TIMA Indonesia Telemedicine, Another Form of Health Social Service during the Pandemic
Journalist : Khusnul Khotimah, Photographer : Khusnul Khotimah
Tami and Nurse Wenny team up for TIMA Telemedicine. Tzu Chi medical personnel who are members of TIMA Indonesia continue to actively support the community through the telemedicine program during the pandemic.
TIMA (Tzu Chi International Medical Association) Indonesia Telemedicine Service has made a great contribution and provided inner peace for patients with Covid-19. More than 218 patients consulted directly with TIMA doctors and received drug packages along with vitamins. This second wave of telemedicine opened on January 28, 2022 and continues until now.
Herry and his wife Riana, are Tzu Chi volunteers who used this service in February 2022. They are impressed with the way it promotes healthcare. According to Herry, speaking to a doctor over the phone gave him peace of mind.
“Although my wife has been prescribed by the company doctor where she works, doctor Maryani (from TIMA) insisted on checking our condition via Zoom to make sure," said Herry.
Moreover, just 5 minutes after the consultation, Herry was informed by Tami, a member of TIMA, that their drug packages were ready to be delivered.
“TIMA serves wholeheartedly. It's really amazing and very helpful," he added.

TIMA Telemedicine has become a source of reference for Herry and other volunteers to get health assessment and counseling.
TIMA telemedicine is indeed a form of Tzu Chi's concern, especially for Tzu Chi volunteers and mission staff who have made a lot of contribution to the wider community. Both consultation and medicine are free of charge.
While conducting the telemedicine service, Tami serves as the administrator and is accompanied by Nurse Wenny Yunita who records the patient's complaints, treatment and medication. The other TIMA members in the pharmacy immediately prepare the medicines.
The medicine package itself has been prepared ahead of time. Therefore, after each telemedicine consultation, Tami will immediately inform the patient that the drug package is ready to be delivered.
Social Service during the Pandemic

Dr. Maryani is pleased to provide a virtual consultation with her patients. There are at least 9 TIMA doctors who contribute to this current telemedicine.
Similar to the health social services that TIMA Indonesia often conducts in various parts of the country, Telemedicine is also meant to meet the needs of the community. The difference is that the service is conducted virtually through Zoom link.
The patients – Tzu Chi volunteers and the staff of Tzu Chi mission agency – infected with Covid-19, simply register via the google form and attach the results of the Antigen or PCR SWAB. Tami, a TIMA member who serves as the administrator will immediately contact the prospective patients to arrange the consultation sessions.
TIMA doctors who are available during and after their practice will provide consultations from 16.00-18.00 WIB from Monday-Friday. One of them is Dr. Maryani.
"During the pandemic people are very worried. I will be pleased to explain and provide a quick service. Sometime I go to Tami and say, 'Come on, hurry up, we have to send the medicine as soon as possible as I want the patient to have a speedy recovery’," said Dr. Maryani.
Not only that, Dr. Maryani will follow up almost all of her patients’ conditions.
“And usually, I give my phone number in case of emergency or, just to make them less worried. Patients who are having self-isolation with less severe symptoms will usually recover in five days. I would feel excited to hear the news that they have recovered," she concluded.

On weekends, telemedicine services are closed. However, Tami and Nurse Wenny usually standby in case of emergency calls from the patients.
Speaking of medicine, undoubtedly Tzu Chi (well-off) volunteers could afford it. But in a situation like this, support and attention are most needed, especially by patients with Covid-19. TIMA Indonesia has paid greater attention to this aspect.
During their free time Tami and Nurse Wenny make the effort to ask how the patient is doing or whether their condition has improved. A little attention like this makes the patients feel so much better and safe in these times of crisis.
"Though we only remind the patients not to get distressed and to regularly take the medicine, we hope that the healing process is fast and completes well," said Wenny to a patient.
“First, I was once a patient, too, and truly needed support. Second, I think this is a social service. Our social services sometimes end after midnight; it's the same story,” said Tami.

Using Gosend Service, Tami will send the drug package to the patient after TIMA telemedicine consultation.
Because of their sincere attention, the doctors, Tami and Nurse Wenny often receive a lot of sweet and touching messages.
"Thank you, Nurse Weni, now I am calm and composed."
" The medicine has arrived, I thought it would take so long, but I was wrong. I feel relieved now."
“The (Tzu Chi) foundation cares a lot about me. O my goodness, Nurse Wenny was right, I can't leave Tzu Chi. 😊 "
“For me, that feedback is more than the drug package we sent. Our goal is to keep the patient calm first so they are happy to receive the drug package. We send medicine with the highest quality, the most efficacious products,” said Nurse Wenny.
Feeling grateful for the utmost care and attention provided in the telemedicine service, some patients are motivated to make donation for TIMA drugs purchase.
Translator: Vissia Budi Apriliana, Sweete (Tzu Chi School)