Life Wisdom: Pooling Love Together Across Malaysia

I've truly witnessed how our Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia have worked with one heart and spread love across the country in the aftermath of the recent flood disaster. My heart truly goes out to those affected. Tens of thousands of houses have been flooded. How shall the affected carry on with their lives?

I've also learned that as the rainy season is not over yet, heavy rainfall is still possible. I hope our Tzu Chi members in Malaysia can all heighten their vigilance and protect themselves well. I've seen how they've mobilized quickly and carried out relief with selfless love and sincere piety. I hope this power of love can help to mitigate the disaster. Let us all pray for Malaysia with sincere piety and send our best wishes to people there.

I've also seen that over 8,000 volunteer shifts have been mobilized to clean up the affected areas. Such is a great power of love. Our volunteer Tan Sri Tan Chee Yioun has also pitched in to help. Everyone has been giving with love.

“Compared to others, I've done little. Yet, you've all praised me. I'm embarrassed. What I did was to invite Tan Sri Dato' Seri Yeoh Choo-Kheng to join the cleanup work. I'm honored and happy to have done so,” said Tan Sri Vincent Tan, a Tzu Chi volunteer.

Mr. Tan, you are so influential that ever since you called on people to help with the cleanup work, many have taken part. I'm very grateful to you. Ms. Yeoh Choo-Kheng has also pitched in to help. She is a world-renowned superstar and you are a world-renowned entrepreneur. Both of you truly are role models to people. I'd like to express my gratitude to you.

We see that to carry out relief this time, support from the government is also required. Our volunteer Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai has worked with the government and helped to pool together the strength of the military for the cleanup work. In all, many prestigious people in Malaysia have brought everyone's heart together for post-flood recovery.

What brings me even more joy is that our volunteers in Penang have made a cross-state trip, driving five or six hours over a distance of more than 400 kilometers to bring aid to the affected areas. Haven't they spread love around in Malaysia? I'm very touched and grateful indeed. I feel deeply for those stranded in floodwaters. So, when I saw our volunteers give with love and inspire others to do the same, I was truly touched.

Indeed, there are many disasters in the world. Due to ignorance and greed, we humans have created much bad karma and have been damaging the land and polluting the air. Natural disasters have been occurring frequently as we've been damaging the Earth. So, we humans are at fault. I often say that we share collective karma. Yet, we also can sow blessings for the world. For that, we must all understand life's truths. When we understand life's truths, our path in life will be smooth and broad.

Yet, if we give rise to ignorance, we will become deluded and stray away from the right path in life. Then, many disasters will occur. Having tapped into our wisdom, we Tzu Chi members have all seen the Bodhisattva Path. Wherever a disaster occurs, our volunteers from all directions will come to the affected area to provide aid and care.

See how our volunteers in Malaysia drove for five or six hours to reach out to the areas affected by floods. Since volunteers living far away have come forth to help, volunteers in the affected areas have been encouraged to work harder. With many volunteers coming together to provide aid, those affected will soon be relieved from their suffering and return to a bright and peaceful life. I'm indeed very grateful to our volunteers for encouraging all to help with the relief work. I hope local people can also witness the dedication of our volunteers.

Everyone, no matter where we are, we must encourage one another to sow blessings, for with blessings, disasters can be mitigated. To sow blessings, we must give of ourselves. Only blessings can bring about auspiciousness that protects us from disasters, like how plastic wrap protects food from spoiling. Blessings can form a protective layer that ensures our safety. So, we must all work together to sow blessings.

Recently, I've often been speaking about the climate and the land. We humans are the key to favorable climate conditions. Only we humans can sow blessings to bring balance to the climate and peace and harmony to the land. All this depends on us. To sow blessings, we must also go vegetarian. Practicing vegetarianism is very important as it is a way to express our sincere piety.

I hope people in Malaysia can all pray for peace with sincere piety by practicing vegetarianism. Our volunteers have created a pure land in Malaysia by serving as living bodhisattvas. I'm very grateful and touched. There are many touching stories. Our volunteers have been sowing blessings, which will bring about auspiciousness that protects the land. May we all encourage one another to sow blessings.
A smart person places great emphasis on gain and loss, whereas a wise person is courageous to let go.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -