Life Wisdom: Cultivating Blessings and Wisdom by Seizing Time to Give

In my Dharma talks, I often speak of the suffering of birth, aging, illness, and death. We see that around the world, many people suffer from both poverty and illness. They truly are suffering unspeakably. With much suffering to endure, this world is also called the Saha world.
A lot of people live in underdeveloped and impoverished places. The portable beds we gave to those in need were a luxury to them, as they'd never dreamed of having a bed to sleep on. We might find this inconceivable. A mere portable bed was the most precious thing they'd ever had in their lives. What a contrast between the rich and the poor. Indeed, the poor do not ask for much. Even if we can only bring them relief supplies once in a while rather than offering them aid often, they are still very grateful and touched.

When I saw how grateful and touched they were when they received relief supplies from us, I found it hard to describe my feelings. I wondered if the supplies were enough and exactly how long the supplies could sustain them. Would it be a few days or a month? Exactly how long could they sustain themselveswith the supplies we gave? I always felt that the supplies we gave were not enough. We've also been bringing aid to those in suffering in rural areas. We could see out of some people's homes from the inside.
The walls were so broken that it was no better than if there had been no walls at all. Just think, our homes still have living rooms and bedrooms. I've heard a complaint: "My bones have been aching lately." "Why is that?" I asked. "The bed my son bought for me is too soft." It's very difficult for people to be content with what they have. They might think something they have is too goo or wonder why they have to make do with something that is of lower quality. Since we have seen many people in suffering, we should not ask for too much.

Every morning when I wake up, the first thought crossing my mind is gratitude. I'm grateful that I can still move my limbs, get out of bed, and stand up. Since I still enjoy good mobility, how can I not be grateful? Time waits for no one. Every day, with each passing second, our bodily functions gradually decline with age. So, every day, I pay much attention to my bodily functions and work hard to stop them from declining with the passing of time. Is it possible to stop the decline? No. My body declines day by day. I can't walk steadily or give a talk without exerting all my strength. Nor can I see well.
Looking back, I see that despite being mindful, I couldn't stop the passing of time or the decline of my body and strength. So, I can only remind myself to hold firmly on to my initial aspiration and seize every second to give. Let us take good care of our heart and mind and cultivate right views, right thinking, and right conduct at all times. The COP26 summit is taking place in the U.K. and

Tzu Chi was also invited for our work in environmental protection. Our Tzu Chi members from four countries and regions are taking part in this summit, isplaying in the exhibition how we carry out recycling work, including how we collect plastic bottles and remake them into useful things. For example, we can turn a plastic bottle into a ballpoint pen. Textile products andmany other items that we've made from recyclables are on display there. For that, I'm very grateful.
Many of you who are our Tzu Chi commissioners and Tzu Cheng members have also been dedicated to recycling work. Some people deem recyclables as garbage. Yet, by giving with love, you've been turning them into useful things. You are truly mindful, and as there are many of you working together, you have formed great strength. Everyone, I'm grateful that you've long been following me closely by giving with love and carrying out anything I ask you to do. Thank you all.

Every year, I give you Tzu Chi hong-baos to express my gratitude to you. When giving you the hong-baos, I hope you can awaken to the true principles of everything in the universe. So, may you all cherish your hong-baos. May you also seize opportunities and time to live out your value in life. By doing so, you can also cultivate both blessings and wisdom. Thank you all and my best wishes to you.