Life Wisdom

Life Wisdom: Faith, Vow, and Action

01 November 2021
Life Wisdom on October 26, 2021: I often mention greed and anger. People give rise to anger easily. Why is that? Because people are discontent. As they are not content with what they have, they will get angry when they can't get what they want. They will become afflicted and once they vent out their anger, disputes and turmoil will be incurred.

Life Wisdom: Growing Spiritually on the Bodhisattva Path

29 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 23, 2021: When recruiting volunteers, we have to not only recruit new volunteers but also interact with our senior volunteers in accompanying and developing one another. This is what I hope for for volunteers in faraway Canada. I hope that they can encourage one another.

Life Wisdom: Competing with Time

28 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 22, 2021: When the water element is out of balance, flood occurs; all the crops are destroyed and people’s houses are inundated. This is the kind of disastrous situation people would face when flood occurs.

Life Wisdom: Tzu Chi's Recycling Stations: A Cultivation Ground of Bodhisattvas

25 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 19, 2021:  Some volunteers drive trucks to collect recyclables, and when the trucks loaded with many recyclables return to our recycling stations, many elderly volunteers begin to sort the recyclables.

Life Wisdom: The Best Remedy for the Pandemic

22 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 16, 2021: However, I still must say, besides having gratitude and respect for you, I hope that you will protect yourselves well. You take care of the public’s health, so, you medical professional must stay healthy.

Life Wisdom: Curbing Our Desires to Ease the Pandemic

21 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 15, 2021: Every day, I remind you all to love and protect all living beings and stop the killing of animals. I often remind you all to do so because I hope you can have faith in this principle and live it out at all times. Please understand this.

Life Wisdom: Creating a Holy Land by Preserving the Earth

19 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 14, 2021: Seeing them follow my words and work hard, I know I've created value out of my words and I will give more talks. This is a virtuous cycle that creates merits. By giving, we can create merits for ourselves too.

Life Wisdom: Cherishing Our Resources and Giving to Benefit Others

19 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 13, 2021:  There is a large world population now. If we do not strive to pass on the value of cherishing natural resources, how many resources can be left for people's use? If we keep depleting our blessings instead of sowing more, we will use up our blessings and suffer from poverty in our next life.

Life Wisdom: Being Diligent from One Life to the Next

15 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 09, 2021:  Nurturing love starts with protecting lives and paying importance to life. This is why I often talk about gratitude, respect, and the love of life. Let us be grateful to the land. Let us be grateful to the greater environment.

Life Wisdom: A Direction for All of Us: Love and Goodness

14 October 2021
Life Wisdom on October 08, 2021: I often talk about bodhisattvas. Since there are people in suffering in this world, we need bodhisattvas in this world. The term bodhisattva comes to be because there are people in suffering.
Don’t underestimate yourself, for human beings have unlimited potential.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -