Life Wisdom

Life Wisdom: Practicing Kind Speech and Wholesome Eating Habits

30 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 12, 2021: Seeing everyone wear a face mask, I'm reminded of our mouth. With our mouth, we can interact with others and share the Dharma with them. Through our speech, we can express our thoughts. To have a heart-to-heart talk, we must use our mouth, and to eat food and enjoy good health, we must use our mouth, too.

Life Wisdom: Living a Life of Great Value by Giving

27 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 11, 2021: That is because when doing recycling, they can interact with many other volunteers and live out their value in life by collecting and sorting recyclables that can be remade into useful resources. They think that one must not waste one's life away, so they give of themselves to protect the Earth.

Life Wisdom: Making Vows to Help Countless People

25 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 06, 2021: Jing Si disciples from central Taiwan make vows to Master online. Dear Master, our hearts will always be close to your heart. We will listen to Dharma talks, study Master’s books, diligently cultivate ourselves, pass on the Dharma to benefit all beings, and practice your teachings. Master, please do not worry.

Life Wisdom: Peaceful Mind, Peaceful World

25 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 05, 2021: When I saw that wildfires were still burning in many places, my heart would be burning with anxiety. I was as anxious and worried as those threatened by wildfires. And, when I saw floods that were still ongoing, I was so worried that it's like my heart was also submerged in floodwater.

Life Wisdom: Curbing Our Desires for a Peaceful World

25 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 04, 2021: At a time like this, we must urge everyone to go vegetarian. Vegetarianism is good for our body, and as it can reduce pollution, it is also good for the Earth.

Life Wisdom: Promoting Vegetarianism and Inspiring Goodness in All

23 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 03, 2021: In all, we must protect animals and cultivate goodness. This is what going vegetarian is truly about.

Life Wisdom: Carrying Out Acts of Compassion with Wisdom Around the World

19 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 02, 2021: The 2021 online Tzu Chi Global Four-in-One Leaders’ Diligence Training officially starts. We saw volunteers from many countries took part in Tzu Chi’s global training.

Life Wisdom: Sowing Seeds of Wisdom

18 August 2021
Life Wisdom on August 01, 2021: The 2021 online Tzu Chi Global Four-in-One Leaders’ Diligence Training officially starts. We saw volunteers from many countries took part in Tzu Chi’s global training.

Life Wisdom: The Important Matter of Food: Eat a Vegetarian Diet

16 August 2021
Life Wisdom on July 31, 2021: At this critical time, it requires everyone to follow rules; only when people follow rules can the pandemic situation be brought to an end safely and peacefully. By then, everyone will be safe and well and the world will become clean from the virus.

Life Wisdom: Protecting the World with Our Kindness

16 August 2021
Life Wisdom on July 30, 2021: We see that, right now, there are many places that need our help. Tzu Chi volunteers can exert their remarkable abilities, their spirit makes them remarkable, and as they have determination, there is no obstacle and they can exert their abilities.
Let go of affliction and attachment, make every effort to dedicate one’s ability.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -