Life Wisdom: Working Together to Benefit People in Need

In this world, we can attain Buddhahood, learn about Buddhism, and walk the Bodhisattva Path to help people in suffering. This is called walking the Bodhisattva Path. At the end of the Bodhisattva Path, one attains Buddhahood. So, Bodhisattvas reach out and help people in suffering.
We need to make good use of our time. With the climate change, it’s difficult to live in such an environment. Yet, living at such a time and in such a space, we need to bear with it. We still have the strength and ability to help people. So, we need to use our strength to help people around us. Taking that further, we need to inspire people around us to volunteer.
As we know them, we tell them about life’s principles and invite them to walk the Bodhisattva Path with us. Together, we walk the same path to help people, alleviate their suffering, tell people about life’s principles, and inspire them to walk the Bodhisattva Path with us. This is how we use the Buddha’s teachings in this world.
We apply the teachings in different ways to different people with different lifestyles to help them realize and awaken from the teachings. At this time, this pandemic is giving us a direction, a grand lesson, which teaches us the important matter of eating. From this grand lesson, we can start with changing the way we eat. We gain insights and awaken from the food we eat. Then, we tell people the principles that we’ve realized.

This is using our mouth to speak life’s principles and awaken people’s minds. This is how we truly create boundless merits. Creating blessings and accumulating merits can eliminate disasters in the world. Only by creating blessings and accumulating merits can we eliminate disasters.
Otherwise, with the world being so big, how can we possibly save the world? Saving the world is everyone’s responsibility. We need to let everyone know about life’s principles so they know of their responsibility. Otherwise, people will be in ignorance and do not know life’s principles. With their deluded minds, they create negative karma.
The Buddha came to the world and vowed to save living beings. Yet, can he reach them and save them all? It’s hard. So, what we can do is to try our best. We need to make use of everyone’s strength to help people. When our aid supply arrive at a place in need, we need manpower to distribute them.

For the pandemic, we’re helping countries such as Nepal and India, where there are many religions, so we work with different religious organizations. We invite organizations from various religions to work with us. With this spirit of religions working together, people come together to deliver goods to poor families. As there were plenty of aid supply to distribute, businessman, religious workers, and charities were working together, despite that people have different faith and social status. People came together and served.
Indeed, as people give of their love, the love of different religions has come together. This is a grand notion, for religions to work together and give with kindness; after all, there is just this one mindset.
Look at all the people with different religions and the same mindset, they have overcome all the difficulties. They take the love of the world together, regardless of labels or religions. When there is love in one’s heart, it’s all Great Love.
Love has no size, when love comes together, it is great, and we can rely on one another and put our strength together to help others. I hope, as we start with a direction and begin walking, everyone will head in the same direction, and by gathering people together, we can walk on the same path with the right direction and not be separated, this way, our strength will be great.

Life is about having the right thinking, and knowing what we need to do. In terms of interacting with people and managing affairs, by influencing people to walk toward the good, there is value in one’s life. Each one of us can do this, each one of us can be willing to serve in the sun, sweating as we give of our strength.
Dharma can be found in the experience we gain from serving; what we’ve gained is for ourselves, and this is call accumulating and multiplying our merits. We accumulate our ability and utilize time so they don’t go to waste. When I serve with my ability, I have already gained something as I accomplish a task, and here lies the value of life. Let us earnestly nurture this mindset.
Time keeps on passing by, and I hope everyone can take my words to heart, carry out the teachings so the true Dharma is in the world. Hence, let us be mindful in each moment.