Master's Dharma Talk: Circulating Love and Kindness to Bring Hope

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“Thank you, Taiwan. Thank you, Tzu Chi,” said a Haitian citizen.

Ever since the destructive earthquake hit Haiti, Tzu Chi volunteers have been serving there. They meticulously carry out Tzu Chi’s work there with patience and have sown seeds of love in the heart of many locals, inspiring them to become volunteers. Filled with love, these local volunteers have helped Tzu Chi distribute aid for many years.

They also help Tzu Chi in raising awareness of environmental protection, as well as visiting the poor. Even though they are poor themselves, they have developed spiritual riches within them. And they cultivate themselves diligently. These are signs that their life will soon improve. Once people start working diligently, they can secure a job.

Gradually, their life will become more stable. We see hope in Haiti. We also see Tzu Chi volunteers in Thailand. In a low-lying area, whenever there’s a flood, the area becomes flooded for months, making transportation difficult. It is hard for the affected to go around in the flooded area, so the local government asked us to provide 30 boats to them, including the three in 2011.

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In total, we donated 30 boats to them. Boats donated by Tzu Chi will be lent to the residents. Three or four families will share a boat. After the floodwater recedes, they will return the boats to us for safekeeping till there’s a need again. We load the goods on the boat to sell. The boat has helped us a lot. It helps us keep the business going and make a living.

“Without it, we can’t do anything during the flood. The boat has helped us a lot. Before, my brother had to wade through the water every Friday in order to pray in the Mosque. Now he goes there by boat. It’s much easier,” said a citizen.

“We usually provide the affected with food and other necessities. This time we provide them with means of transportation, so that they can go around without putting themselves in danger; they don’t need to wade through the water,” said Hong Deng-xiong, a Tzu Chi volunteer.

Providing people with means of transportation is also a way of helping them. We also see a street cleaner in Malaysia. It is very touching. We were cutting up cardboards there and stacking them up in piles.

“He asked, “What are you going to do with all these cardboards?” I told him, “These are not for me.” He thought I was selling them for money. I said, “I’m collecting them for charity. They go to Tzu Chi.” He said, “OK. I can collect recyclables and give them to you.” When I see plastics, I pick them up. I do recycling on foot, because it’s hard to spot recyclables. if I ride or drive. I like doing this very much, because these recyclables can help those in need,” said Sandiran, a Tzu Chi volunteer.

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We also see Tzu Chi in Indonesia. Tzu Chi volunteers have been caring for the poor and helping the needy for many years. They have been providing large-scale free clinics. Their tuition aid have helped many students complete their study.

“What I have achieved is not because I’m great nor because of my own strength. I’m here because Tzu Chi helped me. In fact, I’m motivated because I want to return the favor with my achievement,” said Agatha.

See, the students we have helped reciprocate after they have completed their study. She is now working in Tzu Chi’s hospital with mindfulness. She reciprocates with love and Tzu Chi’s spirit and values. This is her way of showing gratitude. The giver gives without expecting anything in return. The receiver reciprocates with gratitude. Such interaction is heartwarming. What a wonderful world it is!

We also see volunteers in Jiangsu, China. We provide tuition aids to students in northern Jiangsu in collaboration with the government’s Spring Bud Project. Since 2007, we have been caring for students for 10 years, providing them tuition aid. This is what we have been doing. While providing aid, we also care for their family. Also, by teaching them Jing Si Aphorisms, we help them develop love.

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Students come to know about the spirit of Tzu Chi’s coin bank program. They save coins daily and donate them to (help others). This is how we inspire love in them. What we see is really touching. Tzu Chi volunteers overseas do this, volunteers in Taiwan are also doing this. They all seize time to carry out Tzu Chi’s missions.

All over the island, Tzu Cheng and Tzu Chi commissioners have been setting examples. When they see ill elderly living alone in a shabby residence without anyone looking after them, Tzu Chi volunteers would provide them care. Over the decades, volunteers have helped many care recipients like this. There are too many to count. When the roof of a care recipient’s house is leaking, volunteers would mobilize to repair the roof and clean up the house. There are many examples of this.

To keep this spirit (of helping people) going, volunteers (develop religious spirit) from our Jing Si Dharma Lineage. They frequently come to Hualien for training. They frequently come to Hualien for training as well as deepen their understanding of Tzu Chi’s spirit and values. To pass on the Jing Si Dharma Lineage, volunteers conduct training camps often. As a result, they continue to develop the bodhisattva spirit and learn the Buddha’s teachings.

I am grateful that Tzu Chi volunteers have been setting such good examples. Volunteers in Taiwan, the birthplace of Tzu Chi, need to take on more responsibilities. There are so many things to do. Many places around the world are in desperate situation. We need to seize our time. With natural disasters (happening so often), we all have to make the best of our time.

All in all, there are so many touching stories. Looking around the world, Tzu Chi volunteers have given of themselves and inspired so many people in many countries. This is why I have been encouraging volunteers every day to purify people’s hearts. They have been diligently in doing so. I am truly grateful to these living bodhisattvas.

Editor: Khusnul Khotimah
The beauty of humanity lies in honesty. The value of humanity lies in faith.
- Kata Perenungan Master Cheng Yen -