Life Wisdom: Seizing Time to Sow Seeds of Goodness

“We reap what we sow. As I did not do much good in my past lives, I live in a metal-sheet house in this life. Having understood this, I must seize my life to work for the common good instead of letting any second slip by in vain,” said Zhuang Bu-feng, a recycling volunteer.
Our lives are closely connected to time. Over time, we can accumulate much good or bad karma. So, we must show our respect and gratitude to time by seizing time to do good, which can also cultivate our wisdom. When we seize time to do good, it's like sowing a seed of goodness in a dry land. As long as we are mindful, this seed can grow into a forest of merits.
“Due to a wildfire, all the water sources had become depleted. So, I came up with an idea and told myself, "If I do not plant banyan trees," this area will become drier and drier,” said Sadiman, a farmer.

There is a large piece of land in Central Java, Indonesia. In the past, people there burned trees to procure more farmland and inadvertently brought about a wildfire, destroying the forest and charring the land. A little more than 20 years ago, this elderly farmer began to plant trees on that piece of land. He has sold much of his property to buy saplings and planted them there.
He has truly dedicated his life and property to this good cause. As he loves and cares for the land, he has not only grown a forest of big trees but also restored water sources there. In the past, we all thought he was crazy, as he exchanged his goats for banyan seeds. But now, thanks to his dedication, clean water is available in several villages.
“I hope people here can always enjoy a happy and abundant life and that people will no longer burn trees,” said Sadiman, a farmer.

As a saying goes: If one generation plants trees, the future generations can enjoy their shades. This elderly farmer has dedicated his life and property to planting trees there. Has he created value out of his life? He has created a lot of value as he has sown blessings for the world. Since he has not only brought vitality back to the land but also restored water sources there, he has truly lived out his value in life.
Can this count as environmental protection efforts? Yes, in every sense, as he has contributed a lot in protecting the land and making the air cleaner. With Tzu Chi recycling stations in many places, we've also been protecting the environment. We have 534 recycling stations around the world that also serve to call on all to take up recycling.

Our recycling volunteers have all been doing recycling wholeheartedly. There are many of them. Besides 500-plus recycling stations, there are over 8,000 recycling points too. We have more than 110,000 recycling volunteers who have been doing recycling with all their hearts and strength to care for the Earth. They have bought trucks to transport recyclables and have been serving with love and care.
Although recyclable proceeds are very little and don't cover their labor costs, they are all more than willing to do recycling. Thirty years ago, I began to promote recycling with the slogan "Turn garbage into gold," and our volunteers have been following my words ever since. They've turned recyclables into useful resources, inspired many people to love the Earth, and helped to form a stream of purity that flows around the world. Our volunteers do recycling very diligently and set a good example for all.
They've been guiding everyone to cherish resources, protect the land, and make the air clean. Whenever I visit our recycling stations during my tour, I always feel that I can breathe smoothly. What I see brings me joy and I admire our volunteers from the bottom of my heart. It seems that I can smell fragrance created by our volunteers' outstanding character.

It's truly fragrance from outstanding character as our volunteers all work hard to recycle and are determined to give of themselves. I'm not sure if I have time to visit our recycling stations during my tour this time. There is not enough time indeed. Our recycling volunteers never let any second slip by in vain.
They arrive at our recycling stations before daybreak and do not go home until after sunset. They've been seizing their lives to make the land cleaner and reduce air pollution. They've truly created countless merits. I'm grateful that we have over 500 recycling stations, over 8,000 recycling points, and more than 110,000 recycling volunteers around the world.
As there are so many recycling volunteers serving as bodhisattvas towards a common goal serving as bodhisattvas towards a common goal of benefitting the world, I'm filled with gratitude.