Life Wisdom: Cherishing Our Resources and Giving to Benefit Others

“Life is tough for me. Due to my physical condition, I can't do much work. Thank you all for giving us rice,which can sustain my family for some time,” said Evermore Kunhonga, a citizen.
Those starving are truly in great suffering, which is saddening to see. Contrarily, we can enjoy dishes that Contrarily, we can enjoy dishes that look, smell, and taste great. So, we should all harbor gratitude within. Who should we be grateful to? We should be grateful to the land and people and resources around the world.
Indeed, the food we can enjoy is made possible by various factors. Crops grow when there is sunlight, air, soil, and rainwater. As farmers till the land, sow seeds, remove weed, and take care of crops mindfully, good harvests can be reaped and we can fill our stomachs. We enjoy the good consequences and the good causes and conditions are created by the farmers. Of course, favorable weather is indispensable too. So, we should know that no resources come easily.

With people's dedication and good causes and conditions, we can access resources and enjoy peace and comfort. I often say that if only one side of a piece of paper has been written or printed on, the other side can still be written upon with a pencil, a ballpoint pen, and then a brush pen.
I cherish paper greatly. Why is that? Because I know paper is made from pulp and pulp is made from trees. Trees can form a forest that helps conserve the soil and water of a mountain. If we discard paper at will, paper resources will be consumed very quickly and more trees and forests will be destroyed to produce paper.
There is a large world population now. If we do not strive to pass on the value of cherishing natural resources, how many resources can be left for people's use? If we keep depleting our blessings instead of sowing more, we will use up our blessings and suffer from poverty in our next life. Such is the karmic law of cause and effect. As Buddhists, we must understand this.

No one knows how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last. It broke out because people ate animals through their mouth, and ever since, people have had to cover their mouth with a face mask. Although the virus had existed before the outbreak, it was carried only by animals. It was because people ate animals that the virus began to spread.
We cannot survive without food. Yet, Mother Nature already provides us with abundant grains and vegetables. Look at how animals are slaughtered for food. Do we have to eat meat? No. Look at the lush land. Trees, grass, and vegetables on the land can all be turned into food to ease starvation.
Look at those who are poor and suffer from starvation. In this world, 11 people die of hunger each minute. How many people is that each day?

I often say that we should eat 80% full and save 20% of our food to feed the starving. We can help the needy by saving what we can. So, cherishing resources is very important. We can also help the needy by lending our helping hand.
A few days ago, I saw beauty displayed in Taiwan amid the pandemic. As we are calling on people to support our purchase of COVID-19 vaccines, many people have donated what they could. I'm indeed very grateful. Without people's support, Tzu Chi wouldn't be what it is today. So, I harbor gratitude within every day.
At a time like this, vaccines must be purchased. I never ask if we have funds. All I care about is helping the needy. When a disaster occurs, we must quickly pool everyone's efforts together to provide aid. I have faith that everyone can give with love. As long as we call on people to give, everyone will give what they can to help. everyone will give what they can to help.

What's most important is for everyone to help the needy by saving what they can in their coin banks daily. When they save money in their coin banks daily, they are doing good unwaveringly and sowing blessings for others and themselves. Also, the bits of money can be pooled together to help the needy.
Having seen that many people have been inspired to give with love and that bits of money have been pooled together to help the needy, I'm somewhat relieved, for there are many people sowing blessings.