Tzu Chi Distributed Tsunami Aid in Sumur Sub-district

Journalist : Anand Yahya, Photographer : Anand Yahya

Tzu Chi volunteers distributed emergency aid coupons to the residents who had taken refuge in Kertanegara residents' houses around Kertanegara 01 Elementary School building in Sumur sub-district, Pandeglang, Banten. Wednesday (12/26/18).

It had only been a few days after Banten and South Lampung were hit by tsunami, but Tzu Chi Indonesia volunteers immediately distributed aid to assist the victims as an act of emergency response in Sumur Sub-district, Pandeglang, Banten on (27/12/18). The aid that Tzu Chi provided was in the form of toiletries along with buckets, blankets, sarongs and snacks. Tzu Chi's aid was handed over directly to the refugees in Sumur Sub-district located in Kertanegara Village.

Joe Riadi, Chief of Tzu Chi Indonesia Emergency Response Team (TTD), revealed in his statement that this assistance was distributed to the evacuation points located in Kertajaya Village, Cogorondong Village, and Sumberjaya Village, all of which were in Sumur District, Pandeglang. The assistance Tzu Chi provided consist of various types of goods in order to meet the needs of the residents, while they were in the refugee camps or in their homes.

Lilis, one of the hundreds of tsunami victims, said that she was very grateful for the assistance that Tzu Chi volunteers had given. Because Lilis’ family did not have any of those necessities yet. "Thank God, we have been given a sarong and a blanket. We really need this, especially because there are toiletries. Items like these are used every day," said Lilis.

"I have not been able to receive any aid for almost a week. So far, only parts of my neighbors have volunteered to share," said Lilis when seen at Kertanegara 01 School on Thursday (12/27/2018). A total of 400 packages had been distributed in Kertanegara 01 Elementary School building and also two Jing Si rice packs, a ready-to-eat food with an easy cooking process. Jing Si's rice per packet alone can be cooked for dozens of portions, in order to meet the needs of the refugees. Meanwhile, 300 packages were also distributed in Koramil 0115 Cimanggu as well as five truck carts for community cleaning activities.

Lilis (35) was very happy to receive blankets, sarongs and toiletries provided by Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. It had been 5 days since Lilis had taken refuge in Kertanegara Elementary School 01 building because her house in Ujungjaya Village was severely damaged.

Tzu Chi volunteers would like to thank the recipients of the assistance because they were given the opportunity to help residents in Sumur District, Pandeglang, Banten.

In this opportunity of aid distribution, Tzu Chi volunteers from the consumption team also taught TNI soldiers how to cook Jing Si rice, whom at that moment were cooking in Kertanegara 01 school building. Two packs of Jing Si rice were cooked that afternoon after the distribution of aid package.

Wen Ing, coordinator of the consumption team said that Jing Si rice was very easy to cook and could also be mixed with spices according to Indonesian’s taste. "Now I cook it with a little bit of coconut milk and spices. I want to make nasi uduk,” said Wen Ing.

At the same time, Tzu Chi volunteers together with Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Indonesia also held health service assistance, in collaboration with TNI from Koramil 0115 Cimanggu. This activity was also held in the Public Middle School 3 building in Tunggal Jaya Village, Sumur District, Pandeglang Regency.

Tzu Chi committee volunteers, one by one handed alms to the victims who were still being treated at Berkah Hospital, Pandeglang, Banten.

Tzu Chi volunteers before giving assistance always coordinate with Banten regional government. In Labuan (Pandeglang), volunteers attended a meeting with BNPB, Dinkes, TNI / Polri, and BMKG to find out the conditions and situations before distributing assistance.

Tzu Chi volunteers had the opportunity to give condolences money to the victims who were still being treated at Berkah Pandeglang Hospital, Banten. Director of RSUD Berkah, Dr. Firmansyah was very happy to see the arrival of Tzu Chi volunteers who would be paying attention to the families of the tsunami victims.

"If Tzu Chi volunteers want to give attention to the victims' families, we strongly support this assistance," said Dr. Firmansyah upon meeting the volunteers who visited RSUD Berkah. There were 10 people affected by the tsunami who were still being treated at RSUD Berkah. Some of them were treated in the care room and some were in the ICU because their condition was still unstable. The volunteers accompanied by the representatives of the RSUD Berkah directly gave alms to the 10 victims who were still in care and they also handed out condolences money.

The previous day (12/26/18), Tzu Chi volunteers also distributed coupons for residents who had taken refuge in Kertanegara Elementary School building 01. In this school building, around 400 refugees came from Sumberjaya Village, Cigorondong Village, Tamanjaya Village, and Ujungjaya Village in which all of them are located in Sumur sub-district. They are the residents who were directly affected by the tsunami.

Translated by Stefanny Doddy 

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An open heart can accommodate the universe; a closed heart can’t even accommodate a drop of water or tiny sand.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -