and the Villagers of Resmitinggal.
The activity began with remarks by the Deputy Chairman of Tzu Chi Bandung, Hengking Wargana. According to him, he is very happy with the existence of this bridge because it can support the daily activities of the local community such as going to the fields, going to school, and one of the access links between the Resmitinggal Village in Kertasari District and Sukarame Village in Pacet District.
"We are very grateful today with our cooperation with the regional government, the TNI and various other parties, this bridge can finally be realized. This bridge connects 1,300 people in two sub-districts, so we from all officials and all stakeholders are very delighted, including the community has contributed. Hopefully with the presence of this bridge it will be easier for people here to work, study, and get health services. Optimistically, it will be a blessing for all the people around here," explained Henking.
Several years ago, people built bridges using bamboo, but several times the bridges made of improvised materials were damaged and washed away due to being eroded by the river and were at high risk to be traversed. After going through a long process, it was decided that the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation would carry out the construction of the bridge.

Dani, a traveling batagor trader, is no longer worried when he has to cross the bridge to the next village to peddle his wares.

This bridge was originally built with self-help made of bamboo structures and is often submerged when flash floods hit. This is certainly dangerous because it is slippery and also the condition is easily fragile.
The welfare of the Simpay Asih Bridge are very large for the community, one of which is felt by Dani, a resident of the Resmitinggal Village who sells batagor (fried tofu bakwan) every day. It has been almost 13 years since Dani has been selling batagor around. Previously, Dani often finds it difficult to cross to the village on the other side of the river, especially during the rainy season because it is very slippery and dangerous.
Dani told me that if he ever slipped while crossing to sell to the next village, he was lucky that he didn't fall into the river. With this bridge, Dani is thankful because now he doesn't have to worry anymore when crossing. Even now finally two-wheeled vehicles can pass it, after a long time can only be passed on foot.
“Previously with the wooden bridge, I often slipped and fell. Alhamdulilah, now I feel that it is very helpful for me to sell and it is very easy to access with this bridge. Alhamdulilah, with this bridge, I can safely cross and sell from here to the next village, because previously I was often caught (obstructed) by floods. Often when it's late in the afternoon, I have to sit here (because I don't dare to cross), Alhamdulilah, now with the presence of this bridge indeed very helpful for me,” said Dani.
Translater: Olivia Tan (Tzu Chi Volunteers)
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