The Humanist Camp DAAI TV 2018: No Mud, No Lotus

Journalist : Arimami Suryo A, Photographer : Arimami Suryo A

A cheerful staff who attended the Humanistic camp DAAI TV 2018 on the 3rd day at Xi She Ting at Jing Si Hall, PIK.

There are a lot of stories in the path of DAAI TV Indonesia. The first four years are the most crucial times. Till today it has always spread love to the society. “No mud, no lotus” is the phrase which said by Hong Tjin, CEO of DAAI TV during the opening speech of the Humanist camp organized by DAAI TV, Indonesia in Xi She Ting at Jing Si Hall, Tzu Chi Center, PIK on Sunday, 11 March 2018.

The words he said has a reason. DAAI TV has started for 11 years which is able to overcome challenges and obstacles. Hong Tjin also said that the Humanist camp by DAAI TV aims to complete the needs of all people. “In this camp, we learn to feel what we have improve and what needs to be improve,” he said.

The beauty of a lotus is also expressed in the humanist camp which gives people a chance to find for a life partner. The audience and the participants of the camp were inspired with the program which was shown in DAAI TV. Aheng and Yuli are parents who were amongst them, who had a child with special needs. Initially, they were introvert and confused. After watching few drama serials and other programs shown on DAAI TV, they were inspired to share their experiences with the community.

“In 2002, we knew DAAI TV from Tzu Chi, which made us realize. At first, I and my wife feel that we are the ones who suffer due to our child with a disability. However, after watching the programs shown on DAAI TV, we realise that many people are also facing a difficult condition,” Aheng said.

Hong Tjin, the CEO of DAAI TV Indonesia gives a message of love to 229 attendees of the camp.

The sharing session by the audience who were inspired with the program shown at DAAI TV. Aheng and Yuli (left) also expressed their stories in this session.

In 2009, Aheng and his wife was struck by an terrible incident. Their child who was only 9 year old passes away. Since that time, Aheng and Yuli were interested to have their hearts on children having special needs. “Since our child passed away, we started to do voluntary service for disabled children."

To be a Patient and Individual Having Humanistic Values

Wearing the uniform of DAAI TV, the staff also filled a quiestionnaire from the camp committee.

Dian Putri (wearing glasses) showed happiness during her participation in the Humanistic Camp DAAI TV 2018.

The humanist camp gives a message for the staff of DAAI TV Indonesia, especially for those who have attended the training for the first time. Dian Putri was one of them who became acquainted with Dian, who was the reporter of the Halo program, Indonesia.

“Being astonished as it was completely different with her daily life which was unorganized. Here, we need to accept a new culture and has a smooth effect to value other people. Now it is smooth and not as complex as before,” said the reporter who has been in DAAI TV for 6 months.

Other than being in the camp, he also gave a positive influence and not only gain lessons in the working world. “It is so different with the mainstream media in general. Here we gain hard skills and soft skills with a clear moral. The culture is also different which is ethical,” said the lady who showed interest in Learning mandarin.

Translated by: Mely Kartono (Tzu Chi School)

Edited by : Wida Maryani (Tzu Chi School)

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The Humanist Camp DAAI TV 2018: No Mud, No Lotus

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There are a lot of stories in the path of DAAI TV Indonesia. The first four years are the most crucial times. Till today it has always spread love to the society. “No mud, no lotus” is the phrase which said by Hong Tjin, CEO of DAAI TV during the opening speech of the Humanist camp organized by DAAI TV, Indonesia in Xi She Ting at Jing Si Hall, Tzu Chi Center, PIK on Sunday, 11 March 2018.

A person must frst light up one’s own heart of brightness then only could transpire others.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -